[harvester info] codemeta-harvester 0.4.0 (outputdir=/tmp/out, cachedir=/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/, opts= --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl) [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing alpino-service (https://github.com/proycon/alpino_clam_webservice) [Wed Sep 18 03:00:01 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/alpino_clam_webservice... [harvester info] Found release v2.4 [harvester info] Using 'v2.4' From https://github.com/proycon/alpino_clam_webservice * tag v2.4 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v2.4 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/alpino-service for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for alpino-service (md5sum dc9e71f716c2bf61ee5f99729991134a); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] found python setup for alpino-service, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2015-09-08T23:41:30Z+0200, date modified: 2023-11-01T11:56:10Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/proycon/alpino_clam_webservice) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 573 100 573 0 0 4232 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 4276 100 460 100 460 0 0 1993 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1993 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v2.4) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./alpino_webservice) [harvester info] Setting group Alpino Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "alpino-service" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/alpino_clam_webservice" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/alpino-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.alpino-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.alpino-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.alpino-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.alpino-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.alpino-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.alpino-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.alpino-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.alpino-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.alpino-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.alpino-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.alpino-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.alpino-service.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 12 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.alpino-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.alpino-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.alpino-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.alpino-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.alpino-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.alpino-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.alpino-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.alpino-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.alpino-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.alpino-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.alpino-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.alpino-service.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service Processing source #1 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.alpino-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.alpino-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.alpino-service.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.alpino-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.alpino-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.alpino-service.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino_clam_webservice/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service)] processed 19 new triples, total is now 24 Processing source #7 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.alpino-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2015-09-08T21:43:45Z -> 2015-09-08T23:41:30Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-11-01T10:57:51Z -> 2023-11-01T11:56:10Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 24 Processing source #8 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.alpino-service.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-webservice/2.4 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (alpino-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-674f0620268683ab -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-45e5ed55ce548b30) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (alpino-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (A CLAM-powered webservice for Alpino, a dependency parser for Dutch -> Alpino is a dependency parser for Dutch, developed in the context of the PIONIER Project Algorithms for Linguistic Processing, developed by Gertjan van Noord at the University of Groningen. This is the webservice for it. You can upload either tokenised or untokenised files (which will be automatically tokenised for you using ucto), the output will consist of a zip file containing XML files, one for each sentence in the input document.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (alpino-webservice)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (alpino-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (alpino_clam_webservice -> Alpino-Webservice) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (alpino-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v2.4 -> 2.4) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (alpino-webservice)] processed 69 new triples, total is now 83 Processing source #9 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.alpino-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (alpino-webservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 83 Processing source #10 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.alpino-service.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (alpino-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareRequirements (https://tools.clariah.nl/dependency/folia-tools -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H245ea934cbe8ac48) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (alpino-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareRequirements (https://tools.clariah.nl/dependency/natsort -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H245ea934cbe8ac48) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (alpino-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareRequirements (https://tools.clariah.nl/dependency/clam-ge-3-1-4 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H245ea934cbe8ac48) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (alpino-webservice)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 88 Processing source #11 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.alpino-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (alpino-webservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 88 Processing source #12 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.alpino-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (alpino-webservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 89 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service -> https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service/2.4 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (alpino-service)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (alpino-service)] Guessing interface type http://schema.org/WebAPI based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (alpino-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (alpino-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (alpino-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (alpino-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (alpino-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (alpino-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (alpino-service)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (alpino-service)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service/2.4 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service/2.4 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service/2.4 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service/2.4 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service/2.4 #5: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino-service/2.4 #6: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/alpino-service.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/alpino for alpino-service: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/alpino-service.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/alpino-service.codemeta.json" "https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/alpino" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing alpino-service (https://github.com/proycon/alpino_clam_webservice) [Wed Sep 18 03:00:20 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/alpino-service.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing alpino (https://github.com/rug-compling/alpino) [Wed Sep 18 03:00:20 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/rug-compling/alpino... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'master' From https://github.com/rug-compling/alpino * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: master [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/alpino for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for alpino (md5sum ce2374838d84936f0ca282288f17d373); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./webdemo.py) [harvester info] Setting group Alpino [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "alpino" --codeRepository "https://github.com/rug-compling/alpino" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/alpino.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.alpino.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.alpino.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.alpino.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 3 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.alpino.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.alpino.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.alpino.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino Processing source #1 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.alpino.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.alpino.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://www.let.rug.nl/alfa/rdf/alpino Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino)] processed 95 new triples, total is now 95 Processing source #3 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.alpino.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 96 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino -> https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino/0.0.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (alpino)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (alpino)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/alpino/0.0.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/alpino.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing alpino (https://github.com/rug-compling/alpino) [Wed Sep 18 03:00:23 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/alpino.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing alpinograph (https://github.com/rug-compling/alpinograph) [Wed Sep 18 03:00:23 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/rug-compling/alpinograph... [harvester info] Found release v1.0.5 [harvester info] Using 'v1.0.5' From https://github.com/rug-compling/alpinograph * tag v1.0.5 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v1.0.5 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/alpinograph for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for alpinograph (md5sum d018a7ebc7fdcdd169d1722078cc646a); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./tools) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "alpinograph" --codeRepository "https://github.com/rug-compling/alpinograph" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/alpinograph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.alpinograph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.alpinograph.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.alpinograph.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.alpinograph.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/alpinograph Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.alpinograph.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpinograph [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alpinograph)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.alpinograph.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://www.let.rug.nl/alfa/rdf/alpinograph Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alpinograph [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alpinograph)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alpinograph)] processed 87 new triples, total is now 87 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/alpinograph -> https://tools.clariah.nl/alpinograph/1.0.5 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (alpinograph)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (alpinograph)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H44e4f2ced0c706e2 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (alpinograph)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/alpinograph/1.0.5 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/alpinograph/1.0.5 #2: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/alpinograph.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing alpinograph (https://github.com/rug-compling/alpinograph) [Wed Sep 18 03:00:25 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/alpinograph.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing alud (https://github.com/rug-compling/alud) [Wed Sep 18 03:00:25 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/rug-compling/alud... [harvester info] Found release v2.14.0 [harvester info] Using 'v2.14.0' From https://github.com/rug-compling/alud * tag v2.14.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v2.14.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/alud for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for alud (md5sum 734680b0fca3a08b03ecec46918b4d4f); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./fixpunct.py) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "alud" --codeRepository "https://github.com/rug-compling/alud" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/alud.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.alud.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.alud.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.alud.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.alud.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/alud Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.alud.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alud [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alud)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.alud.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://www.let.rug.nl/alfa/rdf/alud Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/alud [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alud)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/alud)] processed 126 new triples, total is now 126 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/alud -> https://tools.clariah.nl/alud/2.14.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (alud)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (alud)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-34e1989405853d86 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (alud)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-770d1d805ce19d6c as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (alud)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/alud/2.14.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/alud.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing alud (https://github.com/rug-compling/alud) [Wed Sep 18 03:00:27 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/alud.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing analiticcl (https://github.com/proycon/analiticcl) [Wed Sep 18 03:00:27 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/analiticcl... [harvester info] Found release v0.4.6 [harvester info] Using 'v0.4.6' From https://github.com/proycon/analiticcl * tag v0.4.6 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.4.6 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/analiticcl for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found Cargo.toml (rust) for analiticcl, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Parsing MAINTAINERS... [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2021-04-13T18:30:22Z+0200, date modified: 2024-04-22T11:29:55Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/proycon/analiticcl) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 553 100 553 0 0 4895 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 4937 100 4221 100 4221 0 0 19935 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 19935 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11030799 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Found CI https://github.com/proycon/analiticcl/actions/workflows/analiticcl.yml [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from https://docs.rs/analiticcl/ [harvester info] Found documentation at https://docs.rs/analiticcl/ : "name": "analiticcl - Rust", [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.4.6) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Parsing MAINTAINERS from master branch... not a stub (./examples) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "analiticcl" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/analiticcl" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/analiticcl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.analiticcl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.analiticcl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.analiticcl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.analiticcl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.analiticcl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.analiticcl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.analiticcl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.analiticcl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/30-maintainers.analiticcl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.analiticcl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.analiticcl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.analiticcl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.analiticcl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.analiticcl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.analiticcl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.analiticcl.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 16 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.analiticcl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.analiticcl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.analiticcl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.analiticcl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.analiticcl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.analiticcl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.analiticcl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.analiticcl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/30-maintainers.analiticcl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.analiticcl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.analiticcl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.analiticcl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.analiticcl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.analiticcl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.analiticcl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.analiticcl.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl Processing source #1 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.analiticcl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.analiticcl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.analiticcl.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.analiticcl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] processed 4 new triples, total is now 7 Processing source #5 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.analiticcl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 9 Processing source #6 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.analiticcl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #7 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.analiticcl.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] processed 26 new triples, total is now 35 Processing source #8 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.analiticcl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2021-04-19T21:14:09Z -> 2021-04-13T18:30:22Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-04-22T10:43:26Z -> 2024-04-22T11:29:55Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 35 Processing source #9 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/30-maintainers.analiticcl.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/maintainers/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] processed 6 new triples, total is now 35 Processing source #10 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.analiticcl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 35 Processing source #11 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.analiticcl.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cargo.toml/0.4.6 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-42c502511fb218cc -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-5e113152c36202b) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (an approximate string matching or fuzzy-matching system for spelling correction, normalisation or post-OCR correction -> Analiticcl is an approximate string matching or fuzzy-matching system that can be used to find variants for spelling correction or text normalisation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (approximate-string-matching -> linguistics) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (normalization -> linguistics) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (fuzzy-matching -> linguistics) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-or-later) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/readme (https://github.com/proycon/analiticcl/blob/v0.4.6//README.md -> https://tools.clariah.nl/README.md) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareHelp (https://docs.rs/analiticcl/ -> https://docs.rs/analiticcl) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.4.6 -> 0.4.6) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] processed 63 new triples, total is now 80 Processing source #12 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.analiticcl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 81 Processing source #13 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.analiticcl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 81 Processing source #14 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.analiticcl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 81 Processing source #15 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.analiticcl.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/maintainers/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] processed 6 new triples, total is now 81 Processing source #16 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.analiticcl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 86 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl -> https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl/0.4.6 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (analiticcl)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (analiticcl)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (analiticcl)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl/0.4.6 #1: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl/0.4.6 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl/0.4.6 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl/0.4.6 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/analiticcl/0.4.6 #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/analiticcl.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing analiticcl (https://github.com/proycon/analiticcl) [Wed Sep 18 03:00:45 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/analiticcl.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing annorepo-client (https://github.com/knaw-huc/annorepo-python-client) [Wed Sep 18 03:00:46 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/knaw-huc/annorepo-python-client... [harvester info] Found release 0.1.3 [harvester info] Using '0.1.3' From https://github.com/knaw-huc/annorepo-python-client * tag 0.1.3 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: 0.1.3 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/annorepo-client for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for annorepo-client, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Parsing MAINTAINERS... [harvester info] Parsing AUTHORS... [harvester info] Parsing CONTRIBUTORS... [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2022-04-07T12:02:03Z+0200, date modified: 2023-11-29T16:33:58Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/knaw-huc/annorepo-python-client) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 577 100 577 0 0 5032 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5061 100 462 100 462 0 0 2490 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2490 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#wip [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from https://annorepo-python-client.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ [harvester info] Found documentation at https://annorepo-python-client.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ : "name": "annorepo-client — annorepo-client 0.1.4 documentation", [harvester info] Scraping title from https://annorepo-python-client.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest [harvester info] Found documentation at https://annorepo-python-client.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest : "name": "annorepo-client — annorepo-client 0.1.4 documentation", [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (0.1.3) if no version number is specified... Your branch is behind 'origin/main' by 18 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Parsing MAINTAINERS from master branch... not a stub (./tests) [harvester info] Setting group AnnoRepo Your branch is behind 'origin/main' by 18 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "annorepo-client" --codeRepository "https://github.com/knaw-huc/annorepo-python-client" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/31-authors.annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/30-maintainers.annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.annorepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.annorepo-client.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 17 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/31-authors.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/30-maintainers.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.annorepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client Processing source #1 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.annorepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.annorepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.annorepo-client.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.annorepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 11 Processing source #5 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.annorepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 13 Processing source #6 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.annorepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 14 Processing source #7 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.annorepo-client.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-python-client/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client)] processed 12 new triples, total is now 25 Processing source #8 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.annorepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2022-04-07T10:43:58Z -> 2022-04-07T12:02:03Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-11T16:03:46Z -> 2023-11-29T16:33:58Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 25 Processing source #9 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.annorepo-client.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/contributors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 32 Processing source #10 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/31-authors.annorepo-client.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/authors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 33 Processing source #11 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/30-maintainers.annorepo-client.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/maintainers/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client)] processed 6 new triples, total is now 34 Processing source #12 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.annorepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 34 Processing source #13 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.annorepo-client.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client/0.1.3 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (annorepo-client)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> https://www.repostatus.org/#concept) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (annorepo-client)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (annorepo-python-client -> annorepo-client) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (annorepo-client)] processed 85 new triples, total is now 104 Processing source #14 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.annorepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (annorepo-client)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#concept -> https://www.repostatus.org/#wip) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (annorepo-client)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 104 Processing source #15 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.annorepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (annorepo-client)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#wip -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (annorepo-client)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 104 Processing source #16 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.annorepo-client.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/maintainers/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (annorepo-client)] processed 6 new triples, total is now 104 Processing source #17 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.annorepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (annorepo-client)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 105 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client -> https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client/0.1.3 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (annorepo-client)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (annorepo-client)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client/0.1.3 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client/0.1.3 #2: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo-client/0.1.3 #3: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/annorepo-client.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing annorepo-client (https://github.com/knaw-huc/annorepo-python-client) [Wed Sep 18 03:01:09 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/annorepo-client.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing annorepo (https://github.com/knaw-huc/annorepo) [Wed Sep 18 03:01:09 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/knaw-huc/annorepo... [harvester info] Found release v0.6.3 [harvester info] Using 'v0.6.3' From https://github.com/knaw-huc/annorepo * tag v0.6.3 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.6.3 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/annorepo for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for annorepo (md5sum cd48d26b9b02c1b63b057be5369b56c3); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] found pom.xml (Java/Maven) for annorepo, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license Apache-2.0 [harvester info] Parsing MAINTAINERS... [harvester info] Parsing AUTHORS... [harvester info] Parsing CONTRIBUTORS... [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2022-03-24T17:29:49Z+0100, date modified: 2024-04-03T17:17:29Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/knaw-huc/annorepo) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 551 100 551 0 0 5446 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5455 100 449 100 449 0 0 2142 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2142 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Found TRL https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Stage3Experimental [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.6.3) if no version number is specified... Your branch is behind 'origin/main' by 99 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Parsing MAINTAINERS from master branch... not a stub (./docs) [harvester info] Setting group AnnoRepo Your branch is behind 'origin/main' by 99 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "annorepo" --codeRepository "https://github.com/knaw-huc/annorepo" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/31-authors.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/30-maintainers.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.annorepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.annorepo.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 18 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/31-authors.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/30-maintainers.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.annorepo.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo Processing source #1 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.annorepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.annorepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.annorepo.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.annorepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.annorepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.annorepo.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo)] processed 16 new triples, total is now 21 Processing source #7 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.annorepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2022-03-24T16:29:48Z -> 2022-03-24T17:29:49Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-17T09:25:47Z -> 2024-04-03T17:17:29Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 21 Processing source #8 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.annorepo.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/contributors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 34 Processing source #9 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/31-authors.annorepo.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/authors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 37 Processing source #10 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/30-maintainers.annorepo.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/maintainers/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo)] processed 6 new triples, total is now 38 Processing source #11 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.annorepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 -> Apache-2.0) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 38 Processing source #12 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.annorepo.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/io.github.knaw-huc.annorepo/0.6.3 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (io.github.knaw-huc.annorepo)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-15b5afeb2da5339f -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-76a0f3896d3884a5) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (io.github.knaw-huc.annorepo)] overriding old http://schema.org/codeRepository (https://github.com/knaw-huc/annorepo -> http://github.com/knaw-huc/annorepo/tree/main) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (io.github.knaw-huc.annorepo)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Annotation Repository -> Implementation of W3C Web Annotation Protocol (root project)) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (io.github.knaw-huc.annorepo)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (annorepo -> AnnoRepo) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (io.github.knaw-huc.annorepo)] overriding old http://schema.org/producer (https://tools.clariah.nl/org/knaw-humanities-cluster -> https://tools.clariah.nl/org/huc-di) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (io.github.knaw-huc.annorepo)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.6.3 -> 0.6.3) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (io.github.knaw-huc.annorepo)] processed 26 new triples, total is now 55 Processing source #13 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.annorepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (io.github.knaw-huc.annorepo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 56 Processing source #14 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.annorepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (io.github.knaw-huc.annorepo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 56 Processing source #15 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.annorepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (io.github.knaw-huc.annorepo)] overriding old http://schema.org/programmingLanguage (Java -> Kotlin) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (io.github.knaw-huc.annorepo)] overriding old http://schema.org/producer (https://tools.clariah.nl/org/huc-di -> https://huc.knaw.nl) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (io.github.knaw-huc.annorepo)] processed 27 new triples, total is now 80 Processing source #16 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.annorepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (io.github.knaw-huc.annorepo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 80 Processing source #17 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.annorepo.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/maintainers/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (io.github.knaw-huc.annorepo)] processed 6 new triples, total is now 80 Processing source #18 of 18 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.annorepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (io.github.knaw-huc.annorepo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 81 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo -> https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo/0.6.3 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (annorepo)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/annorepo/0.6.3 #1: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/annorepo.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing annorepo (https://github.com/knaw-huc/annorepo) [Wed Sep 18 03:01:33 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/annorepo.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing asr_nl (https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/asr_nl) [Wed Sep 18 03:01:33 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/asr_nl... [harvester info] Found release v0.6.2 [harvester info] Using 'v0.6.2' From https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/asr_nl * tag v0.6.2 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.6.2 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/asr_nl for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for asr_nl (md5sum c38d31855921f1b956862aa9c5b2bed7); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./asr_nl) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "asr_nl" --codeRepository "https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/asr_nl" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/asr_nl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.asr_nl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.asr_nl.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.asr_nl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.asr_nl.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/asr-nl Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.asr_nl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/asr-nl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/asr-nl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.asr_nl.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/asr-nl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (asr_nl)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (asr_nl)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (asr_nl)] processed 70 new triples, total is now 70 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/asr-nl -> https://tools.clariah.nl/asr_nl/0.6.2 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (asr_nl)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (asr_nl)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (asr_nl)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H66e57169207bf7b0 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (asr_nl)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-5b195d082f38428 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (asr_nl)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H718c10693696f6a3 as contributor VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/asr_nl/0.6.2 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/asr_nl/0.6.2 #2: Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/asr_nl/0.6.2 #3: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/asr_nl/0.6.2 #4: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/asr_nl/0.6.2 #5: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/asr_nl/0.6.2 #6: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/asr_nl.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/asr_nl/ for asr_nl: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/asr_nl.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/asr_nl.codemeta.json" "https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/asr_nl/" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing asr_nl (https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/asr_nl) [Wed Sep 18 03:01:39 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/asr_nl.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing asrservice (https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/asrservice) [Wed Sep 18 03:01:39 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/asrservice... [harvester info] Found release v0.3 [harvester info] Using 'v0.3' From https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/asrservice * tag v0.3 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.3 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/asrservice for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for asrservice, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license AGPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2024-02-16T11:01:30Z+0100, date modified: 2024-04-12T10:39:45Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/asrservice) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found buildInstructions in INSTALL [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 595 100 595 0 0 6123 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 6197 100 471 100 471 0 0 2614 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2614 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.3) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./cpu.Dockerfile) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "asrservice" --codeRepository "https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/asrservice" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/asrservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.asrservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.asrservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.asrservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.asrservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/42-buildinstructions.asrservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.asrservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.asrservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.asrservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.asrservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.asrservice.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 10 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.asrservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.asrservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.asrservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.asrservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/42-buildinstructions.asrservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.asrservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.asrservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.asrservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.asrservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.asrservice.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice Processing source #1 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.asrservice.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.asrservice.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.asrservice.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.asrservice.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/42-buildinstructions.asrservice.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.asrservice.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 7 Processing source #7 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.asrservice.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 20 Processing source #8 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.asrservice.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2024-02-16T10:06:53Z -> 2024-02-16T11:01:30Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-04-15T12:24:08Z -> 2024-04-12T10:39:45Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 20 Processing source #9 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.asrservice.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0-only -> AGPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 20 Processing source #10 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.asrservice.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice/0.3 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (asrservice)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> https://www.repostatus.org/#wip) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (asrservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0-only -> http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (asrservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.3 -> 0.3) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (asrservice)] processed 64 new triples, total is now 77 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice -> https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice/0.3 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (asrservice)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (asrservice)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (asrservice)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (asrservice)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (asrservice)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (asrservice)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (asrservice)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (asrservice)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (asrservice)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (asrservice)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (asrservice)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice/0.3 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice/0.3 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice/0.3 #3: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice/0.3 #4: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice/0.3 #5: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice/0.3 #6: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/asrservice/0.3 #7: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/asrservice.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://webservices2.cls.ru.nl/asrservice/ for asrservice: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/asrservice.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/asrservice.codemeta.json" "https://webservices2.cls.ru.nl/asrservice/" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing asrservice (https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/asrservice) [Wed Sep 18 03:01:54 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/asrservice.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing auchann (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/auchann) [Wed Sep 18 03:01:54 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/auchann... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'develop' From https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/auchann * branch develop -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: develop [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/auchann for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for auchann, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2022-01-12T10:39:58Z+0100, date modified: 2023-08-21T12:04:40Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/auchann) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 579 100 579 0 0 4933 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 4991 100 463 100 463 0 0 2493 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2493 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (develop) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/develop'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./auchann.egg-info) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/develop'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "auchann" --codeRepository "https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/auchann" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/auchann.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.auchann.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.auchann.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.auchann.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.auchann.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.auchann.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.auchann.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.auchann.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.auchann.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 8 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.auchann.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.auchann.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.auchann.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.auchann.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.auchann.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.auchann.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.auchann.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.auchann.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann Processing source #1 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.auchann.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.auchann.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.auchann.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.auchann.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.auchann.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.auchann.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 19 Processing source #7 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.auchann.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2022-01-12T09:39:57Z -> 2022-01-12T10:39:58Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-08-21T11:46:54Z -> 2023-08-21T12:04:40Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 19 Processing source #8 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.auchann.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann/0.2.0 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (auchann)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Generates CHAT annotations from transcript-correction utterance pairs -> The AuChAnn (Automatic CHAT Annotation) package can generate CHAT annotations based on a transcript-correction pairs of utterances.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (auchann)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (develop -> 0.2.0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (auchann)] processed 49 new triples, total is now 61 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann -> https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann/0.2.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (auchann)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (auchann)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (auchann)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/digital-humanities-lab as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (auchann)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/utrecht-university as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (auchann)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann/0.2.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann/0.2.0 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann/0.2.0 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann/0.2.0 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/auchann/0.2.0 #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/auchann.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing auchann (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/auchann) [Wed Sep 18 03:02:06 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/auchann.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing blacklab (https://github.com/INL/BlackLab) [Wed Sep 18 03:02:06 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/INL/BlackLab... [harvester info] Found release v3.0.1 [harvester info] Using 'v3.0.1' From https://github.com/INL/BlackLab * tag v3.0.1 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v3.0.1 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/blacklab for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found pom.xml (Java/Maven) for blacklab, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license Apache-2.0 [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2012-10-04T03:59:43Z-0700, date modified: 2022-10-06T13:08:42Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/INL/BlackLab) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 541 100 541 0 0 5015 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5056 100 444 100 444 0 0 2315 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2315 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v3.0.1) if no version number is specified... Your branch is behind 'origin/dev' by 39 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./solr) [harvester info] Setting group Blacklab & Corpus Search Your branch is behind 'origin/dev' by 39 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "blacklab" --codeRepository "https://github.com/INL/BlackLab" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/blacklab.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.blacklab.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.blacklab.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.blacklab.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.blacklab.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.blacklab.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.blacklab.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.blacklab.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.blacklab.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.blacklab.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.blacklab.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 10 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.blacklab.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.blacklab.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.blacklab.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.blacklab.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.blacklab.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.blacklab.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.blacklab.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.blacklab.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.blacklab.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.blacklab.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab Processing source #1 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.blacklab.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.blacklab.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.blacklab.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.blacklab.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.blacklab.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.blacklab.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab)] processed 15 new triples, total is now 20 Processing source #7 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.blacklab.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2012-10-04T10:59:42Z -> 2012-10-04T03:59:43Z-0700) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-17T07:12:07Z -> 2022-10-06T13:08:42Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 20 Processing source #8 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.blacklab.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 -> Apache-2.0) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 20 Processing source #9 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.blacklab.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/nl.inl.blacklab.blacklab-all/3.0.1 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.inl.blacklab.blacklab-all)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Linguistic search for large annotated text corpora, based on Apache Lucene -> The parent project for BlackLab Core and BlackLab Server.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.inl.blacklab.blacklab-all)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (BlackLab -> BlackLab Corpus Search) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.inl.blacklab.blacklab-all)] overriding old http://schema.org/producer (https://tools.clariah.nl/org/dutch-language-institute -> https://tools.clariah.nl/org/instituut-voor-nederlandse-taal-int) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.inl.blacklab.blacklab-all)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v3.0.1 -> 3.0.1) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.inl.blacklab.blacklab-all)] processed 82 new triples, total is now 93 Processing source #10 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.blacklab.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.inl.blacklab.blacklab-all)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 94 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab -> https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab/3.0.1 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (blacklab)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (blacklab)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab/3.0.1 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab/3.0.1 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab/3.0.1 #3: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab/3.0.1 #4: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab/3.0.1 #5: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/blacklab/3.0.1 #6: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/blacklab.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing blacklab (https://github.com/INL/BlackLab) [Wed Sep 18 03:02:18 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/blacklab.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing broccoli (https://github.com/knaw-huc/broccoli) [Wed Sep 18 03:02:18 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/knaw-huc/broccoli... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'main' From https://github.com/knaw-huc/broccoli * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: main [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/broccoli for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found pom.xml (Java/Maven) for broccoli, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2022-06-29T11:33:39Z+0200, date modified: 2024-09-02T13:54:06Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/knaw-huc/broccoli) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./republic.http) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "broccoli" --codeRepository "https://github.com/knaw-huc/broccoli" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/broccoli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.broccoli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.broccoli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.broccoli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.broccoli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.broccoli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.broccoli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.broccoli.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 7 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.broccoli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.broccoli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.broccoli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.broccoli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.broccoli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.broccoli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.broccoli.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli Processing source #1 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.broccoli.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.broccoli.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #3 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.broccoli.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.broccoli.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli)] processed 13 new triples, total is now 15 Processing source #5 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.broccoli.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2022-06-29T11:07:08Z -> 2022-06-29T11:33:39Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-02T11:54:10Z -> 2024-09-02T13:54:06Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 15 Processing source #6 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.broccoli.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 15 Processing source #7 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.broccoli.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/nl.knaw.huc.broccoli/0.39.0 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.knaw.huc.broccoli)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (broccoli -> Broccoli) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.knaw.huc.broccoli)] processed 72 new triples, total is now 85 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli -> https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli/0.39.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (broccoli)] author not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (broccoli)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli/0.39.0 #1: Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli/0.39.0 #2: Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli/0.39.0 #3: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli/0.39.0 #4: Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli/0.39.0 #5: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli/0.39.0 #6: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli/0.39.0 #7: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli/0.39.0 #8: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/broccoli/0.39.0 #9: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/broccoli.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing broccoli (https://github.com/knaw-huc/broccoli) [Wed Sep 18 03:02:29 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/broccoli.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing burgerlinker (https://github.com/CLARIAH/burgerLinker) [Wed Sep 18 03:02:29 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/CLARIAH/burgerLinker... [harvester info] Found release v0.7 [harvester info] Using 'v0.7' From https://github.com/CLARIAH/burgerLinker * tag v0.7 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.7 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/burgerlinker for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for burgerlinker (md5sum 7e74dd7eba3cff05676f385d1d964c23); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./res) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "burgerlinker" --codeRepository "https://github.com/CLARIAH/burgerLinker" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/burgerlinker.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.burgerlinker.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.burgerlinker.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.burgerlinker.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.burgerlinker.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/burgerlinker Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.burgerlinker.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/burgerlinker [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/burgerlinker)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.burgerlinker.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/burgerlinker [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (burgerLinker)] processed 111 new triples, total is now 111 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/burgerlinker -> https://tools.clariah.nl/burgerlinker/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT [CODEMETA VALIDATION (burgerlinker)] author not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (burgerlinker)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/burgerlinker/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT #1: Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/burgerlinker/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT #2: Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/burgerlinker/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT #3: Warning: Software source code *MUST* state its version: the -SNAPSHOT version suffix does not correspond to a proper release. (Tip: In Java/Maven projects, ensure it is removed from pom.xml on release) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/burgerlinker/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT #4: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/burgerlinker/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT #5: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/burgerlinker/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT #6: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/burgerlinker.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing burgerlinker (https://github.com/CLARIAH/burgerLinker) [Wed Sep 18 03:02:31 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/burgerlinker.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing cesar (https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-cesar) [Wed Sep 18 03:02:31 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-cesar... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'master' From https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-cesar * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Updating 333fe5d..b781d8f Fast-forward anon/ptx_verses.py | 162 +++++++++++++++++++++ .../browser/static/browser/scripts/_references.js | Bin 2046 -> 68 bytes cesar/web.debug.config | 2 +- 3 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 anon/ptx_verses.py [harvester info] Git reference: master [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/cesar/cesar for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for cesar (md5sum 777a73008087652ecf4dba37bd37ec6c); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./manage.py) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "cesar" --codeRepository "https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-cesar" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/cesar.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.cesar.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.cesar.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.cesar.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.cesar.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/cesar Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.cesar.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cesar [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cesar)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.cesar.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cesar [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (cesar)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> active) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (cesar)] automatically converting status active to repostatus URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (cesar)] processed 56 new triples, total is now 56 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/cesar -> https://tools.clariah.nl/cesar/unknown [CODEMETA VALIDATION (cesar)] license not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (cesar)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (cesar)] Guessing interface type http://schema.org/WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (cesar)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H1d19955559c9c267 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (cesar)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cesar/unknown #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* have a proper README. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cesar/unknown #2: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cesar/unknown #3: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cesar/unknown #4: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cesar/unknown #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/cesar.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://cesar.science.ru.nl for cesar: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/cesar.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/cesar.codemeta.json" "https://cesar.science.ru.nl" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing cesar (https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-cesar) [Wed Sep 18 03:02:36 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/cesar.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing chamd (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/chamd) [Wed Sep 18 03:02:37 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/chamd... [harvester info] Found release 0.5.12 [harvester info] Using '0.5.12' From https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/chamd * tag 0.5.12 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: 0.5.12 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/chamd for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found CITATION.cff for chamd, converting to codemeta [harvester info] found python setup for chamd, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2017-03-15T17:11:41Z+0100, date modified: 2024-03-13T11:22:57Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/chamd) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 573 100 573 0 0 3949 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3979 100 460 100 460 0 0 827 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 827 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Found CI https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/chamd/actions/ [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (0.5.12) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/develop'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./tests) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/develop'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "chamd" --codeRepository "https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/chamd" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/chamd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.chamd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.chamd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.chamd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.chamd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.chamd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.chamd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.chamd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.chamd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.chamd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-citationcff.chamd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.chamd.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 11 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.chamd.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.chamd.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.chamd.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.chamd.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.chamd.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.chamd.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.chamd.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.chamd.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.chamd.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-citationcff.chamd.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.chamd.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd Processing source #1 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.chamd.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.chamd.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.chamd.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.chamd.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.chamd.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.chamd.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 19 Processing source #7 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.chamd.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2017-03-23T10:39:12Z -> 2017-03-15T17:11:41Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-03-13T10:23:31Z -> 2024-03-13T11:22:57Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 19 Processing source #8 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.chamd.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 19 Processing source #9 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.chamd.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd/0.5.12 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (chamd)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (CHAT conversion, cleaning and reading library -> Conversion and cleaning of CHILDES CHA files into PaQu Plaintext Metadata Format) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (chamd)] processed 27 new triples, total is now 39 Processing source #10 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-citationcff.chamd.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (chamd)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H0538e39412c00e15 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-1b0763cc82c0c756) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (chamd)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Conversion and cleaning of CHILDES CHA files into PaQu Plaintext Metadata Format -> Conversion and cleaning of CHILDES CHA files into PaQu Plaintext Metadata Format (to convert to Alpino).) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (chamd)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> https://spdx.org/licenses/MIT) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (chamd)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (chamd -> CHAMD) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (chamd)] processed 27 new triples, total is now 59 Processing source #11 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.chamd.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (chamd)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 60 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd -> https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd/0.5.12 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (chamd)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (chamd)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (chamd)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H67e66ac4580fc4e9 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (chamd)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H43dfd21eb32cdb80 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (chamd)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H2f52e9ff723a587d as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (chamd)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd/0.5.12 #1: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd/0.5.12 #2: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd/0.5.12 #3: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/chamd/0.5.12 #4: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/chamd.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing chamd (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/chamd) [Wed Sep 18 03:02:49 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/chamd.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing clam (https://github.com/proycon/clam) [Wed Sep 18 03:02:49 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/clam... [harvester info] Found release v3.2.10 [harvester info] Using 'v3.2.10' From https://github.com/proycon/clam * tag v3.2.10 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v3.2.10 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/clam for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for clam (md5sum 110d6fce990f1c769477c7c9dd35678d); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.rst in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./docs) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "clam" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/clam" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/clam.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.clam.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.clam.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.clam.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 3 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.clam.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.clam.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.clam.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/clam Processing source #1 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.clam.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/clam [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/clam)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.clam.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/clam [CODEMETA CORRECTION (clam)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (clam)] processed 139 new triples, total is now 139 Processing source #3 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.clam.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/clam [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (clam)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 139 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/clam -> https://tools.clariah.nl/clam/3.2.10 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (clam)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (clam)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1046-0006 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (clam)] considering first author as maintainer -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/clam.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing clam (https://github.com/proycon/clam) [Wed Sep 18 03:02:51 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/clam.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing clariah-fcs-endpoints (https://github.com/INL/clariah-fcs-endpoints) [Wed Sep 18 03:02:51 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/INL/clariah-fcs-endpoints... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'master' From https://github.com/INL/clariah-fcs-endpoints * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: master [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/clariah-fcs-endpoints for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for clariah-fcs-endpoints (md5sum 751b47d38ed83d33e0e94cff74870c84); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] found pom.xml (Java/Maven) for clariah-fcs-endpoints, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2016-09-11T19:38:43Z+0200, date modified: 2023-05-10T15:46:27Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/INL/clariah-fcs-endpoints) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive not a stub (./data) [harvester info] Setting group Blacklab & Corpus Search [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "clariah-fcs-endpoints" --codeRepository "https://github.com/INL/clariah-fcs-endpoints" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 9 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints Processing source #1 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #3 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints)] processed 16 new triples, total is now 18 Processing source #5 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2017-09-03T19:25:10Z -> 2016-09-11T19:38:43Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-01-22T17:15:05Z -> 2023-05-10T15:46:27Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 18 Processing source #6 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 18 Processing source #7 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/org.ivdnt.fcs.endpoint.clariah-fcs-endpoints/0.1 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.ivdnt.fcs.endpoint.clariah-fcs-endpoints)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (REST endpoints for CLARIAH Federated Content Search -> CLARIAH Federated content search for Dutch corpora, developed by the Dutch Language Institute (INT), is a service to enable searching in multiple Dutch corpora at the same time according to the CLARIN FCS 2.0 specification on top of Dutch language corpora. This repository hosts the source code.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.ivdnt.fcs.endpoint.clariah-fcs-endpoints)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.ivdnt.fcs.endpoint.clariah-fcs-endpoints)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (clariah-fcs-endpoints -> A Blacklab Server CLARIN FCS 2.0 endpoint) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.ivdnt.fcs.endpoint.clariah-fcs-endpoints)] processed 80 new triples, total is now 93 Processing source #8 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.ivdnt.fcs.endpoint.clariah-fcs-endpoints)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (CLARIAH Federated content search for Dutch corpora, developed by the Dutch Language Institute (INT), is a service to enable searching in multiple Dutch corpora at the same time according to the CLARIN FCS 2.0 specification on top of Dutch language corpora. This repository hosts the source code. -> CLARIAH Federated content search corpora, developed by the Dutch Language Institute (INT), is a service to enable searching in multiple Dutch corpora at the same time. This application implements the CLARIN FCS 2.0 specification on top of Dutch language corpora. This repository hosts the source code.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.ivdnt.fcs.endpoint.clariah-fcs-endpoints)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt -> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.ivdnt.fcs.endpoint.clariah-fcs-endpoints)] overriding old http://schema.org/producer (https://tools.clariah.nl/org/dutch-language-institute -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-4c6303870b1cf62) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.ivdnt.fcs.endpoint.clariah-fcs-endpoints)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (fcs -> corpus search) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.ivdnt.fcs.endpoint.clariah-fcs-endpoints)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (corpus -> corpus search) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.ivdnt.fcs.endpoint.clariah-fcs-endpoints)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (clariah -> corpus search) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.ivdnt.fcs.endpoint.clariah-fcs-endpoints)] processed 41 new triples, total is now 127 Processing source #9 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.ivdnt.fcs.endpoint.clariah-fcs-endpoints)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 128 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints -> https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints/0.1 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (clariah-fcs-endpoints)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (clariah-fcs-endpoints)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-36509a5ca29ffbb9 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (clariah-fcs-endpoints)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H4143de1df45fb398 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (clariah-fcs-endpoints)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-1109df65d7b7e02 as contributor VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints/0.1 #1: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints/0.1 #2: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/clariah-fcs-endpoints/0.1 #3: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://portal.clarin.inl.nl/fcscorpora/clariah-fcs-endpoints/sru for clariah-fcs-endpoints: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/clariah-fcs-endpoints.codemeta.json" "https://portal.clarin.inl.nl/fcscorpora/clariah-fcs-endpoints/sru" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing clariah-fcs-endpoints (https://github.com/INL/clariah-fcs-endpoints) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:05 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/clariah-fcs-endpoints.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing cmd2rdf (https://github.com/clarin-eric/CMD2RDF) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:05 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/clarin-eric/CMD2RDF... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'master' From https://github.com/clarin-eric/CMD2RDF * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: master [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/cmd2rdf for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found pom.xml (Java/Maven) for cmd2rdf, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2014-08-07T17:23:53Z+0200, date modified: 2021-03-07T18:35:08Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/clarin-eric/CMD2RDF) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found buildInstructions in INSTALL.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive not a stub (./lda) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "cmd2rdf" --codeRepository "https://github.com/clarin-eric/CMD2RDF" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/cmd2rdf.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/42-buildinstructions.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 8 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/42-buildinstructions.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf Processing source #1 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #3 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/42-buildinstructions.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 4 Processing source #5 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf)] processed 17 new triples, total is now 20 Processing source #6 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2014-08-07T15:23:53Z -> 2014-08-07T17:23:53Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2021-03-07T17:35:08Z -> 2021-03-07T18:35:08Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 20 Processing source #7 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 20 Processing source #8 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.cmd2rdf.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/nl.knaw.dans.cmd2rdf.cmd2rdf/1.0.1 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.knaw.dans.cmd2rdf.cmd2rdf)] processed 80 new triples, total is now 99 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf -> https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf/1.0.1 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (cmd2rdf)] author not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (cmd2rdf)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf/1.0.1 #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* have one (short) description. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf/1.0.1 #2: Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf/1.0.1 #3: Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf/1.0.1 #4: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf/1.0.1 #5: Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf/1.0.1 #6: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf/1.0.1 #7: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf/1.0.1 #8: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf/1.0.1 #9: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cmd2rdf/1.0.1 #10: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/cmd2rdf.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing cmd2rdf (https://github.com/clarin-eric/CMD2RDF) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:16 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/cmd2rdf.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing cobalt (https://github.com/INL/COBALT) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:16 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/INL/COBALT... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'master' From https://github.com/INL/COBALT * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: master [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/cobalt for harvestable resources... [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2014-04-14T13:54:07Z+0200, date modified: 2020-07-17T09:55:43Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/INL/COBALT) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#suspended not a stub (./LexiconTool) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "cobalt" --codeRepository "https://github.com/INL/COBALT" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/cobalt.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.cobalt.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.cobalt.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.cobalt.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.cobalt.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.cobalt.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 5 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.cobalt.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.cobalt.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.cobalt.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.cobalt.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.cobalt.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt Processing source #1 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.cobalt.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.cobalt.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #3 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.cobalt.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.cobalt.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt)] processed 12 new triples, total is now 14 Processing source #5 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.cobalt.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2015-04-02T09:01:19Z -> 2014-04-14T13:54:07Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2020-07-17T07:59:39Z -> 2020-07-17T09:55:43Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 14 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt -> https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt/snapshot [CODEMETA VALIDATION (cobalt)] author not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (cobalt)] license not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (cobalt)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt/snapshot #1: Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt/snapshot #2: Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt/snapshot #3: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt/snapshot #4: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its version (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt/snapshot #5: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt/snapshot #6: Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt/snapshot #7: Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt/snapshot #8: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt/snapshot #9: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt/snapshot #10: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt/snapshot #11: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cobalt/snapshot #12: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/cobalt.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing cobalt (https://github.com/INL/COBALT) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:24 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/cobalt.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing codemeta-harvester (https://github.com/proycon/codemeta-harvester) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:25 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/codemeta-harvester... [harvester info] Found release v0.4.0 [harvester info] Using 'v0.4.0' From https://github.com/proycon/codemeta-harvester * tag v0.4.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.4.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/codemeta-harvester for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for codemeta-harvester (md5sum d04830f2b08e804256ff2f7d3461d2b8); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./ensure-no-stub.sh) [harvester info] Setting group CLARIAH Tool Discovery Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "codemeta-harvester" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/codemeta-harvester" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/codemeta-harvester.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.codemeta-harvester.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.codemeta-harvester.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.codemeta-harvester.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.codemeta-harvester.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 4 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.codemeta-harvester.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.codemeta-harvester.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.codemeta-harvester.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.codemeta-harvester.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-harvester Processing source #1 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.codemeta-harvester.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-harvester [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-harvester)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.codemeta-harvester.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://github.com/proycon/codemeta-harvester.git Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-harvester [CODEMETA CORRECTION (codemeta-harvester)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (codemeta-harvester)] processed 57 new triples, total is now 57 Processing source #3 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.codemeta-harvester.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-harvester [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (codemeta-harvester)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 57 Processing source #4 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.codemeta-harvester.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-harvester [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (codemeta-harvester)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 58 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-harvester -> https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-harvester/0.4.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (codemeta-harvester)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemeta-harvester)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1046-0006 as contributor VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-harvester/0.4.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-harvester/0.4.0 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-harvester/0.4.0 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/codemeta-harvester.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing codemeta-harvester (https://github.com/proycon/codemeta-harvester) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:27 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/codemeta-harvester.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing codemeta-lod-to-cmdi (https://github.com/CLARIAH/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:27 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/CLARIAH/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'main' From https://github.com/CLARIAH/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: main [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found pom.xml (Java/Maven) for codemeta-lod-to-cmdi, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2023-02-01T10:48:33Z+0100, date modified: 2023-05-15T11:54:11Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/CLARIAH/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive not a stub (./example) [harvester info] Setting group CLARIAH Tool Discovery [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "codemeta-lod-to-cmdi" --codeRepository "https://github.com/CLARIAH/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 8 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi Processing source #1 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #3 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi)] processed 13 new triples, total is now 15 Processing source #5 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2023-02-01T09:48:33Z -> 2023-02-01T10:48:33Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-05-15T09:54:14Z -> 2023-05-15T11:54:11Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 15 Processing source #6 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 15 Processing source #7 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/nl.knaw.huc.di.ingforms_schematools/1.0-SNAPSHOT Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.knaw.huc.di.ingforms_schematools)] processed 27 new triples, total is now 41 Processing source #8 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.knaw.huc.di.ingforms_schematools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 42 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi -> https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi/1.0-SNAPSHOT [CODEMETA VALIDATION (codemeta-lod-to-cmdi)] author not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (codemeta-lod-to-cmdi)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi/1.0-SNAPSHOT #1: Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi/1.0-SNAPSHOT #2: Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi/1.0-SNAPSHOT #3: Warning: Software source code *MUST* state its version: the -SNAPSHOT version suffix does not correspond to a proper release. (Tip: In Java/Maven projects, ensure it is removed from pom.xml on release) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi/1.0-SNAPSHOT #4: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi/1.0-SNAPSHOT #5: Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi/1.0-SNAPSHOT #6: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi/1.0-SNAPSHOT #7: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi/1.0-SNAPSHOT #8: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi/1.0-SNAPSHOT #9: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi/1.0-SNAPSHOT #10: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing codemeta-lod-to-cmdi (https://github.com/CLARIAH/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:38 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/codemeta-lod-to-cmdi.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing codemeta-server (https://github.com/proycon/codemeta-server) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:38 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/codemeta-server... [harvester info] Found release v0.4.1 [harvester info] Using 'v0.4.1' From https://github.com/proycon/codemeta-server * tag v0.4.1 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.4.1 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/codemeta-server for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for codemeta-server (md5sum e40c271edfc5dd58c31c24bd7973c1d7); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./codemeta_server) [harvester info] Setting group CLARIAH Tool Discovery Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "codemeta-server" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/codemeta-server" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/codemeta-server.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.codemeta-server.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.codemeta-server.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.codemeta-server.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.codemeta-server.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 4 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.codemeta-server.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.codemeta-server.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.codemeta-server.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.codemeta-server.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-server Processing source #1 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.codemeta-server.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-server [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-server)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.codemeta-server.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://github.com/proycon/codemetapy.git Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-server [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (codemeta-server)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (codemeta-server)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (codemeta-server)] processed 96 new triples, total is now 96 Processing source #3 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.codemeta-server.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-server [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (codemeta-server)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 96 Processing source #4 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.codemeta-server.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-server [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (codemeta-server)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 97 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-server -> https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-server/0.4.1 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (codemeta-server)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemeta-server)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemeta-server)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemeta-server)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemeta-server)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemeta-server)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemeta-server)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemeta-server)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-server/0.4.1 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-server/0.4.1 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-server/0.4.1 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-server/0.4.1 #4: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta-server/0.4.1 #5: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/codemeta-server.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing codemeta-server (https://github.com/proycon/codemeta-server) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:41 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/codemeta-server.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing codemeta2html (https://github.com/proycon/codemeta2html) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:41 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/codemeta2html... [harvester info] Found release v0.1.0 [harvester info] Using 'v0.1.0' From https://github.com/proycon/codemeta2html * tag v0.1.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.1.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/codemeta2html for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for codemeta2html (md5sum 53f8b9cdcac64c1538a8fb5ae614ae39); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./setup.py) [harvester info] Setting group CLARIAH Tool Discovery Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "codemeta2html" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/codemeta2html" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/codemeta2html.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.codemeta2html.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.codemeta2html.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.codemeta2html.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.codemeta2html.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 4 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.codemeta2html.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.codemeta2html.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.codemeta2html.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.codemeta2html.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta2html Processing source #1 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.codemeta2html.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta2html [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta2html)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.codemeta2html.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://github.com/proycon/codemeta2html.git Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta2html [CODEMETA CORRECTION (codemeta2html)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (codemeta2html)] processed 88 new triples, total is now 88 Processing source #3 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.codemeta2html.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta2html [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (codemeta2html)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 88 Processing source #4 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.codemeta2html.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta2html [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (codemeta2html)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 89 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta2html -> https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta2html/0.1.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (codemeta2html)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemeta2html)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemeta2html)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemeta2html)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemeta2html)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemeta2html)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemeta2html)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta2html/0.1.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta2html/0.1.0 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta2html/0.1.0 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta2html/0.1.0 #4: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemeta2html/0.1.0 #5: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/codemeta2html.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing codemeta2html (https://github.com/proycon/codemeta2html) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:43 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/codemeta2html.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing codemetapy (https://github.com/proycon/codemetapy) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:44 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/codemetapy... [harvester info] Found release v2.5.3 [harvester info] Using 'v2.5.3' From https://github.com/proycon/codemetapy * tag v2.5.3 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v2.5.3 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/codemetapy for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for codemetapy (md5sum fdd8af3ad608d80c3dfe6a399ed37285); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./tests) [harvester info] Setting group CLARIAH Tool Discovery Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "codemetapy" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/codemetapy" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/codemetapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.codemetapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.codemetapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.codemetapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.codemetapy.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 4 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.codemetapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.codemetapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.codemetapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.codemetapy.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/codemetapy Processing source #1 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.codemetapy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemetapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/codemetapy)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.codemetapy.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://github.com/proycon/codemetapy.git Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemetapy [CODEMETA CORRECTION (codemetapy)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (codemetapy)] processed 129 new triples, total is now 129 Processing source #3 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.codemetapy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemetapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (codemetapy)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 129 Processing source #4 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.codemetapy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/codemetapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (codemetapy)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 130 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/codemetapy -> https://tools.clariah.nl/codemetapy/2.5.3 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (codemetapy)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemetapy)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemetapy)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemetapy)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemetapy)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemetapy)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemetapy)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemetapy)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (codemetapy)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/codemetapy/2.5.3 #1: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/codemetapy.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing codemetapy (https://github.com/proycon/codemetapy) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:46 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/codemetapy.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing colibri-core (https://github.com/proycon/colibri-core) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:46 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/colibri-core... [harvester info] Found release v2.5.9 [harvester info] Using 'v2.5.9' From https://github.com/proycon/colibri-core * tag v2.5.9 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v2.5.9 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/colibri-core for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for colibri-core (md5sum 7f83585f08e66696689283ac15123c69); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./exp) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "colibri-core" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/colibri-core" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/colibri-core.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.colibri-core.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.colibri-core.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.colibri-core.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 3 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.colibri-core.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.colibri-core.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.colibri-core.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/colibri-core Processing source #1 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.colibri-core.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/colibri-core [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/colibri-core)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.colibri-core.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/colibri-core [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (colibricore)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (colibricore)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (colibricore)] processed 129 new triples, total is now 129 Processing source #3 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.colibri-core.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/colibri-core [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (colibricore)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 129 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/colibri-core -> https://tools.clariah.nl/colibri-core/2.5.9 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (colibri-core)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (colibri-core)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1046-0006 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (colibri-core)] considering first author as maintainer [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (colibri-core)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/colibri-core/2.5.9 #1: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/colibri-core/2.5.9 #2: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/colibri-core/2.5.9 #3: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/colibri-core.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing colibri-core (https://github.com/proycon/colibri-core) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:48 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/colibri-core.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing corpus-frontend (https://github.com/INL/corpus-frontend) [Wed Sep 18 03:03:48 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/INL/corpus-frontend... [harvester info] Found release v3.1.1 [harvester info] Using 'v3.1.1' From https://github.com/INL/corpus-frontend * tag v3.1.1 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v3.1.1 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/corpus-frontend for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found pom.xml (Java/Maven) for corpus-frontend, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2014-03-19T11:00:15Z+0100, date modified: 2024-02-02T16:25:03Z+0300 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/INL/corpus-frontend) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 555 100 555 0 0 4420 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 4440 100 451 100 451 0 0 2209 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2209 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v3.1.1) if no version number is specified... Your branch is behind 'origin/dev' by 45 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./docs) [harvester info] Setting group Blacklab & Corpus Search Your branch is behind 'origin/dev' by 45 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "corpus-frontend" --codeRepository "https://github.com/INL/corpus-frontend" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/corpus-frontend.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 9 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend Processing source #1 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend)] processed 12 new triples, total is now 17 Processing source #7 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2014-07-11T08:18:55Z -> 2014-03-19T11:00:15Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-17T12:19:07Z -> 2024-02-02T16:25:03Z+0300) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 17 Processing source #8 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/nl.inl.blacklab.corpus-frontend/3.1.1 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.inl.blacklab.corpus-frontend)] overriding old http://schema.org/codeRepository (https://github.com/INL/corpus-frontend -> https://github.com/inl/corpus-frontend) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.inl.blacklab.corpus-frontend)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (BlackLab Frontend, a feature-rich corpus search interface for BlackLab. -> A web application to search corpora through the BlackLab Server web service.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.inl.blacklab.corpus-frontend)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (corpus-frontend -> INT Corpus Frontend) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.inl.blacklab.corpus-frontend)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v3.1.1 -> 3.1.1) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.inl.blacklab.corpus-frontend)] processed 100 new triples, total is now 108 Processing source #9 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.corpus-frontend.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.inl.blacklab.corpus-frontend)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 109 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend -> https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend/3.1.1 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (corpus-frontend)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (corpus-frontend)] Guessing interface type http://schema.org/WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (corpus-frontend)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H78036c7f38e5eea1 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (corpus-frontend)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H304b52a2802e1a70 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (corpus-frontend)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend/3.1.1 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend/3.1.1 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend/3.1.1 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend/3.1.1 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend/3.1.1 #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/corpus-frontend.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://portal.clarin.inl.nl/autocorp/ for corpus-frontend: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/corpus-frontend.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/corpus-frontend.codemeta.json" "https://portal.clarin.inl.nl/autocorp/" -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/out/corpus-frontend.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('https://portal.clarin.inl.nl/autocorp/', 'web')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/out/corpus-frontend.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend/3.1.1 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/corpus-frontend [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (corpus-frontend)] processed 136 new triples, total is now 136 Processing source #2 of 2 Fallback: Obtaining metadata from remote URL https://portal.clarin.inl.nl/autocorp/ Service replied with content-type text/html Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/codemetapy", line 8, in sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/codemeta/codemeta.py", line 335, in main g, res, args, contextgraph = build(**args.__dict__) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/codemeta/codemeta.py", line 688, in build for targetres in codemeta.parsers.web.parse_web( File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/codemeta/parsers/web.py", line 132, in parse_web raise MiddlewareObstructionException( codemeta.parsers.web.MiddlewareObstructionException: Unable to extract metadata from https://portal.clarin.inl.nl/autocorp/ because it immediately redirects to an external (SSO) login page rather than a proper landing page -- end log -- [harvester error] Failed to obtain or process metadata from remote service URL https://portal.clarin.inl.nl/autocorp/ for corpus-frontend [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://opensonar.ivdnt.org/ for corpus-frontend: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/corpus-frontend.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/corpus-frontend.codemeta.json" "https://opensonar.ivdnt.org/" [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://brievenalsbuit.ivdnt.org for corpus-frontend: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/corpus-frontend.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/corpus-frontend.codemeta.json" "https://brievenalsbuit.ivdnt.org" [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://chn.ivdnt.org/ for corpus-frontend: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/corpus-frontend.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/corpus-frontend.codemeta.json" "https://chn.ivdnt.org/" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing corpus-frontend (https://github.com/INL/corpus-frontend) [Wed Sep 18 03:04:13 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/corpus-frontend.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing cow (https://github.com/CLARIAH/COW) [Wed Sep 18 03:04:13 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/CLARIAH/COW... [harvester info] Found release 2.0.0 [harvester info] Using '2.0.0' From https://github.com/CLARIAH/COW * tag 2.0.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: 2.0.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/cow for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for cow, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor Xander Wilcke will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2023-11-09T21:55:53Z+0100, date modified: 2024-03-08T16:02:10Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/CLARIAH/COW) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 537 100 537 0 0 5627 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5652 100 442 100 442 0 0 2408 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2408 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from http://csvw-converter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ [harvester info] Found documentation at http://csvw-converter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ : "name": "CoW: Converter for CSV on the Web — CSVW Converters 1.0.0 documentation", [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (2.0.0) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/base'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./examples) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/base'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "cow" --codeRepository "https://github.com/CLARIAH/COW" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/cow.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.cow.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.cow.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.cow.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.cow.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.cow.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.cow.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.cow.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.cow.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.cow.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.cow.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 10 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.cow.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.cow.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.cow.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.cow.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.cow.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.cow.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.cow.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.cow.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.cow.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.cow.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/cow Processing source #1 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.cow.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cow [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cow)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.cow.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cow [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cow)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.cow.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cow.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cow [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cow)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #4 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.cow.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cow [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cow)] processed 4 new triples, total is now 14 Processing source #5 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.cow.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cow [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cow)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 16 Processing source #6 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.cow.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cow [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cow)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 17 Processing source #7 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.cow.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cow/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cow [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cow)] processed 18 new triples, total is now 34 Processing source #8 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.cow.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cow [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cow)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2015-06-16T14:44:33Z -> 2023-11-09T21:55:53Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cow)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-05-06T17:56:01Z -> 2024-03-08T16:02:10Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cow)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 34 Processing source #9 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.cow.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cow.contributors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cow [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/cow)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 35 Processing source #10 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.cow.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cow_csvw/1.21 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cow [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (cow_csvw)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-70bde039156ff5fc -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H0d87a06581f5916f) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (cow_csvw)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (converters -> csv) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (cow_csvw)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (csv2rdf -> csv) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (cow_csvw)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (semantic-web -> csv) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (cow_csvw)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (linked-data -> csv) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (cow_csvw)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (COW -> cow_csvw) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (cow_csvw)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (2.0.0 -> 1.21) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (cow_csvw)] processed 151 new triples, total is now 170 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/cow -> https://tools.clariah.nl/cow/1.21 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (cow)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (cow)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (cow)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (cow)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (cow)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cow/1.21 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cow/1.21 #2: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cow/1.21 #3: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/cow/1.21 #4: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/cow.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing cow (https://github.com/CLARIAH/COW) [Wed Sep 18 03:04:28 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/cow.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing dane-asr-worker (https://github.com/CLARIAH/dane-asr-worker) [Wed Sep 18 03:04:28 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/CLARIAH/dane-asr-worker... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'main' From https://github.com/CLARIAH/dane-asr-worker * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: main [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/dane-asr-worker for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for dane-asr-worker (md5sum 66a0931eb563b5270c0c9f1e01de7bed); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive not a stub (./api_util.py) [harvester info] Setting group DANE [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "dane-asr-worker" --codeRepository "https://github.com/CLARIAH/dane-asr-worker" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/dane-asr-worker.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dane-asr-worker.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.dane-asr-worker.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dane-asr-worker.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 3 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dane-asr-worker.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.dane-asr-worker.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dane-asr-worker.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker Processing source #1 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dane-asr-worker.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.dane-asr-worker.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> wip) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker)] automatically converting status wip to repostatus URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker)] processed 43 new triples, total is now 43 Processing source #3 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dane-asr-worker.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 44 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker -> https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker/0.1.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (dane-asr-worker)] license not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (dane-asr-worker)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane-asr-worker)] automatically adding runtimePlatform Python derived from programmingLanguage Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane-asr-worker)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker/0.1.0 #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* have a proper README. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker/0.1.0 #2: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker/0.1.0 #3: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker/0.1.0 #4: Warning: The producer of the software source code *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker/0.1.0 #5: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker/0.1.0 #6: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker/0.1.0 #7: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker/0.1.0 #8: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker/0.1.0 #9: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-asr-worker/0.1.0 #10: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/dane-asr-worker.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing dane-asr-worker (https://github.com/CLARIAH/dane-asr-worker) [Wed Sep 18 03:04:30 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/dane-asr-worker.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing dane-download-worker (https://github.com/CLARIAH/dane-download-worker) [Wed Sep 18 03:04:30 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/CLARIAH/dane-download-worker... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'main' From https://github.com/CLARIAH/dane-download-worker * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: main [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/dane-download-worker for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for dane-download-worker (md5sum 36fe0b5d4c13aa905b266f087474cfa5); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive not a stub (./tests) [harvester info] Setting group DANE [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "dane-download-worker" --codeRepository "https://github.com/CLARIAH/dane-download-worker" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/dane-download-worker.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dane-download-worker.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.dane-download-worker.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dane-download-worker.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 3 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dane-download-worker.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.dane-download-worker.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dane-download-worker.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker Processing source #1 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dane-download-worker.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.dane-download-worker.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> wip) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker)] automatically converting status wip to repostatus URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker)] processed 43 new triples, total is now 43 Processing source #3 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dane-download-worker.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 44 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker -> https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker/0.9.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (dane-download-worker)] license not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (dane-download-worker)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane-download-worker)] automatically adding runtimePlatform Python derived from programmingLanguage Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane-download-worker)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker/0.9.0 #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* have a proper README. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker/0.9.0 #2: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker/0.9.0 #3: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker/0.9.0 #4: Warning: The producer of the software source code *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker/0.9.0 #5: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker/0.9.0 #6: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker/0.9.0 #7: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker/0.9.0 #8: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker/0.9.0 #9: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-download-worker/0.9.0 #10: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/dane-download-worker.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing dane-download-worker (https://github.com/CLARIAH/dane-download-worker) [Wed Sep 18 03:04:32 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/dane-download-worker.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing dane-server (https://github.com/CLARIAH/DANE-server) [Wed Sep 18 03:04:32 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/CLARIAH/DANE-server... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'main' From https://github.com/CLARIAH/DANE-server * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: main [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/dane-server for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for dane-server, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license Apache-2.0 [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2020-01-22T16:11:17Z+0100, date modified: 2023-06-19T09:07:32Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/CLARIAH/DANE-server) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from https://dane.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples.html [harvester info] Found documentation at https://dane.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples.html : "name": "Examples — DANE documentation", [harvester info] Scraping title from https://dane.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html#configuration [harvester info] Found documentation at https://dane.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html#configuration : "name": "Introduction — DANE documentation", [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive not a stub (./Dockerfile.api) [harvester info] Setting group DANE [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "dane-server" --codeRepository "https://github.com/CLARIAH/DANE-server" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/dane-server.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dane-server.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.dane-server.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.dane-server.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.dane-server.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.dane-server.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.dane-server.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.dane-server.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.dane-server.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dane-server.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 9 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dane-server.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.dane-server.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.dane-server.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.dane-server.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.dane-server.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.dane-server.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.dane-server.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.dane-server.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dane-server.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server Processing source #1 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dane-server.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.dane-server.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #3 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.dane-server.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #4 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.dane-server.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 11 Processing source #5 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.dane-server.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server)] processed 13 new triples, total is now 23 Processing source #6 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.dane-server.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2020-01-22T14:47:04Z -> 2020-01-22T16:11:17Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-06-19T07:07:38Z -> 2023-06-19T09:07:32Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 23 Processing source #7 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.dane-server.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 -> Apache-2.0) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 23 Processing source #8 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.dane-server.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server/0.3.1 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (dane-server)] overriding old http://schema.org/codeRepository (https://github.com/CLARIAH/DANE-server -> https://github.com/CLARIAH/DANE) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (dane-server)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#wip) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (dane-server)] processed 93 new triples, total is now 109 Processing source #9 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dane-server.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (dane-server)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 110 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server -> https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server/0.3.1 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (dane-server)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane-server)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane-server)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane-server)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/jblom as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane-server)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/nanne-van-noord as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane-server)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server/0.3.1 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server/0.3.1 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server/0.3.1 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-server/0.3.1 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/dane-server.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing dane-server (https://github.com/CLARIAH/DANE-server) [Wed Sep 18 03:04:43 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/dane-server.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing dane-workflows (https://github.com/beeldengeluid/dane-workflows) [Wed Sep 18 03:04:43 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/beeldengeluid/dane-workflows... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'main' From https://github.com/beeldengeluid/dane-workflows * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: main [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/dane-workflows for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for dane-workflows (md5sum 6f16875302f72f9714d236959ec6f51b); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./config-unit-test.yml) [harvester info] Setting group DANE [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "dane-workflows" --codeRepository "https://github.com/beeldengeluid/dane-workflows" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/dane-workflows.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dane-workflows.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.dane-workflows.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dane-workflows.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 3 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dane-workflows.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.dane-workflows.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dane-workflows.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows Processing source #1 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dane-workflows.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.dane-workflows.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> wip) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows)] automatically converting status wip to repostatus URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows)] processed 29 new triples, total is now 29 Processing source #3 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dane-workflows.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 30 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows -> https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows/0.9.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (dane-workflows)] license not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (dane-workflows)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane-workflows)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#SoftwareLibrary based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane-workflows)] automatically adding runtimePlatform Python derived from programmingLanguage Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane-workflows)] considering first author as maintainer [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane-workflows)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows/0.9.0 #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* have a proper README. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows/0.9.0 #2: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows/0.9.0 #3: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows/0.9.0 #4: Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows/0.9.0 #5: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows/0.9.0 #6: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows/0.9.0 #7: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows/0.9.0 #8: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane-workflows/0.9.0 #9: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/dane-workflows.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing dane-workflows (https://github.com/beeldengeluid/dane-workflows) [Wed Sep 18 03:04:45 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/dane-workflows.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing dane (https://github.com/CLARIAH/DANE) [Wed Sep 18 03:04:45 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/CLARIAH/DANE... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'main' From https://github.com/CLARIAH/DANE * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: main [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/dane for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for dane, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license Apache-2.0 [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2019-11-25T15:36:57Z+0100, date modified: 2024-05-13T10:13:48Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/CLARIAH/DANE) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from https://dane.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html#configuration [harvester info] Found documentation at https://dane.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html#configuration : "name": "Introduction — DANE documentation", [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./examples) [harvester info] Setting group DANE [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "dane" --codeRepository "https://github.com/CLARIAH/DANE" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/dane.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dane.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.dane.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.dane.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.dane.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.dane.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.dane.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.dane.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.dane.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dane.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 9 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dane.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.dane.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.dane.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.dane.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.dane.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.dane.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.dane.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.dane.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dane.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/dane Processing source #1 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dane.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.dane.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #3 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.dane.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane)] processed 4 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #4 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.dane.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 7 Processing source #5 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.dane.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 20 Processing source #6 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.dane.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2019-11-25T14:28:24Z -> 2019-11-25T15:36:57Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-08-02T06:46:26Z -> 2024-05-13T10:13:48Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 20 Processing source #7 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.dane.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 -> Apache-2.0) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dane)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 20 Processing source #8 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.dane.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane/0.4.3 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (dane)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Utils for working with the Distributed Annotation 'n' Enrichment (DANE) system -> Utils for working with the Distributed Annotation and Enrichment system) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (dane)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> https://www.repostatus.org/#wip) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (dane)] processed 90 new triples, total is now 103 Processing source #9 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dane.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dane [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (dane)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 104 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/dane -> https://tools.clariah.nl/dane/0.4.3 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (dane)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/jblom as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/nanne-van-noord as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dane)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane/0.4.3 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane/0.4.3 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane/0.4.3 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane/0.4.3 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane/0.4.3 #5: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dane/0.4.3 #6: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/dane.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing dane (https://github.com/CLARIAH/DANE) [Wed Sep 18 03:04:56 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/dane.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing dataset-register (https://github.com/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/dataset-register) [Wed Sep 18 03:04:56 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/dataset-register... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'main' From https://github.com/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/dataset-register * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: main [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/dataset-register for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for dataset-register (md5sum f67b15f803ec2de8247443a1b790840c); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#wip not a stub (./jest.config.js) [harvester info] Setting group Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed (NDE) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "dataset-register" --codeRepository "https://github.com/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/dataset-register" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/dataset-register.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dataset-register.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.dataset-register.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dataset-register.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 3 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dataset-register.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.dataset-register.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dataset-register.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/dataset-register Processing source #1 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dataset-register.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dataset-register [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dataset-register)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.dataset-register.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dataset-register [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dataset-register)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#wip -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dataset-register)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dataset-register)] processed 49 new triples, total is now 49 Processing source #3 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.dataset-register.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dataset-register [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dataset-register)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 50 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/dataset-register -> https://tools.clariah.nl/dataset-register/snapshot [CODEMETA VALIDATION (dataset-register)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dataset-register)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-4ed9d6074f12115e as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dataset-register)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H0c913851a9b97436 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (dataset-register)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dataset-register/snapshot #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its version (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dataset-register/snapshot #2: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dataset-register/snapshot #3: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/dataset-register.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing dataset-register (https://github.com/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/dataset-register) [Wed Sep 18 03:04:58 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/dataset-register.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing deepfrog (https://github.com/proycon/deepfrog/) [Wed Sep 18 03:04:59 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/deepfrog/... [harvester info] Found release v0.2.1 [harvester info] Using 'v0.2.1' From https://github.com/proycon/deepfrog * tag v0.2.1 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.2.1 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/deepfrog for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found Cargo.toml (rust) for deepfrog, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2020-02-08T12:37:19Z+0100, date modified: 2021-04-11T15:29:58Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/proycon/deepfrog/) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 555 100 555 0 0 4891 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 4911 100 451 100 451 0 0 950 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 950 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Mapping repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#wip to trl:Stage3Experimental [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#wip [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.2.1) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#suspended not a stub (./models) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "deepfrog" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/deepfrog/" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/deepfrog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.deepfrog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.deepfrog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.deepfrog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.deepfrog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.deepfrog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.deepfrog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.deepfrog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.deepfrog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.deepfrog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.deepfrog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.deepfrog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.deepfrog.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 12 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.deepfrog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.deepfrog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.deepfrog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.deepfrog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.deepfrog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.deepfrog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.deepfrog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.deepfrog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.deepfrog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.deepfrog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.deepfrog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.deepfrog.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog Processing source #1 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.deepfrog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.deepfrog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.deepfrog.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.deepfrog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.deepfrog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.deepfrog.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] processed 28 new triples, total is now 33 Processing source #7 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.deepfrog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2020-02-12T12:28:13Z -> 2020-02-08T12:37:19Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-03-24T23:53:13Z -> 2021-04-11T15:29:58Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 33 Processing source #8 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.deepfrog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 33 Processing source #9 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.deepfrog.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cargo.toml/0.2.1 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H297f5329ffff7c59 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-3baf9209a9358da4) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (An NLP-suite powered by deep learning -> A deep learning NLP suite (PoS,lemmatiser,NER) with FoLiA XML support) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (frog -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (transformers -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (dutch -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (deep-neural-networks -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (folia -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (deep-learning -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-or-later) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.2.1 -> 0.2.1) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] processed 63 new triples, total is now 78 Processing source #10 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.deepfrog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 79 Processing source #11 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.deepfrog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#wip) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 79 Processing source #12 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.deepfrog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#wip -> https://www.repostatus.org/#suspended) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 79 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog -> https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog/0.2.1 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (deepfrog)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (deepfrog)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (deepfrog)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog/0.2.1 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog/0.2.1 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog/0.2.1 #3: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog/0.2.1 #4: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog/0.2.1 #5: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog/0.2.1 #6: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/deepfrog/0.2.1 #7: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/deepfrog.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing deepfrog (https://github.com/proycon/deepfrog/) [Wed Sep 18 03:05:11 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/deepfrog.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing dexter (https://github.com/knaw-huc/dexter) [Wed Sep 18 03:05:11 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/knaw-huc/dexter... [harvester info] Found release v0.15.0 [harvester info] Using 'v0.15.0' From https://github.com/knaw-huc/dexter * tag v0.15.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.15.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/dexter for harvestable resources... [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2022-07-19T09:05:41Z+0200, date modified: 2024-05-22T11:15:55Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/knaw-huc/dexter) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 549 100 549 0 0 6351 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 6383 100 448 100 448 0 0 2819 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2819 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.15.0) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./frontend) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "dexter" --codeRepository "https://github.com/knaw-huc/dexter" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/dexter.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.dexter.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dexter.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.dexter.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.dexter.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.dexter.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.dexter.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.dexter.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.dexter.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 8 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.dexter.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dexter.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.dexter.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.dexter.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.dexter.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.dexter.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.dexter.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.dexter.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter Processing source #1 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.dexter.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dexter.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.dexter.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.dexter.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.dexter.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.dexter.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter)] processed 12 new triples, total is now 17 Processing source #7 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.dexter.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2022-07-19T07:05:41Z -> 2022-07-19T09:05:41Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-05-22T09:42:17Z -> 2024-05-22T11:15:55Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 17 Processing source #8 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.dexter.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 17 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter -> https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter/v0.15.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (dexter)] author not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (dexter)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter/v0.15.0 #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* have one (short) description. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter/v0.15.0 #2: Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter/v0.15.0 #3: Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter/v0.15.0 #4: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter/v0.15.0 #5: Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter/v0.15.0 #6: Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter/v0.15.0 #7: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter/v0.15.0 #8: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter/v0.15.0 #9: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter/v0.15.0 #10: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dexter/v0.15.0 #11: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/dexter.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing dexter (https://github.com/knaw-huc/dexter) [Wed Sep 18 03:05:20 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/dexter.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing did-summarizer (https://github.com/Dans-labs/did-summarizer) [Wed Sep 18 03:05:20 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/Dans-labs/did-summarizer... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'master' From https://github.com/Dans-labs/did-summarizer * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: master [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/did-summarizer for harvestable resources... [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license Apache-2.0 [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2022-11-25T10:35:23Z+0100, date modified: 2024-02-02T13:28:23Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/Dans-labs/did-summarizer) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#wip not a stub (./rules-infra.toml) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "did-summarizer" --codeRepository "https://github.com/Dans-labs/did-summarizer" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/did-summarizer.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.did-summarizer.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.did-summarizer.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.did-summarizer.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.did-summarizer.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.did-summarizer.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.did-summarizer.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 6 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.did-summarizer.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.did-summarizer.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.did-summarizer.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.did-summarizer.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.did-summarizer.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.did-summarizer.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer Processing source #1 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.did-summarizer.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.did-summarizer.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #3 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.did-summarizer.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.did-summarizer.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 16 Processing source #5 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.did-summarizer.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2022-11-25T09:35:22Z -> 2022-11-25T10:35:23Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-02-02T12:28:51Z -> 2024-02-02T13:28:23Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 16 Processing source #6 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.did-summarizer.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 -> Apache-2.0) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 16 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer -> https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer/snapshot [CODEMETA VALIDATION (did-summarizer)] author not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (did-summarizer)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer/snapshot #1: Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer/snapshot #2: Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer/snapshot #3: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its version (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer/snapshot #4: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer/snapshot #5: Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer/snapshot #6: Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer/snapshot #7: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer/snapshot #8: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer/snapshot #9: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer/snapshot #10: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/did-summarizer/snapshot #11: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/did-summarizer.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing did-summarizer (https://github.com/Dans-labs/did-summarizer) [Wed Sep 18 03:05:28 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/did-summarizer.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing dutchframenetlexicon (https://github.com/cltl/Dutch_FrameNet_Lexicon) [Wed Sep 18 03:05:28 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/cltl/Dutch_FrameNet_Lexicon... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'master' From https://github.com/cltl/Dutch_FrameNet_Lexicon * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: master [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/dutchframenetlexicon for harvestable resources... [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license Apache-2.0 [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2019-04-29T10:14:29Z+0200, date modified: 2020-07-08T09:32:55Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/cltl/Dutch_FrameNet_Lexicon) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Mapping repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#wip to trl:Stage3Experimental [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#suspended not a stub (./lib) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "dutchframenetlexicon" --codeRepository "https://github.com/cltl/Dutch_FrameNet_Lexicon" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 7 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon Processing source #1 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #3 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dutch_framenet_lexicon/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon)] processed 13 new triples, total is now 15 Processing source #5 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2019-04-29T08:13:23Z -> 2019-04-29T10:14:29Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2020-07-08T07:33:00Z -> 2020-07-08T09:32:55Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 15 Processing source #6 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 -> Apache-2.0) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 15 Processing source #7 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 16 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon -> https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon/snapshot [CODEMETA VALIDATION (dutchframenetlexicon)] author not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (dutchframenetlexicon)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon/snapshot #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* have one (short) description. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon/snapshot #2: Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon/snapshot #3: Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon/snapshot #4: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its version (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon/snapshot #5: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon/snapshot #6: Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon/snapshot #7: Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon/snapshot #8: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon/snapshot #9: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon/snapshot #10: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/dutchframenetlexicon/snapshot #11: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/dutchframenetlexicon.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing dutchframenetlexicon (https://github.com/cltl/Dutch_FrameNet_Lexicon) [Wed Sep 18 03:05:36 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/dutchframenetlexicon.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing ewald (https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd) [Wed Sep 18 03:05:37 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'master' From https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: master [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/ewald/wald for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for ewald (md5sum 983e914f0b3039bb064333fbb2a723f0); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./manage.py) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "ewald" --codeRepository "https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/ewald.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ewald.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ewald.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ewald.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ewald.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/ewald Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ewald.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ewald [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ewald)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ewald.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ewald [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ewald)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> active) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (ewald)] automatically converting status active to repostatus URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ewald)] processed 57 new triples, total is now 57 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/ewald -> https://tools.clariah.nl/ewald/unknown [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ewald)] license not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ewald)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ewald)] Guessing interface type http://schema.org/WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ewald)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-481941c19d94739c as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ewald)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewald/unknown #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* have a proper README. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewald/unknown #2: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewald/unknown #3: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewald/unknown #4: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewald/unknown #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/ewald.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://e-wald.nl/ for ewald: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/ewald.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/ewald.codemeta.json" "https://e-wald.nl/" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing ewald (https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd) [Wed Sep 18 03:05:41 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/ewald.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing ewbd (https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd) [Wed Sep 18 03:05:42 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'master' From https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: master [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/ewbd/wbd for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for ewbd (md5sum 791a44ea6fc9ca8aff3cdf7fd111c20f); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./manage.py) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "ewbd" --codeRepository "https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/ewbd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ewbd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ewbd.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ewbd.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ewbd.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/ewbd Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ewbd.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ewbd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ewbd)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ewbd.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ewbd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ewbd)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> active) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (ewbd)] automatically converting status active to repostatus URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ewbd)] processed 57 new triples, total is now 57 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/ewbd -> https://tools.clariah.nl/ewbd/unknown [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ewbd)] license not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ewbd)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ewbd)] Guessing interface type http://schema.org/WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ewbd)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H53e76cace849b314 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ewbd)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewbd/unknown #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* have a proper README. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewbd/unknown #2: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewbd/unknown #3: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewbd/unknown #4: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewbd/unknown #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/ewbd.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://e-wbd.nl/ for ewbd: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/ewbd.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/ewbd.codemeta.json" "https://e-wbd.nl/" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing ewbd (https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd) [Wed Sep 18 03:05:46 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/ewbd.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing ewgd (https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd) [Wed Sep 18 03:05:46 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'master' From https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: master [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/ewgd/wgd for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for ewgd (md5sum be356ad116da3bc39f7f8a50126ec9c4); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./manage.py) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "ewgd" --codeRepository "https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/ewgd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ewgd.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ewgd.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ewgd.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ewgd.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/ewgd Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ewgd.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ewgd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ewgd)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ewgd.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ewgd [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ewgd)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> active) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (ewgd)] automatically converting status active to repostatus URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ewgd)] processed 57 new triples, total is now 57 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/ewgd -> https://tools.clariah.nl/ewgd/unknown [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ewgd)] license not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ewgd)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ewgd)] Guessing interface type http://schema.org/WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ewgd)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-5b08f3cb500c6911 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ewgd)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewgd/unknown #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* have a proper README. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewgd/unknown #2: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewgd/unknown #3: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewgd/unknown #4: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewgd/unknown #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/ewgd.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://e-wgd.nl/ for ewgd: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/ewgd.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/ewgd.codemeta.json" "https://e-wgd.nl/" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing ewgd (https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd) [Wed Sep 18 03:05:51 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/ewgd.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing ewld (https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd) [Wed Sep 18 03:05:51 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'master' From https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: master [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/ewld/wld for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for ewld (md5sum c5f565e7c431f10dbf31ee7eeaa61530); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./wld) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "ewld" --codeRepository "https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/ewld.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ewld.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ewld.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ewld.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ewld.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/ewld Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ewld.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ewld [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ewld)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ewld.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ewld [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ewld)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> active) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (ewld)] automatically converting status active to repostatus URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ewld)] processed 57 new triples, total is now 57 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/ewld -> https://tools.clariah.nl/ewld/unknown [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ewld)] license not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ewld)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ewld)] Guessing interface type http://schema.org/WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ewld)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H4bcaf7a861666518 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ewld)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewld/unknown #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* have a proper README. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewld/unknown #2: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewld/unknown #3: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewld/unknown #4: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ewld/unknown #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/ewld.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://e-wld.nl/ for ewld: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/ewld.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/ewld.codemeta.json" "https://e-wld.nl/" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing ewld (https://github.com/ErwinKomen/RU-wnd) [Wed Sep 18 03:05:56 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/ewld.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing flat (https://github.com/proycon/flat) [Wed Sep 18 03:05:56 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/flat... [harvester info] Found release v0.11.5 [harvester info] Using 'v0.11.5' From https://github.com/proycon/flat * tag v0.11.5 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.11.5 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/flat for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for flat, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2014-01-02T14:39:13Z+0100, date modified: 2024-07-05T13:27:34Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/proycon/flat) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.rst [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 543 100 543 0 0 4054 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 4082 100 4353 100 4353 0 0 14360 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 14360 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12666438 [harvester info] Converting README.rst to README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from http://flat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest [harvester info] Found documentation at http://flat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest : "name": "FLAT - FoLiA Linguistic Annotation Tool - Documentation — FLAT v0.5.2 documentation", [harvester info] Scraping title from http://flat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/administration_guide.html [harvester info] Found documentation at http://flat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/administration_guide.html : "name": "FLAT Administration Guide — FLAT v0.5.2 documentation", [harvester info] Scraping title from http://flat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation_guide.html [harvester info] Found documentation at http://flat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation_guide.html : "name": "FLAT Installation Guide — FLAT v0.5.2 documentation", [harvester info] Scraping title from http://flat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide.html [harvester info] Found documentation at http://flat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide.html : "name": "FLAT User Guide — FLAT v0.5.2 documentation", [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.11.5) if no version number is specified... Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.rst in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./manage.py) [harvester info] Setting group FLAT Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "flat" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/flat" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/flat.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.flat.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.flat.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.flat.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.flat.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.flat.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.flat.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.flat.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.flat.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.flat.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.flat.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.flat.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.flat.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.flat.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.flat.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 14 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.flat.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.flat.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.flat.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.flat.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.flat.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.flat.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.flat.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.flat.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.flat.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.flat.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.flat.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.flat.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.flat.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.flat.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/flat Processing source #1 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.flat.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/flat [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/flat)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.flat.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/flat [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/flat)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.flat.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/flat.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/flat [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/flat)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.flat.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/flat [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/flat)] processed 16 new triples, total is now 19 Processing source #5 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.flat.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/flat [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/flat)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 21 Processing source #6 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.flat.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/flat [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/flat)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 22 Processing source #7 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.flat.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/flat/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/flat [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/flat)] processed 32 new triples, total is now 53 Processing source #8 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.flat.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/flat [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/flat)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2014-01-02T13:38:48Z -> 2014-01-02T14:39:13Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/flat)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-07-05T11:30:00Z -> 2024-07-05T13:27:34Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/flat)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 53 Processing source #9 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.flat.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/flat [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/flat)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/flat)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/flat)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 53 Processing source #10 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.flat.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-linguistic-annotation-tool/0.11.5 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/flat [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-2db358ffac1276e3 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H1b6f15887e70758c) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (FoLiA Linguistic Annotation Tool -- Flat is a web-based linguistic annotation environment based around the FoLiA format (http://proycon.github.io/folia), a rich XML-based format for linguistic annotation. Flat allows users to view annotated FoLiA documents and enrich these documents with new annotations, a wide variety of linguistic annotation types is supported through the FoLiA paradigm. -> FLAT is a web-based linguistic annotation environment based around the FoLiA format (https://proycon.github.io/folia), a rich XML-based format for linguistic annotation. Flat allows users to view annotated FoLiA documents and enrich these documents with new annotations, a wide variety of linguistic annotation types is supported through the FoLiA paradigm.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (clarin -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (python -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (javascript -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (annotation-tool -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (computational-linguistics -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (web-application -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (clariah -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (linguistic-annotation-framework -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (flat -> FoLiA-Linguistic-Annotation-Tool) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.11.5 -> 0.11.5) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] processed 83 new triples, total is now 112 Processing source #11 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.flat.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/flat [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 112 Processing source #12 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.flat.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/flat [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 112 Processing source #13 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.flat.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/flat [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] overriding old http://schema.org/identifier (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool -> ) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-linguistic-annotation-tool)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 116 Processing source #14 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.flat.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/flat [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/flat)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 117 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/flat -> https://tools.clariah.nl/flat/0.11.5 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (flat)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (flat)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (flat)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (flat)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (flat)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (flat)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (flat)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (flat)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (flat)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (flat)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/flat/0.11.5 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/flat/0.11.5 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/flat/0.11.5 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/flat/0.11.5 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/flat/0.11.5 #5: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/flat/0.11.5 #6: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/flat.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/flat/ for flat: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/flat.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/flat.codemeta.json" "https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/flat/" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing flat (https://github.com/proycon/flat) [Wed Sep 18 03:06:12 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/flat.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing folia-rust (https://github.com/proycon/folia-rust) [Wed Sep 18 03:06:12 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/folia-rust... [harvester info] Found release v0.0.6 [harvester info] Using 'v0.0.6' From https://github.com/proycon/folia-rust * tag v0.0.6 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.0.6 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/folia-rust for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found Cargo.toml (rust) for folia-rust, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2019-06-08T21:34:53Z+0200, date modified: 2020-11-16T14:24:33Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/proycon/folia-rust) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 553 100 553 0 0 4607 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 4647 100 450 100 450 0 0 2430 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2430 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Found CI https://travis-ci.com/proycon/folia [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from https://docs.rs/folia/ [harvester info] Found documentation at https://docs.rs/folia/ : "name": "folia - Rust", [harvester info] Scraping title from https://folia.readthedocs.io/en/latest/implementations.html [harvester info] Found documentation at https://folia.readthedocs.io/en/latest/implementations.html : "name": "Implementations — FoLiA: Format for Linguistic Annotation v2.0 (rev 9.0) documentation", [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.0.6) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive not a stub (./tests) [harvester info] Setting group FoLiA Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "folia-rust" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/folia-rust" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/folia-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.folia-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.folia-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.folia-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.folia-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.folia-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.folia-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.folia-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.folia-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.folia-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.folia-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.folia-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.folia-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.folia-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.folia-rust.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 14 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.folia-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.folia-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.folia-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.folia-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.folia-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.folia-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.folia-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.folia-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.folia-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.folia-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.folia-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.folia-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.folia-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.folia-rust.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust Processing source #1 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.folia-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.folia-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.folia-rust.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.folia-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 11 Processing source #5 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.folia-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 13 Processing source #6 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.folia-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 14 Processing source #7 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.folia-rust.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] processed 24 new triples, total is now 37 Processing source #8 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.folia-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2019-06-08T19:36:18Z -> 2019-06-08T21:34:53Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2022-09-13T13:28:28Z -> 2020-11-16T14:24:33Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 37 Processing source #9 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.folia-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 37 Processing source #10 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.folia-rust.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cargo.toml/0.0.6 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H41e12ff0e2b73685 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H46685719b8ba9e24) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (FoLiA library for rust (alpha) -> High-performance library for handling the FoLiA XML format (Format for Linguistic Annotation)) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (folia -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (rust -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-or-later) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (folia-rust -> folia) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/readme (https://github.com/proycon/folia-rust/blob/v0.0.6//README.md -> https://tools.clariah.nl/README.md) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareHelp (https://folia.readthedocs.io/en/latest/implementations.html -> https://docs.rs/folia) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareHelp (https://docs.rs/folia/ -> https://docs.rs/folia) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.0.6 -> 0.0.6) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] processed 79 new triples, total is now 99 Processing source #11 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.folia-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 100 Processing source #12 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.folia-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 100 Processing source #13 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.folia-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 100 Processing source #14 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.folia-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 101 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust -> https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust/0.0.6 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (folia-rust)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (folia-rust)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#SoftwareLibrary based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (folia-rust)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (folia-rust)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust/0.0.6 #1: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust/0.0.6 #2: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust/0.0.6 #3: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust/0.0.6 #4: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust/0.0.6 #5: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-rust/0.0.6 #6: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/folia-rust.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing folia-rust (https://github.com/proycon/folia-rust) [Wed Sep 18 03:06:24 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/folia-rust.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing foliadocserve (https://github.com/proycon/foliadocserve) [Wed Sep 18 03:06:24 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/foliadocserve... [harvester info] Found release v0.7.8 [harvester info] Using 'v0.7.8' From https://github.com/proycon/foliadocserve * tag v0.7.8 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.7.8 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/foliadocserve for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for foliadocserve, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2015-02-12T11:05:55Z+0100, date modified: 2024-02-07T16:51:51Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/proycon/foliadocserve) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.rst [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 559 100 559 0 0 5757 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5822 100 4260 100 4260 0 0 20257 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 20257 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10631244 [harvester info] Converting README.rst to README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from http://www.sketchengine.co.uk/documentation/wiki/SkE/CorpusQuerying [harvester info] Found documentation at http://www.sketchengine.co.uk/documentation/wiki/SkE/CorpusQuerying : "name": "Page not found – Sketch Engine", [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.7.8) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.rst in master branch... not a stub (./foliadocserve.egg-info) [harvester info] Setting group FLAT Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "foliadocserve" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/foliadocserve" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/foliadocserve.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.foliadocserve.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.foliadocserve.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.foliadocserve.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.foliadocserve.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.foliadocserve.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.foliadocserve.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.foliadocserve.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.foliadocserve.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.foliadocserve.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.foliadocserve.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.foliadocserve.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.foliadocserve.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 12 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.foliadocserve.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.foliadocserve.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.foliadocserve.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.foliadocserve.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.foliadocserve.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.foliadocserve.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.foliadocserve.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.foliadocserve.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.foliadocserve.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.foliadocserve.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.foliadocserve.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.foliadocserve.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve Processing source #1 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.foliadocserve.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.foliadocserve.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.foliadocserve.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.foliadocserve.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve)] processed 4 new triples, total is now 7 Processing source #5 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.foliadocserve.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 9 Processing source #6 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.foliadocserve.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #7 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.foliadocserve.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve)] processed 25 new triples, total is now 34 Processing source #8 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.foliadocserve.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2015-02-12T10:07:05Z -> 2015-02-12T11:05:55Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-02-07T15:55:24Z -> 2024-02-07T16:51:51Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 34 Processing source #9 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.foliadocserve.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 34 Processing source #10 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.foliadocserve.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve/0.7.8 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (foliadocserve)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H29191591d8f76364 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H1d0fe9ae800439a0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (foliadocserve)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (FoLiA Document Server - HTTP webservice backend for serving and annotating FoLiA documents using the FoLiA Query Language (FQL). Used by FLAT. -> The FoLiA Document Server is a backend HTTP service to interact with documents in the FoLiA format, a rich XML-based format for linguistic annotation (http://proycon.github.io/folia). It provides an interface to efficiently edit FoLiA documents through the FoLiA Query Language (FQL). ) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (foliadocserve)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (python -> nlp computational_linguistics rest database document server) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (foliadocserve)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (nlp -> nlp computational_linguistics rest database document server) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (foliadocserve)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (folia -> nlp computational_linguistics rest database document server) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (foliadocserve)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (document-server -> nlp computational_linguistics rest database document server) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (foliadocserve)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.7.8 -> 0.7.8) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (foliadocserve)] processed 89 new triples, total is now 106 Processing source #11 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.foliadocserve.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (foliadocserve)] overriding old http://schema.org/identifier (foliadocserve -> ) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (foliadocserve)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 110 Processing source #12 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.foliadocserve.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 111 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve -> https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve/0.7.8 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (foliadocserve)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliadocserve)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliadocserve)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliadocserve)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliadocserve)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliadocserve)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliadocserve)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliadocserve)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliadocserve)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve/0.7.8 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve/0.7.8 #2: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve/0.7.8 #3: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve/0.7.8 #4: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/foliadocserve/0.7.8 #5: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/foliadocserve.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing foliadocserve (https://github.com/proycon/foliadocserve) [Wed Sep 18 03:06:39 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/foliadocserve.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing foliapy (https://github.com/proycon/foliapy) [Wed Sep 18 03:06:39 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/foliapy... [harvester info] Found release v2.5.11 [harvester info] Using 'v2.5.11' From https://github.com/proycon/foliapy * tag v2.5.11 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v2.5.11 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/foliapy for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for foliapy (md5sum f8c2b03ebb3657288a8cbbb92f2ff776); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] found python setup for foliapy, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Parsing AUTHORS... [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2010-05-27T19:17:40Z+0000, date modified: 2024-03-28T17:23:49Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/proycon/foliapy) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.rst [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 549 100 549 0 0 5788 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 4563 100 4563 0 0 8189 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 13342 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10892255 [harvester info] Converting README.rst to README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Found CI https://github.com/proycon/foliapy/actions/workflows/foliapy.yml [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from http://foliapy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest [harvester info] Found documentation at http://foliapy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest : "name": "FoLiA Python Library — FoLiA Python Library v2.5.11, FoLiA v2.5.3 documentation", [harvester info] Scraping title from https://foliapy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ [harvester info] Found documentation at https://foliapy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ : "name": "FoLiA Python Library — FoLiA Python Library v2.5.11, FoLiA v2.5.3 documentation", [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v2.5.11) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.rst in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./docs) [harvester info] Setting group FoLiA Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "foliapy" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/foliapy" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/31-authors.foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.foliapy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.foliapy.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 17 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/31-authors.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.foliapy.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy Processing source #1 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.foliapy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.foliapy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.foliapy.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.foliapy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 11 Processing source #5 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.foliapy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 13 Processing source #6 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.foliapy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 14 Processing source #7 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.foliapy.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy)] processed 29 new triples, total is now 42 Processing source #8 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.foliapy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2018-09-06T12:45:23Z -> 2010-05-27T19:17:40Z+0000) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-05-14T23:01:14Z -> 2024-03-28T17:23:49Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 42 Processing source #9 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/31-authors.foliapy.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/authors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H781d5b9112052667 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H6a8bc1b8129be0b6) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 48 Processing source #10 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.foliapy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 48 Processing source #11 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.foliapy.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia/2.5.11 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H6a8bc1b8129be0b6 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H28253f1c70d0dd19) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (An extensive Python library for dealing with FoLiA (Format for Linguistic Annotation) documents, a rich XML-based format for linguistic annotation finding application in Natural Language Processing (NLP). This library was formerly part of PyNLPl. -> An extensive library for processing FoLiA documents. FoLiA stands for Format for Linguistic Annotation and is a very rich XML-based format used by various Natural Language Processing tools.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (clariah -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (clarin -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (pynlpl -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (computational-linguistics -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (foliapy -> FoLiA) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] overriding old http://schema.org/url (https://proycon.github.io/folia -> https://github.com/proycon/foliapy) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v2.5.11 -> 2.5.11) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] processed 65 new triples, total is now 92 Processing source #12 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.foliapy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 93 Processing source #13 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.foliapy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 93 Processing source #14 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.foliapy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (FoLiA -> FoLiApy) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level8Complete -> https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level9Proven) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] overriding old http://schema.org/applicationCategory (Text Processing > Linguistic -> https://vocabs.dariah.eu/tadirah/annotating) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] processed 6 new triples, total is now 95 Processing source #15 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.foliapy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 95 Processing source #16 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.foliapy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] overriding old http://schema.org/identifier (folia -> ) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 99 Processing source #17 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.foliapy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 100 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy -> https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy/2.5.11 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (foliapy)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliapy)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#SoftwareLibrary based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliapy)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliapy)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliapy)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy/2.5.11 #1: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/foliapy/2.5.11 #2: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/foliapy.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing foliapy (https://github.com/proycon/foliapy) [Wed Sep 18 03:06:56 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/foliapy.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing foliatools (https://github.com/proycon/foliatools) [Wed Sep 18 03:06:56 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/foliatools... [harvester info] Found release v2.5.7 [harvester info] Using 'v2.5.7' From https://github.com/proycon/foliatools * tag v2.5.7 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v2.5.7 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/foliatools for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for foliatools (md5sum aaf074cd20239cb6f4955ff9e5fd242f); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] found python setup for foliatools, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2011-01-14T12:22:40Z+0000, date modified: 2024-05-14T12:13:07Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/proycon/foliatools) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.rst [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 553 100 553 0 0 4835 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 4850 100 4665 100 4665 0 0 18751 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 18751 100 4665 100 4665 0 0 18687 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12759105 [harvester info] Converting README.rst to README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Found CI https://github.com/proycon/foliatools/actions/workflows/foliatools.yml [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from https://folia.readthedocs.io/en/latest/form.html [harvester info] Found documentation at https://folia.readthedocs.io/en/latest/form.html : "name": "Form — FoLiA: Format for Linguistic Annotation v2.0 (rev 9.0) documentation", [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v2.5.7) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.rst in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./docs) [harvester info] Setting group FoLiA Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "foliatools" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/foliatools" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/foliatools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.foliatools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.foliatools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.foliatools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.foliatools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.foliatools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.foliatools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.foliatools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.foliatools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.foliatools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.foliatools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.foliatools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.foliatools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.foliatools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.foliatools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.foliatools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.foliatools.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 16 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.foliatools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.foliatools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.foliatools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.foliatools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.foliatools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.foliatools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.foliatools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.foliatools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.foliatools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.foliatools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.foliatools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.foliatools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.foliatools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.foliatools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.foliatools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.foliatools.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools Processing source #1 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.foliatools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.foliatools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.foliatools.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.foliatools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools)] processed 4 new triples, total is now 7 Processing source #5 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.foliatools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 9 Processing source #6 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.foliatools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #7 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.foliatools.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools)] processed 28 new triples, total is now 37 Processing source #8 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.foliatools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2018-09-06T14:37:40Z -> 2011-01-14T12:22:40Z+0000) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-07-17T11:54:36Z -> 2024-05-14T12:13:07Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 37 Processing source #9 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.foliatools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 37 Processing source #10 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.foliatools.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/folia-tools/2.5.7 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-434f47ae94ddac9e -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-1e80dd97f9c4310a) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (A number of command-line tools for working with FoLiA (Format for Linguistic Annotation). Includes validators, converters, visualisers, and more. -> FoLiA-tools contains various Python-based command line tools for working with FoLiA XML (Format for Linguistic Annotation)) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (converters -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (computational-linguistics -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (conllu -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (clarin -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (clariah -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (foliatools -> FoLiA-tools) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v2.5.7 -> 2.5.7) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] processed 276 new triples, total is now 294 Processing source #11 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.foliatools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 295 Processing source #12 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.foliatools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 295 Processing source #13 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.foliatools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (FoLiA-tools -> FoLiA tools) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level8Complete -> https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level9Proven) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/applicationCategory (Text Processing > Linguistic -> https://vocabs.dariah.eu/tadirah/annotating) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] processed 6 new triples, total is now 297 Processing source #14 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.foliatools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 297 Processing source #15 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.foliatools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/identifier (folia-tools -> ) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (folia-tools)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 301 Processing source #16 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.foliatools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H3f43a7a3c94d632c)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 302 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools -> https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools/2.5.7 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (foliatools)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliatools)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliatools)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliatools)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliatools)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliatools)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliatools)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliatools)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliatools)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliatools)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools/2.5.7 #1: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/foliatools/2.5.7 #2: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/foliatools.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing foliatools (https://github.com/proycon/foliatools) [Wed Sep 18 03:07:09 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/foliatools.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing foliautils (https://github.com/languagemachines/foliautils) [Wed Sep 18 03:07:09 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/languagemachines/foliautils... [harvester info] Found release v0.22 [harvester info] Using 'v0.22' From https://github.com/languagemachines/foliautils * tag v0.22 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.22 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/foliautils for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for foliautils (md5sum 49c6ce08368f96636e2230312e733a38); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 7 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README in master branch... [harvester info] Parsing MAINTAINERS from master branch... not a stub (./lcconfig) [harvester info] Setting group FoLiA Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 7 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "foliautils" --codeRepository "https://github.com/languagemachines/foliautils" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/foliautils.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.foliautils.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.foliautils.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.foliautils.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.foliautils.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.foliautils.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 5 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.foliautils.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.foliautils.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.foliautils.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.foliautils.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.foliautils.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/foliautils Processing source #1 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.foliautils.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliautils [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/foliautils)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.foliautils.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliautils [CODEMETA CORRECTION (foliautils)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (foliautils)] processed 198 new triples, total is now 198 Processing source #3 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.foliautils.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliautils [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (foliautils)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 198 Processing source #4 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.foliautils.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/maintainers/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliautils [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (foliautils)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 211 Processing source #5 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.foliautils.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/foliautils [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (foliautils)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 212 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/foliautils -> https://tools.clariah.nl/foliautils/0.22 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (foliautils)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliautils)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H30004e1ab7d61148 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliautils)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1046-0006 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (foliautils)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/foliautils/0.22 #1: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/foliautils/0.22 #2: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/foliautils/0.22 #3: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/foliautils.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing foliautils (https://github.com/languagemachines/foliautils) [Wed Sep 18 03:07:14 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/foliautils.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing forcedalignment2 (https://github.com//opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/forcedalignment2) [Wed Sep 18 03:07:14 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com//opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/forcedalignment2... [harvester info] Found release v0.3.2 [harvester info] Using 'v0.3.2' From https://github.com//opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/forcedalignment2 * tag v0.3.2 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.3.2 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/forcedalignment2 for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for forcedalignment2 (md5sum 89ffaa88db0688ad9f87f37b8e0f2e91); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./forcedalignment2.mlp04.ini) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "forcedalignment2" --codeRepository "https://github.com//opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/forcedalignment2" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/forcedalignment2.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.forcedalignment2.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.forcedalignment2.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.forcedalignment2.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.forcedalignment2.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/forcedalignment2 Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.forcedalignment2.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/forcedalignment2 [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/forcedalignment2)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.forcedalignment2.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/forcedalignment2 [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (forcedalignment2)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (forcedalignment2)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (forcedalignment2)] processed 47 new triples, total is now 47 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/forcedalignment2 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (forcedalignment2)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (forcedalignment2)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (forcedalignment2)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-70ac0343536bf763 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (forcedalignment2)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 #2: Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 #3: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 #4: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 #5: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 #6: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/forcedalignment2/0.3.1 #7: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/forcedalignment2.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/forcedalignment2/ for forcedalignment2: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/forcedalignment2.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/forcedalignment2.codemeta.json" "https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/forcedalignment2/" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing forcedalignment2 (https://github.com//opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/forcedalignment2) [Wed Sep 18 03:07:20 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/forcedalignment2.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing frog-service (https://github.com/proycon/frog_webservice) [Wed Sep 18 03:07:20 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/frog_webservice... [harvester info] Found release v2.7 [harvester info] Using 'v2.7' From https://github.com/proycon/frog_webservice * tag v2.7 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v2.7 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/frog-service for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for frog-service (md5sum d17aa23ae9ca03cec3d43b543a494443); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] found python setup for frog-service, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2022-02-17T20:41:15Z+0100, date modified: 2023-12-05T16:06:08Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/proycon/frog_webservice) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 559 100 559 0 0 4553 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 4581 100 453 100 453 0 0 2100 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2100 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v2.7) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./frog_webservice) [harvester info] Setting group Frog Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "frog-service" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/frog_webservice" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/frog-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.frog-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.frog-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.frog-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.frog-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.frog-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.frog-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.frog-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.frog-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.frog-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.frog-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.frog-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.frog-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.frog-service.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 13 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.frog-service.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service Processing source #1 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.frog-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.frog-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.frog-service.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.frog-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.frog-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.frog-service.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog_webservice/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service)] processed 29 new triples, total is now 34 Processing source #7 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.frog-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2022-02-17T21:15:33Z -> 2022-02-17T20:41:15Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-12-05T15:14:48Z -> 2023-12-05T16:06:08Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 34 Processing source #8 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.frog-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 34 Processing source #9 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.frog-service.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-webservice/2.7 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-7164ae371ea69362 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H1e7ab90b749fe308) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Webservice and web interface for Frog, a dutch NLP suite -> Frog is a suite containing a tokeniser, Part-of-Speech tagger, lemmatiser, morphological analyser, shallow parser, and dependency parser for Dutch. This is the webservice for it, for both humans and machines.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (part-of-speech-tagger -> clam webservice rest nlp computational_linguistics rest) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (frog -> clam webservice rest nlp computational_linguistics rest) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (named-entity-recognition -> clam webservice rest nlp computational_linguistics rest) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (nlp -> clam webservice rest nlp computational_linguistics rest) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (folia -> clam webservice rest nlp computational_linguistics rest) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (dutch -> clam webservice rest nlp computational_linguistics rest) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (webservice -> clam webservice rest nlp computational_linguistics rest) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (frog_webservice -> Frog-Webservice) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v2.7 -> 2.7) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] processed 59 new triples, total is now 74 Processing source #10 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.frog-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 74 Processing source #11 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.frog-service.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareRequirements (https://tools.clariah.nl/dependency/clam-ge-3-2-4 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-153916caa34ccda3) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareRequirements (https://tools.clariah.nl/dependency/folia-tools -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-153916caa34ccda3) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/applicationCategory (Text Processing > Linguistic -> https://vocabs.dariah.eu/tadirah/annotating) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/applicationCategory (Internet > WWW/HTTP > WSGI > Application -> https://vocabs.dariah.eu/tadirah/annotating) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] processed 44 new triples, total is now 112 Processing source #12 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.frog-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 112 Processing source #13 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.frog-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog-webservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 113 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service -> https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service/2.7 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (frog-service)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog-service)] Guessing interface type http://schema.org/WebAPI based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog-service)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service/2.7 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service/2.7 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/frog-service/2.7 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/frog-service.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/frog/ for frog-service: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/frog-service.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/frog-service.codemeta.json" "https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/frog/" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing frog-service (https://github.com/proycon/frog_webservice) [Wed Sep 18 03:07:35 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/frog-service.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing frog (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/frog) [Wed Sep 18 03:07:35 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/LanguageMachines/frog... [harvester info] Found release v0.33 [harvester info] Using 'v0.33' From https://github.com/LanguageMachines/frog * tag v0.33 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.33 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/frog for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for frog (md5sum 9c6c0ae3c4395e520f8034ea7057baa8); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 5 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README in master branch... [harvester info] Parsing MAINTAINERS from master branch... not a stub (./tests) [harvester info] Setting group Frog Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 5 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "frog" --codeRepository "https://github.com/LanguageMachines/frog" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.frog.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 5 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.frog.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/frog Processing source #1 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.frog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/frog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.frog.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog [CODEMETA CORRECTION (frog)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog)] processed 236 new triples, total is now 236 Processing source #3 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.frog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 236 Processing source #4 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.frog.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/maintainers/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 249 Processing source #5 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.frog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (frog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 250 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/frog -> https://tools.clariah.nl/frog/0.33 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (frog)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H543a6f902e0f9446 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2493-656X as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (frog)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1046-0006 as contributor -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/frog.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing frog (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/frog) [Wed Sep 18 03:07:41 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/frog.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing fusus (https://github.com/among/fusus) [Wed Sep 18 03:07:41 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/among/fusus... [harvester info] Found release v0.8 [harvester info] Using 'v0.8' From https://github.com/among/fusus * tag v0.8 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.8 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/fusus for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for fusus, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2020-03-03T10:02:46Z+0100, date modified: 2023-04-11T19:46:15Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/among/fusus) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 535 100 535 0 0 3719 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3715 100 4091 100 4091 0 0 14775 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 14775 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7818766 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#wip [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.8) if no version number is specified... M fusus.egg-info/PKG-INFO M fusus.egg-info/SOURCES.txt M fusus.egg-info/requires.txt Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#wip not a stub (./notebooks) M fusus.egg-info/PKG-INFO M fusus.egg-info/SOURCES.txt M fusus.egg-info/requires.txt Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "fusus" --codeRepository "https://github.com/among/fusus" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/fusus.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.fusus.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.fusus.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.fusus.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.fusus.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.fusus.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.fusus.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.fusus.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.fusus.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.fusus.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.fusus.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.fusus.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.fusus.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 12 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.fusus.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.fusus.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.fusus.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.fusus.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.fusus.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.fusus.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.fusus.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.fusus.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.fusus.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.fusus.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.fusus.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.fusus.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus Processing source #1 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.fusus.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.fusus.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.fusus.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.fusus.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.fusus.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.fusus.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus)] processed 24 new triples, total is now 29 Processing source #7 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.fusus.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2020-03-03T09:02:45Z -> 2020-03-03T10:02:46Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-11-14T16:08:47Z -> 2023-04-11T19:46:15Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 29 Processing source #8 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.fusus.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 29 Processing source #9 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.fusus.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus/0.0.2 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (a workflow to transform Arabic classical works in printed form to structured text -> Workflow for converting Arabic scanned pages into readable text) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#wip) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (text-processing -> OCR) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (image-processing -> OCR) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (opencv -> OCR) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (ocr -> OCR) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (wisdom -> OCR) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (kraken -> OCR) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (digital-humanities -> OCR) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (text-fabric -> OCR) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (python -> OCR) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (workflow -> OCR) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/url (https://among.github.io/fusus/fusus/index.html -> https://github.com/among/fusus) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.8 -> 0.0.2) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] processed 121 new triples, total is now 130 Processing source #10 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.fusus.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 130 Processing source #11 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.fusus.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 130 Processing source #12 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.fusus.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] overriding old http://schema.org/identifier (fusus -> ) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (fusus)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 134 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus -> https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus/0.0.2 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (fusus)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (fusus)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (fusus)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (fusus)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (fusus)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/cornelis-van-lit as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (fusus)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/dirk-roorda as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (fusus)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus/0.0.2 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus/0.0.2 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus/0.0.2 #3: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus/0.0.2 #4: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus/0.0.2 #5: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus/0.0.2 #6: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/fusus/0.0.2 #7: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/fusus.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing fusus (https://github.com/among/fusus) [Wed Sep 18 03:07:54 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/fusus.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing g2pservice (https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/g2pservice) [Wed Sep 18 03:07:54 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/g2pservice... [harvester info] Found release v0.3.4 [harvester info] Using 'v0.3.4' From https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/g2pservice * tag v0.3.4 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.3.4 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/g2pservice for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for g2pservice, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2019-02-25T16:18:01Z+0100, date modified: 2023-05-12T13:09:12Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/g2pservice) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found buildInstructions in INSTALL [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 599 100 599 0 0 6267 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 6305 100 473 100 473 0 0 2893 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2893 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Mapping repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#wip to trl:Stage3Experimental [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.3.4) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./deployment-examples) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "g2pservice" --codeRepository "https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/g2pservice" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/g2pservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.g2pservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.g2pservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.g2pservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.g2pservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/42-buildinstructions.g2pservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.g2pservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.g2pservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.g2pservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.g2pservice.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.g2pservice.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 10 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.g2pservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.g2pservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.g2pservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.g2pservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/42-buildinstructions.g2pservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.g2pservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.g2pservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.g2pservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.g2pservice.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.g2pservice.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice Processing source #1 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.g2pservice.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.g2pservice.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.g2pservice.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.g2pservice.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/42-buildinstructions.g2pservice.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.g2pservice.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 7 Processing source #7 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.g2pservice.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice)] processed 12 new triples, total is now 18 Processing source #8 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.g2pservice.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2020-09-16T14:30:10Z -> 2019-02-25T16:18:01Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-05-12T11:22:11Z -> 2023-05-12T13:09:12Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 18 Processing source #9 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.g2pservice.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice/0.3.4 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (g2pservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Grapheme to phoneme (G2P) webservice, scripts and models -> Grapheme to Phoneme converter. Input is a list of words (utf8). Choose one of the language options.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (g2pservice)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (g2pservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.3.4 -> 0.3.4) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (g2pservice)] processed 54 new triples, total is now 67 Processing source #10 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.g2pservice.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (g2pservice)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level8Complete -> https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Stage3Experimental) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (g2pservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 67 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice -> https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice/0.3.4 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (g2pservice)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (g2pservice)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (g2pservice)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (g2pservice)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (g2pservice)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (g2pservice)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (g2pservice)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (g2pservice)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/louis-ten-bosch as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (g2pservice)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice/0.3.4 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice/0.3.4 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice/0.3.4 #3: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice/0.3.4 #4: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice/0.3.4 #5: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice/0.3.4 #6: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/g2pservice/0.3.4 #7: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/g2pservice.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/g2pservice/ for g2pservice: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/g2pservice.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/g2pservice.codemeta.json" "https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/g2pservice/" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing g2pservice (https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/g2pservice) [Wed Sep 18 03:08:09 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/g2pservice.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing galahad-train-battery (https://github.com/INL/galahad-train-battery) [Wed Sep 18 03:08:10 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/INL/galahad-train-battery... [harvester info] Found release 1.0.0 [harvester info] Using '1.0.0' From https://github.com/INL/galahad-train-battery * tag 1.0.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: 1.0.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/galahad-train-battery for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for galahad-train-battery (md5sum e9d63593c84e419b6d66b56b56631851); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/release'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./unzip-and-clean-corpus.sh) [harvester info] Setting group GaLAHaD Your branch is up to date with 'origin/release'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "galahad-train-battery" --codeRepository "https://github.com/INL/galahad-train-battery" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/galahad-train-battery.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.galahad-train-battery.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.galahad-train-battery.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.galahad-train-battery.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 3 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.galahad-train-battery.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.galahad-train-battery.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.galahad-train-battery.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad-train-battery Processing source #1 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.galahad-train-battery.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad-train-battery [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad-train-battery)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.galahad-train-battery.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad-train-battery [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (galahad-train-battery)] processed 51 new triples, total is now 51 Processing source #3 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.galahad-train-battery.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad-train-battery [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (galahad-train-battery)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 52 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad-train-battery -> https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad-train-battery/1.0.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (galahad-train-battery)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (galahad-train-battery)] adding author http://orcid.org/0009-0006-9941-9582 as contributor VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad-train-battery/1.0.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad-train-battery/1.0.0 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad-train-battery/1.0.0 #3: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad-train-battery/1.0.0 #4: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad-train-battery/1.0.0 #5: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad-train-battery/1.0.0 #6: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/galahad-train-battery.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing galahad-train-battery (https://github.com/INL/galahad-train-battery) [Wed Sep 18 03:08:12 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/galahad-train-battery.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing galahad (https://github.com/INL/galahad) [Wed Sep 18 03:08:12 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/INL/galahad... [harvester info] Found release 1.2.2 [harvester info] Using '1.2.2' From https://github.com/INL/galahad * tag 1.2.2 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: 1.2.2 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/galahad for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for galahad (md5sum 6a1e01599a462c3e65c902c213911ef8); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license Apache-2.0 [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2024-05-31T16:59:02Z+0200, date modified: 2024-08-30T14:38:25Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/INL/galahad) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: readme.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 537 100 537 0 0 6247 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 6317 100 442 100 442 0 0 2255 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2255 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in readme.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in readme.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in readme.md... [harvester info] Found CI https://github.com/INL/Galahad/actions/ [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in readme.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (1.2.2) if no version number is specified... Your branch is behind 'origin/release' by 4 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in readme.md in master branch... not a stub (./version.yml.template) [harvester info] Setting group GaLAHaD Your branch is behind 'origin/release' by 4 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "galahad" --codeRepository "https://github.com/INL/galahad" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/galahad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.galahad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.galahad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.galahad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.galahad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.galahad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.galahad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.galahad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.galahad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.galahad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.galahad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.galahad.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 11 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.galahad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.galahad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.galahad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.galahad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.galahad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.galahad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.galahad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.galahad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.galahad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.galahad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.galahad.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad Processing source #1 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.galahad.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.galahad.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.galahad.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.galahad.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.galahad.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.galahad.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad)] processed 13 new triples, total is now 18 Processing source #7 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.galahad.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2024-05-31T14:57:58Z -> 2024-05-31T16:59:02Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-17T22:01:41Z -> 2024-08-30T14:38:25Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 18 Processing source #8 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.galahad.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 -> Apache-2.0) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 18 Processing source #9 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.galahad.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 19 Processing source #10 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.galahad.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (galahad)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2024-05-31T16:59:02Z+0200 -> 2024-05-31) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (galahad)] overriding old http://schema.org/codeRepository (https://github.com/INL/galahad -> git+https://github.com/INL/galahad.git) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (galahad)] overriding old http://schema.org/description ("Galahad". Goal: enable linguists to experiment with different taggers and use the result in other INT products -> GaLAHaD (Generating Linguistic Annotations for Historical Dutch) allows linguists to compare taggers, tag their own corpora, evaluate the results and export their tagged documents.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (galahad)] overriding old http://schema.org/downloadUrl (https://github.com/INL/galahad/archive/refs/tags/1.2.2.zip -> https://github.com/INL/galahad) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (galahad)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (galahad -> GaLAHaD) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (galahad)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/contIntegration (https://github.com/INL/Galahad/actions/ -> https://github.com/INL/galahad/actions) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (galahad)] overriding old http://schema.org/producer (https://tools.clariah.nl/org/dutch-language-institute -> https://www.ivdnt.org) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (galahad)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/readme (https://github.com/INL/galahad/blob/1.2.2//readme.md -> https://github.com/INL/Galahad/blob/release/readme.md) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (galahad)] overriding old http://schema.org/releaseNotes (https://github.com/INL/galahad/releases/tag/1.2.2 -> https://github.com/INL/Galahad/releases) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (galahad)] processed 301 new triples, total is now 307 Processing source #11 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.galahad.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (galahad)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 308 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad -> https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad/1.2.2 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (galahad)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad/1.2.2 #1: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/galahad.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://portal.clarin.ivdnt.org/galahad for galahad: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/galahad.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/galahad.codemeta.json" "https://portal.clarin.ivdnt.org/galahad" -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/out/galahad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('https://portal.clarin.ivdnt.org/galahad', 'web')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/out/galahad.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad/1.2.2 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/galahad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (galahad)] processed 477 new triples, total is now 477 Processing source #2 of 2 Fallback: Obtaining metadata from remote URL https://portal.clarin.ivdnt.org/galahad Service replied with content-type text/html Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/codemetapy", line 8, in sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/codemeta/codemeta.py", line 335, in main g, res, args, contextgraph = build(**args.__dict__) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/codemeta/codemeta.py", line 688, in build for targetres in codemeta.parsers.web.parse_web( File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/codemeta/parsers/web.py", line 132, in parse_web raise MiddlewareObstructionException( codemeta.parsers.web.MiddlewareObstructionException: Unable to extract metadata from https://portal.clarin.ivdnt.org/galahad because it immediately redirects to an external (SSO) login page rather than a proper landing page -- end log -- [harvester error] Failed to obtain or process metadata from remote service URL https://portal.clarin.ivdnt.org/galahad for galahad [harvester info] <-- Finished processing galahad (https://github.com/INL/galahad) [Wed Sep 18 03:08:25 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/galahad.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing gecco (https://github.com/proycon/gecco) [Wed Sep 18 03:08:25 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/gecco... [harvester info] Found release v0.3.0 [harvester info] Using 'v0.3.0' From https://github.com/proycon/gecco * tag v0.3.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.3.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/gecco for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for gecco, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2015-01-08T16:07:44Z+0100, date modified: 2020-07-11T13:28:04Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/proycon/gecco) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 543 100 543 0 0 5534 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5597 100 4243 100 4243 0 0 22427 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 22427 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3940410 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.3.0) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#unsupported not a stub (./test.py) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "gecco" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/gecco" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/gecco.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.gecco.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.gecco.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.gecco.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.gecco.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.gecco.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.gecco.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.gecco.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.gecco.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.gecco.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.gecco.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.gecco.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.gecco.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 12 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.gecco.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.gecco.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.gecco.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.gecco.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.gecco.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.gecco.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.gecco.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.gecco.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.gecco.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.gecco.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.gecco.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.gecco.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco Processing source #1 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.gecco.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.gecco.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.gecco.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.gecco.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.gecco.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.gecco.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco)] processed 24 new triples, total is now 29 Processing source #7 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.gecco.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2015-01-08T15:08:28Z -> 2015-01-08T16:07:44Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2022-09-07T12:27:37Z -> 2020-07-11T13:28:04Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 29 Processing source #8 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.gecco.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 29 Processing source #9 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.gecco.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco/0.3.0 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (gecco)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H4b8705b2217cf686 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H79b137ead5993ad5) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (gecco)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#wip) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (gecco)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (spelling-correction -> spelling corrector spell check nlp computational_linguistics rest) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (gecco)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (python -> spelling corrector spell check nlp computational_linguistics rest) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (gecco)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (nlp -> spelling corrector spell check nlp computational_linguistics rest) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (gecco)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (gecco -> Gecco) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (gecco)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.3.0 -> 0.3.0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (gecco)] processed 105 new triples, total is now 118 Processing source #10 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.gecco.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (gecco)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#wip -> https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (gecco)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 118 Processing source #11 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.gecco.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (gecco)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#unsupported) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (gecco)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 118 Processing source #12 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.gecco.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (gecco)] overriding old http://schema.org/identifier (gecco -> ) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (gecco)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 122 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco -> https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco/0.3.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (gecco)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (gecco)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (gecco)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (gecco)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (gecco)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (gecco)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (gecco)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco/0.3.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco/0.3.0 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco/0.3.0 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco/0.3.0 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco/0.3.0 #5: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco/0.3.0 #6: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/gecco.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/valkuil/ for gecco: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/gecco.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/gecco.codemeta.json" "https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/valkuil/" -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/out/gecco.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/valkuil/', 'web')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/out/gecco.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco/0.3.0 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gecco [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (gecco)] processed 130 new triples, total is now 130 Processing source #2 of 2 Fallback: Obtaining metadata from remote URL https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/valkuil/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/codemetapy", line 8, in sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/codemeta/codemeta.py", line 335, in main g, res, args, contextgraph = build(**args.__dict__) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/codemeta/codemeta.py", line 688, in build for targetres in codemeta.parsers.web.parse_web( File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/codemeta/parsers/web.py", line 105, in parse_web r.raise_for_status() File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 1021, in raise_for_status raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self) requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/valkuil/ -- end log -- [harvester error] Failed to obtain or process metadata from remote service URL https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/valkuil/ for gecco [harvester info] <-- Finished processing gecco (https://github.com/proycon/gecco) [Wed Sep 18 03:08:40 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/gecco.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing glem (https://github.com/GreekPerspective/glem/) [Wed Sep 18 03:08:40 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/GreekPerspective/glem/... [harvester info] Found release v1.3.2 [harvester info] Using 'v1.3.2' From https://github.com/GreekPerspective/glem * tag v1.3.2 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v1.3.2 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/glem for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for glem (md5sum bec1c284ec9cbad068125651112f8535); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./Dockerfile) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "glem" --codeRepository "https://github.com/GreekPerspective/glem/" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/glem.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.glem.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.glem.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.glem.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.glem.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/glem Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.glem.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/glem [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/glem)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.glem.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/glem [CODEMETA CORRECTION (glem)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (glem)] processed 121 new triples, total is now 121 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/glem -> https://tools.clariah.nl/glem/1.3.1 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (glem)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (glem)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H4c2e9f7e20517103 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (glem)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-481673f8cf665d82 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (glem)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-2879ec054be697e9 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (glem)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H13da114bcd6acc7e as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (glem)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/glem/1.3.1 #1: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/glem/1.3.1 #2: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/glem.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/glem for glem: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/glem.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/glem.codemeta.json" "https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/glem" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing glem (https://github.com/GreekPerspective/glem/) [Wed Sep 18 03:08:46 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/glem.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing gretel (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/gretel) [Wed Sep 18 03:08:46 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/gretel... [harvester info] Found release v4.2.4.1 [harvester info] Using 'v4.2.4.1' From https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/gretel * tag v4.2.4.1 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v4.2.4.1 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/gretel for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found package.json (NodeJS) for gretel, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor Sheean will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2016-03-07T13:48:19Z+0100, date modified: 2022-09-16T15:00:36Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/gretel) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 579 100 579 0 0 3793 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3784 100 4618 100 4618 0 0 13299 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 13299 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7152769 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v4.2.4.1) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/develop'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./api) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/develop'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "gretel" --codeRepository "https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/gretel" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/gretel.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.gretel.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.gretel.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.gretel.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.gretel.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.gretel.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.gretel.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.gretel.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.gretel.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.gretel.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.gretel.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 10 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.gretel.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.gretel.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.gretel.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.gretel.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.gretel.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.gretel.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.gretel.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.gretel.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.gretel.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.gretel.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel Processing source #1 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.gretel.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.gretel.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.gretel.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #4 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.gretel.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 12 Processing source #5 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.gretel.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 13 Processing source #6 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.gretel.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel)] processed 13 new triples, total is now 25 Processing source #7 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.gretel.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2017-06-27T13:41:53Z -> 2016-03-07T13:48:19Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-02-29T10:47:40Z -> 2022-09-16T15:00:36Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 25 Processing source #8 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.gretel.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel.contributors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 26 Processing source #9 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.gretel.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel/4.2.4 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel)] overriding old http://schema.org/codeRepository (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/gretel -> git+https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/gretel.git) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v4.2.4.1 -> 4.2.4) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel)] processed 6 new triples, total is now 28 Processing source #10 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.gretel.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 33 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel -> https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel/4.2.4 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (gretel)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (gretel)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel/4.2.4 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel/4.2.4 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel/4.2.4 #3: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel/4.2.4 #4: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel/4.2.4 #5: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/gretel/4.2.4 #6: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/gretel.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://gretel.hum.uu.nl/ng/home for gretel: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/gretel.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/gretel.codemeta.json" "https://gretel.hum.uu.nl/ng/home" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing gretel (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/gretel) [Wed Sep 18 03:09:08 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/gretel.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing grlc (https://github.com/CLARIAH/grlc) [Wed Sep 18 03:09:08 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/CLARIAH/grlc... [harvester info] Found release v1.3.9 [harvester info] Using 'v1.3.9' From https://github.com/CLARIAH/grlc * tag v1.3.9 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v1.3.9 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/grlc for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for grlc (md5sum 42e61bca09708f8bc1202d7539b7473d); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** [harvester info] Your CITATION.cff is ignored because you already have a codemeta.json! Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./config.default.ini) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "grlc" --codeRepository "https://github.com/CLARIAH/grlc" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/grlc.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.grlc.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.grlc.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.grlc.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.grlc.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/grlc Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.grlc.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/grlc [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/grlc)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.grlc.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/grlc [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (grlc)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (grlc)] processed 287 new triples, total is now 287 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/grlc -> https://tools.clariah.nl/grlc/1.3.7 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (grlc)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/grlc/1.3.7 #1: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/grlc/1.3.7 #2: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/grlc/1.3.7 #3: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/grlc.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing grlc (https://github.com/CLARIAH/grlc) [Wed Sep 18 03:09:10 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/grlc.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing hypodisc (https://github.com/wxwilcke/hypodisc) [Wed Sep 18 03:09:11 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/wxwilcke/hypodisc... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'main' From https://github.com/wxwilcke/hypodisc * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: main [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/hypodisc for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for hypodisc, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor Xander Wilcke will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2023-07-27T14:09:41Z+0200, date modified: 2024-06-03T14:31:16Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/wxwilcke/hypodisc) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./tests) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "hypodisc" --codeRepository "https://github.com/wxwilcke/hypodisc" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/hypodisc.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.hypodisc.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.hypodisc.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.hypodisc.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.hypodisc.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.hypodisc.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.hypodisc.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.hypodisc.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.hypodisc.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 8 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.hypodisc.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.hypodisc.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.hypodisc.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.hypodisc.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.hypodisc.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.hypodisc.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.hypodisc.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.hypodisc.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc Processing source #1 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.hypodisc.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.hypodisc.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 9 Processing source #3 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.hypodisc.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #4 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.hypodisc.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H16e1998d7c9b2011 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H16204586ded0ac76) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc)] processed 19 new triples, total is now 24 Processing source #5 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.hypodisc.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2023-08-14T16:04:41Z -> 2023-07-27T14:09:41Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-06-03T12:31:36Z -> 2024-06-03T14:31:16Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 24 Processing source #6 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.hypodisc.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc.contributors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 25 Processing source #7 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.hypodisc.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 25 Processing source #8 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.hypodisc.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc/0.1.0 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (hypodisc)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H16204586ded0ac76 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-c17aebd9c4a0c84) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (hypodisc)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/issueTracker (https://github.com/wxwilcke/hypodisc/issues -> https://gitlab.com/wxwilcke/hypodisc/-/issues) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (hypodisc)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> http://spdx.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (hypodisc)] processed 58 new triples, total is now 75 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc -> https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc/0.1.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (hypodisc)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (hypodisc)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (hypodisc)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (hypodisc)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc/0.1.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc/0.1.0 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc/0.1.0 #3: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc/0.1.0 #4: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc/0.1.0 #5: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/hypodisc/0.1.0 #6: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/hypodisc.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing hypodisc (https://github.com/wxwilcke/hypodisc) [Wed Sep 18 03:09:25 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/hypodisc.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing ianalyzer (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/I-analyzer) [Wed Sep 18 03:09:25 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/I-analyzer... [harvester info] Found release v5.4.0-pre.1 [harvester info] Using 'v5.4.0-pre.1' From https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/I-analyzer * tag v5.4.0-pre.1 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v5.4.0-pre.1 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/ianalyzer for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found CITATION.cff for ianalyzer, converting to codemeta [harvester info] found package.json (NodeJS) for ianalyzer, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor lukavdplas will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2016-09-01T13:48:25Z+0200, date modified: 2023-12-08T11:23:35Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/I-analyzer) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 595 100 595 0 0 5296 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5312 100 471 100 471 0 0 2482 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2482 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v5.4.0-pre.1) if no version number is specified... Your branch is behind 'origin/develop' by 298 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./glue.py) Your branch is behind 'origin/develop' by 298 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "ianalyzer" --codeRepository "https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/I-analyzer" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/ianalyzer.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.ianalyzer.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ianalyzer.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.ianalyzer.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.ianalyzer.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.ianalyzer.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.ianalyzer.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.ianalyzer.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.ianalyzer.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.ianalyzer.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-citationcff.ianalyzer.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 10 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.ianalyzer.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ianalyzer.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.ianalyzer.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.ianalyzer.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.ianalyzer.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.ianalyzer.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.ianalyzer.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.ianalyzer.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.ianalyzer.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-citationcff.ianalyzer.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer Processing source #1 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.ianalyzer.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ianalyzer.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.ianalyzer.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #4 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.ianalyzer.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 12 Processing source #5 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.ianalyzer.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 13 Processing source #6 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.ianalyzer.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/i-analyzer/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer)] processed 22 new triples, total is now 34 Processing source #7 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.ianalyzer.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2017-04-05T12:32:47Z -> 2016-09-01T13:48:25Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-13T13:53:49Z -> 2023-12-08T11:23:35Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 34 Processing source #8 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.ianalyzer.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer.contributors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer)] processed 19 new triples, total is now 48 Processing source #9 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.ianalyzer.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/i-analyzer/5.3.0 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (I-analyzer -> i-analyzer) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v5.4.0-pre.1 -> 5.3.0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer)] processed 6 new triples, total is now 49 Processing source #10 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-citationcff.ianalyzer.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8064133)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-3f788396e1e13376 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-57b380bc4330e2ad) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8064133)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (The great textmining tool that obviates all others -> I-analyzer is a tool for exploring corpora (large collections of texts). You can use I-analyzer to find relevant documents, or to make visualisations to understand broader trends in the corpus. The interface is designed to be accessible for users of all skill levels. I-analyzer is primarily intended for academic research and higher education. We focus on data that is relevant for the humanities, but we are open to datasets that are relevant for other fields.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8064133)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (digital-history -> text-mining) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8064133)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (corpus-linguistics -> text-mining) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8064133)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (literary-studies -> text-mining) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8064133)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (text-analysis -> text-mining) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8064133)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (digital-humanities -> text-mining) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8064133)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (corpus-search -> text-mining) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8064133)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> https://spdx.org/licenses/MIT) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8064133)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (i-analyzer -> I-Analyzer) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8064133)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8064133)] processed 19 new triples, total is now 53 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer -> https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer/5.3.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ianalyzer)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ianalyzer)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer/5.3.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer/5.3.0 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer/5.3.0 #3: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer/5.3.0 #4: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer/5.3.0 #5: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ianalyzer/5.3.0 #6: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/ianalyzer.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://ianalyzer.hum.uu.nl/ for ianalyzer: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/ianalyzer.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/ianalyzer.codemeta.json" "https://ianalyzer.hum.uu.nl/" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing ianalyzer (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/I-analyzer) [Wed Sep 18 03:09:43 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/ianalyzer.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing ineo-collaboration (https://github.com/CLARIAH/ineo-collaboration) [Wed Sep 18 03:09:43 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/CLARIAH/ineo-collaboration... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'main' From https://github.com/CLARIAH/ineo-collaboration * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: main [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/ineo-collaboration for harvestable resources... [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor Vic Ding will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2023-05-17T15:17:07Z+0200, date modified: 2024-09-06T10:42:50Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/CLARIAH/ineo-collaboration) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#wip not a stub (./src) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "ineo-collaboration" --codeRepository "https://github.com/CLARIAH/ineo-collaboration" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 7 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration Processing source #1 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 9 Processing source #3 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #4 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration)] processed 13 new triples, total is now 22 Processing source #5 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2023-05-17T13:17:06Z -> 2023-05-17T15:17:07Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-06T08:43:16Z -> 2024-09-06T10:42:50Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 22 Processing source #6 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration.contributors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 23 Processing source #7 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 23 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration -> https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration/snapshot [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ineo-collaboration)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ineo-collaboration)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration/snapshot #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its version (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration/snapshot #2: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration/snapshot #3: Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration/snapshot #4: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration/snapshot #5: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration/snapshot #6: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration/snapshot #7: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ineo-collaboration/snapshot #8: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/ineo-collaboration.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing ineo-collaboration (https://github.com/CLARIAH/ineo-collaboration) [Wed Sep 18 03:09:55 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/ineo-collaboration.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: source Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing orphan service ineo [Wed Sep 18 03:09:55 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Creating dummy codemeta.json for orphan service: codemetapy --identifier "ineo" --validate /etc/software.ttl /dev/null > /tmp/out/ineo.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://ineo.tools/ for ineo: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/ineo.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/ineo.codemeta.json" "https://ineo.tools/" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing ineo () [Wed Sep 18 03:09:58 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/ineo.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing int-pie (https://github.com/INL/int-pie) [Wed Sep 18 03:09:58 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/INL/int-pie... [harvester info] Found release 1.0.0 [harvester info] Using '1.0.0' From https://github.com/INL/int-pie * tag 1.0.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: 1.0.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/int-pie for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for int-pie (md5sum 8af3b438fca4abebb74c08b111abe6ef); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] found python setup for int-pie, converting to codemeta -- begin log -- No input files specified, but found python project (setup.py) in current dir, using that... Generating egg_info Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/int-pie/setup.py", line 52, in with open(os.path.join(here, project_slug, '__version__.py')) as f: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/int-pie/int_pie/__version__.py' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/codemetapy", line 8, in sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/codemeta/codemeta.py", line 335, in main g, res, args, contextgraph = build(**args.__dict__) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/codemeta/codemeta.py", line 592, in build raise Exception( Exception: Could not generate egg_info (is python3 pointing to the right interpreter?) -- end log -- [harvester error] python setup.py to codemeta conversion failed for int-pie (codemetapy failed) [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2018-04-25T15:52:42Z+0200, date modified: 2024-06-05T15:51:23Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/INL/int-pie) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 537 100 537 0 0 4332 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 4365 100 442 100 442 0 0 2238 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2238 100 442 100 442 0 0 2237 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Mapping repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#wip to trl:Stage3Experimental [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (1.0.0) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/release'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./baselines) [harvester info] Setting group GaLAHaD Your branch is up to date with 'origin/release'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "int-pie" --codeRepository "https://github.com/INL/int-pie" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/int-pie.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.int-pie.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.int-pie.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.int-pie.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.int-pie.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.int-pie.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.int-pie.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.int-pie.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.int-pie.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.int-pie.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.int-pie.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.int-pie.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 11 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.int-pie.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.int-pie.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.int-pie.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.int-pie.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.int-pie.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.int-pie.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.int-pie.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.int-pie.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.int-pie.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.int-pie.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.int-pie.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie Processing source #1 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.int-pie.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.int-pie.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.int-pie.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.int-pie.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.int-pie.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.int-pie.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie)] processed 13 new triples, total is now 18 Processing source #7 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.int-pie.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2024-04-19T07:44:21Z -> 2018-04-25T15:52:42Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-06-25T12:22:51Z -> 2024-06-05T15:51:23Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 18 Processing source #8 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.int-pie.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 18 Processing source #9 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.int-pie.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 19 Processing source #10 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.int-pie.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (int-pie)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2018-04-25T15:52:42Z+0200 -> 2024-05-31) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (int-pie)] overriding old http://schema.org/codeRepository (https://github.com/INL/int-pie -> git+https://github.com/INL/int-pie.git) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (int-pie)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (https://github.com/emanjavacas/pie with custom modifications -> The PIE tagger with custom modifications by the Dutch Language Institute (INT).) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (int-pie)] overriding old http://schema.org/downloadUrl (https://github.com/INL/int-pie/archive/refs/tags/1.0.0.zip -> https://github.com/INL/int-pie) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (int-pie)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Stage3Experimental -> https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level8Complete) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (int-pie)] overriding old http://schema.org/producer (https://tools.clariah.nl/org/dutch-language-institute -> https://www.ivdnt.org) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (int-pie)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/readme (https://github.com/INL/int-pie/blob/1.0.0//README.md -> https://github.com/INL/int-pie/blob/release/README.md) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (int-pie)] overriding old http://schema.org/releaseNotes (https://github.com/INL/int-pie/releases/tag/1.0.0 -> https://github.com/INL/int-pie/releases) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (int-pie)] processed 240 new triples, total is now 246 Processing source #11 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.int-pie.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (int-pie)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 247 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie -> https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie/1.0.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (int-pie)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie/1.0.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie/1.0.0 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie/1.0.0 #3: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie/1.0.0 #4: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie/1.0.0 #5: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie/1.0.0 #6: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/int-pie/1.0.0 #7: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/int-pie.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing int-pie (https://github.com/INL/int-pie) [Wed Sep 18 03:10:09 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/int-pie.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing kaldi_nl (https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/Kaldi_NL) [Wed Sep 18 03:10:09 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/Kaldi_NL... [harvester info] Found release v0.4.3 [harvester info] Using 'v0.4.3' From https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/Kaldi_NL * tag v0.4.3 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.4.3 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/kaldi_nl for harvestable resources... [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license Apache-2.0 [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2016-04-22T09:51:38Z+0200, date modified: 2023-11-01T12:10:26Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/Kaldi_NL) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 595 100 595 0 0 1869 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1876 100 471 100 471 0 0 681 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 681 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.4.3) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./conf) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "kaldi_nl" --codeRepository "https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/Kaldi_NL" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/kaldi_nl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 8 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl Processing source #1 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi_nl.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi_nl/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl)] processed 19 new triples, total is now 24 Processing source #7 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2016-04-22T07:51:38Z -> 2016-04-22T09:51:38Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-11-01T11:55:01Z -> 2023-11-01T12:10:26Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 24 Processing source #8 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.kaldi_nl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 -> Apache-2.0) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 24 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi-nl -> https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi_nl/v0.4.3 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (kaldi_nl)] author not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (kaldi_nl)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi_nl/v0.4.3 #1: Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi_nl/v0.4.3 #2: Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi_nl/v0.4.3 #3: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi_nl/v0.4.3 #4: Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi_nl/v0.4.3 #5: Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi_nl/v0.4.3 #6: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi_nl/v0.4.3 #7: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi_nl/v0.4.3 #8: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi_nl/v0.4.3 #9: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/kaldi_nl/v0.4.3 #10: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/kaldi_nl.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing kaldi_nl (https://github.com/opensource-spraakherkenning-nl/Kaldi_NL) [Wed Sep 18 03:10:18 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/kaldi_nl.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing lamachine (https://github.com/proycon/LaMachine) [Wed Sep 18 03:10:18 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/LaMachine... [harvester info] Found release v2.28 [harvester info] Using 'v2.28' From https://github.com/proycon/LaMachine * tag v2.28 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v2.28 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/lamachine for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for lamachine (md5sum 76ac45de1dd95ae57dc6f0df78bfb066); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#unsupported not a stub (./data) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "lamachine" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/LaMachine" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/lamachine.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.lamachine.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.lamachine.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.lamachine.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 3 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.lamachine.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.lamachine.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.lamachine.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/lamachine Processing source #1 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.lamachine.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lamachine [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lamachine)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.lamachine.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lamachine [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (lamachine)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> active) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (lamachine)] automatically converting status active to repostatus URI [CODEMETA CORRECTION (lamachine)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (lamachine)] processed 78 new triples, total is now 78 Processing source #3 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.lamachine.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lamachine [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (lamachine)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> https://www.repostatus.org/#unsupported) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (lamachine)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 78 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/lamachine -> https://tools.clariah.nl/lamachine/2.28 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (lamachine)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (lamachine)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1046-0006 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (lamachine)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lamachine/2.28 #1: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lamachine/2.28 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lamachine/2.28 #3: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/lamachine.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing lamachine (https://github.com/proycon/LaMachine) [Wed Sep 18 03:10:20 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/lamachine.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing ldproxy (https://github.com/CLARIAH/LDProxy) [Wed Sep 18 03:10:20 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/CLARIAH/LDProxy... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'main' From https://github.com/CLARIAH/LDProxy * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: main [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/ldproxy for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found pom.xml (Java/Maven) for ldproxy, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2021-04-18T14:35:57Z+0200, date modified: 2021-06-28T21:21:07Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/CLARIAH/LDProxy) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive not a stub (./assets) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "ldproxy" --codeRepository "https://github.com/CLARIAH/LDProxy" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/ldproxy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ldproxy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.ldproxy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.ldproxy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.ldproxy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.ldproxy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.ldproxy.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.ldproxy.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 7 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ldproxy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.ldproxy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.ldproxy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.ldproxy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.ldproxy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.ldproxy.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.ldproxy.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy Processing source #1 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ldproxy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.ldproxy.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #3 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.ldproxy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.ldproxy.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy)] processed 13 new triples, total is now 15 Processing source #5 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.ldproxy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2021-04-18T12:36:41Z -> 2021-04-18T14:35:57Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2022-09-12T11:07:33Z -> 2021-06-28T21:21:07Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 15 Processing source #6 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.ldproxy.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 15 Processing source #7 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.ldproxy.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/nl.clariah.ldproxy/1.0-SNAPSHOT Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.clariah.ldproxy)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (LDProxy -> CLARIAH LD Proxy) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.clariah.ldproxy)] processed 13 new triples, total is now 26 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy -> https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy/1.0-SNAPSHOT [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ldproxy)] author not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ldproxy)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy/1.0-SNAPSHOT #1: Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy/1.0-SNAPSHOT #2: Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy/1.0-SNAPSHOT #3: Warning: Software source code *MUST* state its version: the -SNAPSHOT version suffix does not correspond to a proper release. (Tip: In Java/Maven projects, ensure it is removed from pom.xml on release) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy/1.0-SNAPSHOT #4: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy/1.0-SNAPSHOT #5: Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy/1.0-SNAPSHOT #6: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy/1.0-SNAPSHOT #7: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy/1.0-SNAPSHOT #8: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy/1.0-SNAPSHOT #9: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ldproxy/1.0-SNAPSHOT #10: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/ldproxy.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing ldproxy (https://github.com/CLARIAH/LDProxy) [Wed Sep 18 03:10:31 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/ldproxy.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing lenticularlens-gui (https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens-gui-vue) [Wed Sep 18 03:10:31 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens-gui-vue... [harvester info] Found release 1.6 [harvester info] Using '1.6' From https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens-gui-vue * tag 1.6 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: 1.6 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/lenticularlens-gui for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found package.json (NodeJS) for lenticularlens-gui, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor kerim1 will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2021-06-16T13:50:16Z+0200, date modified: 2023-01-25T09:39:33Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens-gui-vue) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 575 100 575 0 0 4680 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 4674 100 461 100 461 0 0 2465 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2465 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (1.6) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./public) [harvester info] Setting group Lenticular Lens Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "lenticularlens-gui" --codeRepository "https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens-gui-vue" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 10 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui Processing source #1 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #4 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 12 Processing source #5 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 13 Processing source #6 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticular-lens-gui-vue/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui)] processed 11 new triples, total is now 23 Processing source #7 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2021-06-16T11:50:15Z -> 2021-06-16T13:50:16Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-02-27T14:35:58Z -> 2023-01-25T09:39:33Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 23 Processing source #8 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui.contributors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 24 Processing source #9 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticular-lens/1.0.0 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (lenticular-lens-gui-vue -> lenticular-lens) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (1.6 -> 1.0.0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui)] processed 103 new triples, total is now 124 Processing source #10 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 125 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui -> https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui/1.0.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (lenticularlens-gui)] license not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (lenticularlens-gui)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (lenticularlens-gui)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui/1.0.0 #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui/1.0.0 #2: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui/1.0.0 #3: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui/1.0.0 #4: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui/1.0.0 #5: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-gui/1.0.0 #6: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/lenticularlens-gui.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing lenticularlens-gui (https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens-gui-vue) [Wed Sep 18 03:10:46 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/lenticularlens-gui.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing lenticularlens-postgresql (https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens-postgresql) [Wed Sep 18 03:10:46 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens-postgresql... [harvester info] Found release 1.3 [harvester info] Using '1.3' From https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens-postgresql * tag 1.3 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: 1.3 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/lenticularlens-postgresql for harvestable resources... [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor kerim1 will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2021-01-22T10:22:41Z+0100, date modified: 2023-08-16T12:53:51Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens-postgresql) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: readme.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 581 100 581 0 0 5519 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5586 100 464 100 464 0 0 968 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 968 100 464 100 464 0 0 967 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in readme.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in readme.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in readme.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in readme.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (1.3) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in readme.md in master branch... not a stub (./util) [harvester info] Setting group Lenticular Lens Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "lenticularlens-postgresql" --codeRepository "https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens-postgresql" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 9 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql Processing source #1 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #4 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 12 Processing source #5 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 13 Processing source #6 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticular-lens-postgresql/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql)] processed 11 new triples, total is now 23 Processing source #7 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2021-01-22T09:12:46Z -> 2021-01-22T10:22:41Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-10-06T13:58:03Z -> 2023-08-16T12:53:51Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 23 Processing source #8 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql.contributors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 24 Processing source #9 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 25 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql -> https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql/1.3 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (lenticularlens-postgresql)] license not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (lenticularlens-postgresql)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (lenticularlens-postgresql)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql/1.3 #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql/1.3 #2: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql/1.3 #3: Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql/1.3 #4: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql/1.3 #5: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql/1.3 #6: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql/1.3 #7: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens-postgresql/1.3 #8: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/lenticularlens-postgresql.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing lenticularlens-postgresql (https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens-postgresql) [Wed Sep 18 03:10:58 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/lenticularlens-postgresql.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing lenticularlens (https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens) [Wed Sep 18 03:10:58 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens... [harvester info] Found release 1.17 [harvester info] Using '1.17' From https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens * tag 1.17 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: 1.17 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/lenticularlens for harvestable resources... [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor kerim1 will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2019-01-16T11:31:37Z+0100, date modified: 2022-10-26T11:53:49Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: readme.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 561 100 561 0 0 6538 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 6600 100 454 100 454 0 0 2853 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2853 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in readme.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in readme.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in readme.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in readme.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (1.17) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in readme.md in master branch... not a stub (./docs) [harvester info] Setting group Lenticular Lens Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "lenticularlens" --codeRepository "https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/lenticularlens.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.lenticularlens.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.lenticularlens.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.lenticularlens.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.lenticularlens.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.lenticularlens.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.lenticularlens.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.lenticularlens.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.lenticularlens.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.lenticularlens.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 9 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.lenticularlens.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.lenticularlens.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.lenticularlens.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.lenticularlens.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.lenticularlens.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.lenticularlens.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.lenticularlens.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.lenticularlens.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.lenticularlens.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens Processing source #1 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.lenticularlens.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.lenticularlens.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.lenticularlens.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #4 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.lenticularlens.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 12 Processing source #5 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.lenticularlens.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 13 Processing source #6 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.lenticularlens.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticular-lens/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens)] processed 11 new triples, total is now 23 Processing source #7 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.lenticularlens.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2018-09-28T06:58:59Z -> 2019-01-16T11:31:37Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-02-15T08:42:10Z -> 2022-10-26T11:53:49Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 23 Processing source #8 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.lenticularlens.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens.contributors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 24 Processing source #9 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.lenticularlens.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 25 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens -> https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens/1.17 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (lenticularlens)] license not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (lenticularlens)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (lenticularlens)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens/1.17 #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens/1.17 #2: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens/1.17 #3: Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens/1.17 #4: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens/1.17 #5: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens/1.17 #6: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens/1.17 #7: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lenticularlens/1.17 #8: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/lenticularlens.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://lenticularlens.org for lenticularlens: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/lenticularlens.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/lenticularlens.codemeta.json" "https://lenticularlens.org" [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://lenticularlens.goldenagents.org for lenticularlens: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/lenticularlens.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/lenticularlens.codemeta.json" "https://lenticularlens.goldenagents.org" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing lenticularlens (https://github.com/knaw-huc/lenticular-lens) [Wed Sep 18 03:11:16 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/lenticularlens.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing libfolia (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/libfolia) [Wed Sep 18 03:11:16 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/LanguageMachines/libfolia... [harvester info] Found release v2.20 [harvester info] Using 'v2.20' From https://github.com/LanguageMachines/libfolia * tag v2.20 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v2.20 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/libfolia for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for libfolia (md5sum 031a55a197c5aab257955f189a6264a5); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 21 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README in master branch... [harvester info] Parsing MAINTAINERS from master branch... not a stub (./docs) [harvester info] Setting group FoLiA Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 21 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "libfolia" --codeRepository "https://github.com/LanguageMachines/libfolia" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/libfolia.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.libfolia.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.libfolia.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.libfolia.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.libfolia.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.libfolia.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 5 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.libfolia.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.libfolia.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.libfolia.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.libfolia.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.libfolia.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/libfolia Processing source #1 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.libfolia.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/libfolia [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/libfolia)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.libfolia.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/libfolia [CODEMETA CORRECTION (libfolia)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (libfolia)] processed 111 new triples, total is now 111 Processing source #3 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.libfolia.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/libfolia [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (libfolia)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 111 Processing source #4 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.libfolia.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/maintainers/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/libfolia [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (libfolia)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 124 Processing source #5 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.libfolia.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/libfolia [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (libfolia)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 125 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/libfolia -> https://tools.clariah.nl/libfolia/2.20 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (libfolia)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (libfolia)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H00159a62c81a65c2 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (libfolia)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1046-0006 as contributor VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/libfolia/2.20 #1: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/libfolia/2.20 #2: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/libfolia/2.20 #3: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/libfolia.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing libfolia (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/libfolia) [Wed Sep 18 03:11:21 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/libfolia.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing lidia (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/lidia) [Wed Sep 18 03:11:21 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git light cloning https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/lidia... -- begin log -- Cloning into '/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//lidia'... fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': No such device or address -- end log -- [harvester error] Failed to git clone https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/lidia [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing lingua-cli (https://github.com/proycon/lingua-cli) [Wed Sep 18 03:11:22 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/lingua-cli... [harvester info] Found release v0.4.0 [harvester info] Using 'v0.4.0' From https://github.com/proycon/lingua-cli * tag v0.4.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.4.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/lingua-cli for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found Cargo.toml (rust) for lingua-cli, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2022-04-16T23:27:08Z+0200, date modified: 2024-06-10T21:56:08Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/proycon/lingua-cli) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 553 100 553 0 0 5109 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5168 100 450 100 450 0 0 2481 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2481 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Found TRL https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level7ReleaseCandidate [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.4.0) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./Cargo.lock) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "lingua-cli" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/lingua-cli" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/lingua-cli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.lingua-cli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.lingua-cli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.lingua-cli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.lingua-cli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.lingua-cli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.lingua-cli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.lingua-cli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.lingua-cli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.lingua-cli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.lingua-cli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.lingua-cli.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.lingua-cli.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 12 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.lingua-cli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.lingua-cli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.lingua-cli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.lingua-cli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.lingua-cli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.lingua-cli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.lingua-cli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.lingua-cli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.lingua-cli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.lingua-cli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.lingua-cli.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.lingua-cli.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli Processing source #1 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.lingua-cli.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.lingua-cli.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.lingua-cli.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.lingua-cli.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.lingua-cli.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.lingua-cli.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] processed 21 new triples, total is now 26 Processing source #7 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.lingua-cli.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2022-04-16T21:26:34Z -> 2022-04-16T23:27:08Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-06-10T19:55:50Z -> 2024-06-10T21:56:08Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 26 Processing source #8 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.lingua-cli.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 26 Processing source #9 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.lingua-cli.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cargo.toml/0.4.0 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H59a24f3d69ac495c -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H56f85f51a99f05c3) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Very small simple command-line interface for language detection using lingua-rs -> Lingua-cli is a command line tool for language classification, using the lingua-rs library.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/readme (https://github.com/proycon/lingua-cli/blob/v0.4.0//README.md -> https://tools.clariah.nl/README.md) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.4.0 -> 0.4.0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] processed 26 new triples, total is now 39 Processing source #10 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.lingua-cli.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 40 Processing source #11 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.lingua-cli.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 40 Processing source #12 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.lingua-cli.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 40 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli -> https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli/0.4.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (lingua-cli)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (lingua-cli)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#SoftwareLibrary based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (lingua-cli)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (lingua-cli)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli/0.4.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli/0.4.0 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli/0.4.0 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/lingua-cli/0.4.0 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/lingua-cli.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing lingua-cli (https://github.com/proycon/lingua-cli) [Wed Sep 18 03:11:33 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/lingua-cli.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing mbt (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/mbt) [Wed Sep 18 03:11:33 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/LanguageMachines/mbt... [harvester info] Found release v3.10 [harvester info] Using 'v3.10' From https://github.com/LanguageMachines/mbt * tag v3.10 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v3.10 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/mbt for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for mbt (md5sum c2da9a92d2b5c64e48958056b0d7e1fc); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 2 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README in master branch... [harvester info] Parsing MAINTAINERS from master branch... not a stub (./docs) Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 2 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "mbt" --codeRepository "https://github.com/LanguageMachines/mbt" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/mbt.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.mbt.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.mbt.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.mbt.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 3 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.mbt.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.mbt.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.mbt.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/mbt Processing source #1 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.mbt.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mbt [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/mbt)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.mbt.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mbt [CODEMETA CORRECTION (mbt)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (mbt)] processed 112 new triples, total is now 112 Processing source #3 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.mbt.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/maintainers/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mbt [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (mbt)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 125 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/mbt -> https://tools.clariah.nl/mbt/3.10 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (mbt)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (mbt)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-5dbb014274f9a08b as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (mbt)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2493-656X as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (mbt)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H545ef57f8b30ef2b as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (mbt)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H65ef281beb82a0dd as contributor VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/mbt/3.10 #1: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/mbt/3.10 #2: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/mbt/3.10 #3: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/mbt/3.10 #4: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/mbt.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing mbt (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/mbt) [Wed Sep 18 03:11:38 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/mbt.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing mediasuite-website (https://github.com/beeldengeluid/mediasuite-website) [Wed Sep 18 03:11:38 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/beeldengeluid/mediasuite-website... [harvester info] Found release v6.141 [harvester info] Using 'v6.141' From https://github.com/beeldengeluid/mediasuite-website * tag v6.141 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v6.141 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/mediasuite-website for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for mediasuite-website (md5sum 6561b94ae5e3b6fbcd46653c494a11c4); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is behind 'origin/main' by 6 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./_sass) [harvester info] Setting group Media Suite Your branch is behind 'origin/main' by 6 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "mediasuite-website" --codeRepository "https://github.com/beeldengeluid/mediasuite-website" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/mediasuite-website.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.mediasuite-website.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.mediasuite-website.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.mediasuite-website.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 3 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.mediasuite-website.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.mediasuite-website.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.mediasuite-website.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/mediasuite-website Processing source #1 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.mediasuite-website.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mediasuite-website [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/mediasuite-website)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.mediasuite-website.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mediasuite-website [CODEMETA CORRECTION (mediasuite)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (mediasuite)] processed 70 new triples, total is now 70 Processing source #3 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.mediasuite-website.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mediasuite-website [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (mediasuite)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 71 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/mediasuite-website -> https://tools.clariah.nl/mediasuite-website/6.10 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (mediasuite-website)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (mediasuite-website)] adding author https://github.com/jblom as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (mediasuite-website)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/mediasuite-website/6.10 #1: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/mediasuite-website.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing mediasuite-website (https://github.com/beeldengeluid/mediasuite-website) [Wed Sep 18 03:11:40 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/mediasuite-website.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing missieven (https://github.com/CLARIAH/wp6-missieven) [Wed Sep 18 03:11:40 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/CLARIAH/wp6-missieven... [harvester info] Found release v1.1e [harvester info] Using 'v1.1e' From https://github.com/CLARIAH/wp6-missieven * tag v1.1e -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v1.1e [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/missieven for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for missieven (md5sum 2497b322e78ee8bff7fdea2fec4e4767); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2020-09-02T08:58:04Z+0200, date modified: 2024-03-27T08:09:41Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/CLARIAH/wp6-missieven) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 557 100 557 0 0 4860 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 4885 100 452 100 452 0 0 2123 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2123 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v1.1e) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./voc-missives) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "missieven" --codeRepository "https://github.com/CLARIAH/wp6-missieven" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/missieven.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.missieven.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.missieven.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.missieven.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.missieven.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.missieven.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.missieven.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.missieven.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.missieven.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.missieven.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.missieven.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.missieven.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 11 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.missieven.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.missieven.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.missieven.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.missieven.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.missieven.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.missieven.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.missieven.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.missieven.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.missieven.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.missieven.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.missieven.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven Processing source #1 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.missieven.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.missieven.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.missieven.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.missieven.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.missieven.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.missieven.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/wp6-missieven/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] processed 21 new triples, total is now 26 Processing source #7 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.missieven.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2020-09-02T06:58:02Z -> 2020-09-02T08:58:04Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-06-20T09:49:32Z -> 2024-03-27T08:09:41Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 26 Processing source #8 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.missieven.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 26 Processing source #9 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.missieven.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 26 Processing source #10 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.missieven.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (wp6-missieven -> Generale Missieven in Text-Fabric) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (General Missives in Text-Fabric -> Conversion of Generale Missieven to Text-Fabric and tutorial how to work with the result) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] overriding old http://schema.org/producer (https://tools.clariah.nl/org/clariah -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H28b2be7bfba830dd) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] processed 59 new triples, total is now 81 Processing source #11 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.missieven.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 81 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven -> https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven/v1.1e [CODEMETA VALIDATION (missieven)] author not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (missieven)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (missieven)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven/v1.1e #1: Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven/v1.1e #2: Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven/v1.1e #3: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven/v1.1e #4: Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/missieven/v1.1e #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/missieven.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing missieven (https://github.com/CLARIAH/wp6-missieven) [Wed Sep 18 03:11:50 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/missieven.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing mtas (https://github.com/textexploration/mtas) [Wed Sep 18 03:11:50 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/textexploration/mtas... [harvester info] Found release v8.11.1.0 [harvester info] Using 'v8.11.1.0' From https://github.com/textexploration/mtas * tag v8.11.1.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v8.11.1.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/mtas for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found pom.xml (Java/Maven) for mtas, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license Apache-2.0 [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2016-07-11T09:25:59Z+0200, date modified: 2022-01-14T11:51:15Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/textexploration/mtas) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 563 100 563 0 0 5867 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5926 100 455 100 455 0 0 949 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 949 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v8.11.1.0) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./conf) [harvester info] Setting group Nederlab Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "mtas" --codeRepository "https://github.com/textexploration/mtas" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/mtas.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.mtas.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.mtas.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.mtas.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.mtas.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.mtas.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.mtas.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.mtas.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.mtas.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.mtas.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.mtas.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 10 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.mtas.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.mtas.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.mtas.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.mtas.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.mtas.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.mtas.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.mtas.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.mtas.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.mtas.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.mtas.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas Processing source #1 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.mtas.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.mtas.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.mtas.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.mtas.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.mtas.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.mtas.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas)] processed 26 new triples, total is now 31 Processing source #7 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.mtas.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2018-06-01T17:59:04Z -> 2016-07-11T09:25:59Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-05-13T18:37:38Z -> 2022-01-14T11:51:15Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 31 Processing source #8 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.mtas.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 -> Apache-2.0) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 31 Processing source #9 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.mtas.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/org.textexploration.mtas.mtas/ Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.textexploration.mtas.mtas)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Multi Tier Annotation Search -> Multi Tier Annotation Search, a Solr/Lucene based library and plugin providing search and analysis on annotated and structured text.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.textexploration.mtas.mtas)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (mtas -> MTAS) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.textexploration.mtas.mtas)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v8.11.1.0 -> [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.textexploration.mtas.mtas)] processed 62 new triples, total is now 83 Processing source #10 of 10 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.mtas.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.textexploration.mtas.mtas)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 84 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas -> https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas/ [CODEMETA VALIDATION (mtas)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (mtas)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#SoftwareLibrary based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (mtas)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-21753d79758fc9c as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (mtas)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas/ #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas/ #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas/ #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas/ #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/mtas/ #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/mtas.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing mtas (https://github.com/textexploration/mtas) [Wed Sep 18 03:12:02 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/mtas.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing nederlab-pipeline (https://github.com/proycon/nederlab-pipeline) [Wed Sep 18 03:12:02 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/nederlab-pipeline... [harvester info] Found release v0.9.11 [harvester info] Using 'v0.9.11' From https://github.com/proycon/nederlab-pipeline * tag v0.9.11 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.9.11 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/nederlab-pipeline for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for nederlab-pipeline (md5sum 28152a667f87ab59df85bec82a899a11); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive not a stub (./dbnl_fix_and_split.nf) [harvester info] Setting group Nederlab Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "nederlab-pipeline" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/nederlab-pipeline" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/nederlab-pipeline.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.nederlab-pipeline.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.nederlab-pipeline.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.nederlab-pipeline.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.nederlab-pipeline.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 4 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.nederlab-pipeline.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.nederlab-pipeline.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.nederlab-pipeline.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.nederlab-pipeline.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/nederlab-pipeline Processing source #1 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.nederlab-pipeline.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/nederlab-pipeline [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/nederlab-pipeline)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.nederlab-pipeline.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/nederlab-pipeline [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nederlab-pipeline)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> active) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (nederlab-pipeline)] automatically converting status active to repostatus URI [CODEMETA CORRECTION (nederlab-pipeline)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nederlab-pipeline)] processed 71 new triples, total is now 71 Processing source #3 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.nederlab-pipeline.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/nederlab-pipeline [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nederlab-pipeline)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nederlab-pipeline)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 71 Processing source #4 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.nederlab-pipeline.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/nederlab-pipeline [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nederlab-pipeline)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 72 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/nederlab-pipeline -> https://tools.clariah.nl/nederlab-pipeline/0.8.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (nederlab-pipeline)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (nederlab-pipeline)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1046-0006 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (nederlab-pipeline)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/nederlab-pipeline/0.8.0 #1: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/nederlab-pipeline/0.8.0 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/nederlab-pipeline/0.8.0 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/nederlab-pipeline/0.8.0 #4: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/nederlab-pipeline.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing nederlab-pipeline (https://github.com/proycon/nederlab-pipeline) [Wed Sep 18 03:12:04 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/nederlab-pipeline.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: source Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing orphan service nederlab-portal [Wed Sep 18 03:12:04 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Creating dummy codemeta.json for orphan service: codemetapy --identifier "nederlab-portal" --validate /etc/software.ttl /dev/null > /tmp/out/nederlab-portal.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://www.nederlab.nl for nederlab-portal: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/nederlab-portal.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/nederlab-portal.codemeta.json" "https://www.nederlab.nl" -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/urllib3/connection.py", line 174, in _new_conn conn = connection.create_connection( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/urllib3/util/connection.py", line 95, in create_connection raise err File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/urllib3/util/connection.py", line 85, in create_connection sock.connect(sa) TimeoutError: [Errno 110] Operation timed out During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py", line 715, in urlopen httplib_response = self._make_request( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py", line 404, in _make_request self._validate_conn(conn) File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py", line 1058, in _validate_conn conn.connect() File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/urllib3/connection.py", line 363, in connect self.sock = conn = self._new_conn() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/urllib3/connection.py", line 179, in _new_conn raise ConnectTimeoutError( urllib3.exceptions.ConnectTimeoutError: (, 'Connection to www.nederlab.nl timed out. (connect timeout=None)') During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 486, in send resp = conn.urlopen( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py", line 799, in urlopen retries = retries.increment( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/urllib3/util/retry.py", line 592, in increment raise MaxRetryError(_pool, url, error or ResponseError(cause)) urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='www.nederlab.nl', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /-/manifest.json (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(, 'Connection to www.nederlab.nl timed out. (connect timeout=None)')) During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/codemetapy", line 8, in sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/codemeta/codemeta.py", line 335, in main g, res, args, contextgraph = build(**args.__dict__) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/codemeta/codemeta.py", line 558, in build repo_kind = codemeta.parsers.gitapi.get_repo_kind(inputsource) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/codemeta/parsers/gitapi.py", line 54, in get_repo_kind response = requests.get(test_url) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/requests/api.py", line 73, in get return request("get", url, params=params, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/requests/api.py", line 59, in request return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 589, in request resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 703, in send r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/requests/adapters.py", line 507, in send raise ConnectTimeout(e, request=request) requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='www.nederlab.nl', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /-/manifest.json (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(, 'Connection to www.nederlab.nl timed out. (connect timeout=None)')) -- end log -- [harvester error] Failed to obtain or process metadata from remote service URL https://www.nederlab.nl for nederlab-portal [harvester info] <-- Finished processing nederlab-portal () [Wed Sep 18 03:14:16 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/nederlab-portal.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing network-of-terms-graphql (https://github.com/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms) [Wed Sep 18 03:14:16 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms... [harvester info] Found release @netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms-graphql@4.1.6 [harvester info] Using '@netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms-graphql@4.1.6' From https://github.com/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms * tag @netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms-graphql@4.1.6 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: @netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms-graphql@4.1.6 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/network-of-terms-graphql/packages/network-of-terms-graphql for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for network-of-terms-graphql (md5sum b99ab135efdcad6c314f89bfd7e6ff29); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 46 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./test) [harvester info] Setting group Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed (NDE) Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 46 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "network-of-terms-graphql" --codeRepository "https://github.com/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/network-of-terms-graphql.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.network-of-terms-graphql.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.network-of-terms-graphql.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.network-of-terms-graphql.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 3 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.network-of-terms-graphql.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.network-of-terms-graphql.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.network-of-terms-graphql.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-graphql Processing source #1 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.network-of-terms-graphql.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-graphql [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-graphql)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.network-of-terms-graphql.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-graphql [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-graphql)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-graphql)] processed 50 new triples, total is now 50 Processing source #3 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.network-of-terms-graphql.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-graphql [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-graphql)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 51 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-graphql -> https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-graphql/snapshot [CODEMETA VALIDATION (network-of-terms-graphql)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (network-of-terms-graphql)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H17c17f22ba7a0c21 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (network-of-terms-graphql)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-2d6c6e40baecd0ce as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (network-of-terms-graphql)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H67f96fbf656dbfd9 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (network-of-terms-graphql)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-graphql/snapshot #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its version (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-graphql/snapshot #2: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-graphql/snapshot #3: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-graphql/snapshot #4: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-graphql/snapshot #5: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/network-of-terms-graphql.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing network-of-terms-graphql (https://github.com/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms) [Wed Sep 18 03:14:19 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/network-of-terms-graphql.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing network-of-terms-reconciliation (https://github.com/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms) [Wed Sep 18 03:14:19 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms... [harvester info] Found release @netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms-reconciliation@3.1.6 [harvester info] Using '@netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms-reconciliation@3.1.6' From https://github.com/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms * tag @netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms-reconciliation@3.1.6 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: @netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms-reconciliation@3.1.6 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/network-of-terms-reconciliation/packages/network-of-terms-reconciliation for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for network-of-terms-reconciliation (md5sum d7110a11e25955feb945c631f106300f); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 46 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./test) [harvester info] Setting group Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed (NDE) Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 46 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "network-of-terms-reconciliation" --codeRepository "https://github.com/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/network-of-terms-reconciliation.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.network-of-terms-reconciliation.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.network-of-terms-reconciliation.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.network-of-terms-reconciliation.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 3 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.network-of-terms-reconciliation.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.network-of-terms-reconciliation.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.network-of-terms-reconciliation.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-reconciliation Processing source #1 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.network-of-terms-reconciliation.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-reconciliation [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-reconciliation)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.network-of-terms-reconciliation.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-reconciliation [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-reconciliation)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-reconciliation)] processed 50 new triples, total is now 50 Processing source #3 of 3 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.network-of-terms-reconciliation.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-reconciliation [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-reconciliation)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 51 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-reconciliation -> https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-reconciliation/snapshot [CODEMETA VALIDATION (network-of-terms-reconciliation)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (network-of-terms-reconciliation)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H60907d89c66196b8 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (network-of-terms-reconciliation)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H658d6c135f4156b3 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (network-of-terms-reconciliation)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-3db2257a8b2cf580 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (network-of-terms-reconciliation)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-reconciliation/snapshot #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its version (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-reconciliation/snapshot #2: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-reconciliation/snapshot #3: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-reconciliation/snapshot #4: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/network-of-terms-reconciliation/snapshot #5: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/network-of-terms-reconciliation.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing network-of-terms-reconciliation (https://github.com/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms) [Wed Sep 18 03:14:22 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/network-of-terms-reconciliation.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing opendutchwordnet (https://github.com/cltl/OpenDutchWordnet) [Wed Sep 18 03:14:22 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/cltl/OpenDutchWordnet... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'master' From https://github.com/cltl/OpenDutchWordnet * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: master [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/opendutchwordnet for harvestable resources... [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2015-09-01T14:51:32Z+0200, date modified: 2021-05-11T16:38:00Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/cltl/OpenDutchWordnet) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from https://github.com/MartenPostma/OpenDutchWordnet/raw/master/odwn_documentation.pdf [harvester info] Found documentation at https://github.com/MartenPostma/OpenDutchWordnet/raw/master/odwn_documentation.pdf : [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#suspended not a stub (./version1_2.py) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "opendutchwordnet" --codeRepository "https://github.com/cltl/OpenDutchWordnet" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 6 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet Processing source #1 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #3 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet)] processed 3 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #4 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #5 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet)] processed 12 new triples, total is now 17 Processing source #6 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2015-09-01T12:16:49Z -> 2015-09-01T14:51:32Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2021-05-11T14:38:00Z -> 2021-05-11T16:38:00Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 17 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet -> https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet/snapshot [CODEMETA VALIDATION (opendutchwordnet)] author not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (opendutchwordnet)] license not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (opendutchwordnet)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (opendutchwordnet)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#SoftwareLibrary based on clues VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet/snapshot #1: Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet/snapshot #2: Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet/snapshot #3: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet/snapshot #4: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its version (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet/snapshot #5: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet/snapshot #6: Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet/snapshot #7: Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet/snapshot #8: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet/snapshot #9: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/opendutchwordnet/snapshot #10: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/opendutchwordnet.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing opendutchwordnet (https://github.com/cltl/OpenDutchWordnet) [Wed Sep 18 03:14:31 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/opendutchwordnet.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing pagexml-tools (https://github.com/knaw-huc/pagexml) [Wed Sep 18 03:14:31 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/knaw-huc/pagexml... [harvester info] Found release v0.5.0 [harvester info] Using 'v0.5.0' From https://github.com/knaw-huc/pagexml * tag v0.5.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.5.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/pagexml-tools for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found CITATION.cff for pagexml-tools, converting to codemeta [harvester info] found python setup for pagexml-tools, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2021-05-07T23:31:51Z+0200, date modified: 2024-03-18T14:49:12Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/knaw-huc/pagexml) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 549 100 549 0 0 5286 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5330 100 448 100 448 0 0 884 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 884 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from https://pagexml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ [harvester info] Found documentation at https://pagexml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ : "name": "pagexml-tools — pagexml-tools 0.3.2 documentation", [harvester info] Scraping title from https://pagexml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest [harvester info] Found documentation at https://pagexml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest : "name": "pagexml-tools — pagexml-tools 0.3.2 documentation", [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.5.0) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./data) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "pagexml-tools" --codeRepository "https://github.com/knaw-huc/pagexml" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/pagexml-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-citationcff.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 13 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-citationcff.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools Processing source #1 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 11 Processing source #5 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 13 Processing source #6 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 14 Processing source #7 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools)] processed 12 new triples, total is now 25 Processing source #8 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2021-05-07T21:11:32Z -> 2021-05-07T23:31:51Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-05-23T14:07:14Z -> 2024-03-18T14:49:12Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 25 Processing source #9 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 25 Processing source #10 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools/0.5.0 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (pagexml-tools)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> https://www.repostatus.org/#wip) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (pagexml-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (pagexml -> pagexml-tools) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (pagexml-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.5.0 -> 0.5.0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (pagexml-tools)] processed 129 new triples, total is now 146 Processing source #11 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-citationcff.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (pagexml-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H5c7e4636c45ed3e3 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H576cc03ba7e9018f) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (pagexml-tools)] processed 15 new triples, total is now 157 Processing source #12 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (pagexml-tools)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#wip -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (pagexml-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 157 Processing source #13 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.pagexml-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (pagexml-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 157 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools -> https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools/0.5.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (pagexml-tools)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (pagexml-tools)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (pagexml-tools)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0301-2029 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (pagexml-tools)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3755-5929 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (pagexml-tools)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools/0.5.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools/0.5.0 #2: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools/0.5.0 #3: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools/0.5.0 #4: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/pagexml-tools/0.5.0 #5: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/pagexml-tools.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing pagexml-tools (https://github.com/knaw-huc/pagexml) [Wed Sep 18 03:14:43 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/pagexml-tools.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing paqu (https://github.com/rug-compling/paqu) [Wed Sep 18 03:14:43 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/rug-compling/paqu... [harvester info] Found release v1.0.5 [harvester info] Using 'v1.0.5' From https://github.com/rug-compling/paqu * tag v1.0.5 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v1.0.5 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/paqu for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for paqu (md5sum 99c93fc51f97f813736753d597e61f41); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./bin) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "paqu" --codeRepository "https://github.com/rug-compling/paqu" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/paqu.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.paqu.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.paqu.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.paqu.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.paqu.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/paqu Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.paqu.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/paqu [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/paqu)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.paqu.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://www.let.rug.nl/alfa/rdf/paqu Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/paqu [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/paqu)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/paqu)] processed 107 new triples, total is now 107 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/paqu -> https://tools.clariah.nl/paqu/1.0.5 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (paqu)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (paqu)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-1c6cdc38d69bf32b as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (paqu)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/paqu/1.0.5 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/paqu.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing paqu (https://github.com/rug-compling/paqu) [Wed Sep 18 03:14:45 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/paqu.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing piccl (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/PICCL) [Wed Sep 18 03:14:46 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/LanguageMachines/PICCL... [harvester info] Found release v0.9.5 [harvester info] Using 'v0.9.5' From https://github.com/LanguageMachines/PICCL * tag v0.9.5 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.9.5 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/piccl for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for piccl (md5sum bc252783fbb5adeb07f8d56d41b33821); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#unsupported not a stub (./download-data.nf) [harvester info] Setting group TICCL & PICCL Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "piccl" --codeRepository "https://github.com/LanguageMachines/PICCL" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/piccl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.piccl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.piccl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.piccl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.piccl.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 4 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.piccl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.piccl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.piccl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.piccl.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/piccl Processing source #1 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.piccl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piccl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/piccl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.piccl.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piccl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (piccl)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> active) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (piccl)] automatically converting status active to repostatus URI [CODEMETA CORRECTION (piccl)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (piccl)] processed 126 new triples, total is now 126 Processing source #3 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.piccl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piccl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (piccl)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> https://www.repostatus.org/#unsupported) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (piccl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 126 Processing source #4 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.piccl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piccl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (piccl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 127 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/piccl -> https://tools.clariah.nl/piccl/0.9.5 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (piccl)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (piccl)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-67c0d534659d292d as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (piccl)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1046-0006 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (piccl)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/piccl/0.9.5 #1: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/piccl/0.9.5 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/piccl/0.9.5 #3: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/piccl.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing piccl (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/PICCL) [Wed Sep 18 03:14:47 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/piccl.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing piereling (https://github.com/proycon/piereling) [Wed Sep 18 03:14:48 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/piereling... [harvester info] Found release v0.4 [harvester info] Using 'v0.4' From https://github.com/proycon/piereling * tag v0.4 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.4 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/piereling for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for piereling, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2019-10-18T21:47:48Z+0200, date modified: 2023-11-01T11:43:34Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/proycon/piereling) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.rst [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 547 100 547 0 0 3560 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3575 100 447 100 447 0 0 845 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 845 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Converting README.rst to README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Found CI https://travis-ci.com/proycon/piereling [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.4) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.rst in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive not a stub (./piereling) [harvester info] Setting group FoLiA Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "piereling" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/piereling" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/piereling.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.piereling.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.piereling.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.piereling.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.piereling.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.piereling.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.piereling.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.piereling.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.piereling.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.piereling.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.piereling.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.piereling.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.piereling.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.piereling.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 13 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.piereling.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.piereling.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.piereling.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.piereling.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.piereling.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.piereling.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.piereling.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.piereling.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.piereling.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.piereling.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.piereling.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.piereling.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.piereling.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling Processing source #1 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.piereling.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.piereling.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.piereling.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.piereling.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.piereling.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.piereling.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling)] processed 21 new triples, total is now 26 Processing source #7 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.piereling.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2019-10-18T19:49:14Z -> 2019-10-18T21:47:48Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-11-01T10:45:38Z -> 2023-11-01T11:43:34Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 26 Processing source #8 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.piereling.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 26 Processing source #9 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.piereling.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling/0.4 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (piereling)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H7a2fc5a8fb7f1c1b -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H50f3b61c1f9aad4b) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (piereling)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (piereling)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.4 -> 0.4) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (piereling)] processed 62 new triples, total is now 76 Processing source #10 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-ci.piereling.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (piereling)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 77 Processing source #11 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.piereling.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (piereling)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (piereling)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 77 Processing source #12 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.piereling.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (piereling)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 77 Processing source #13 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.piereling.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (piereling)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 78 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling -> https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling/0.4 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (piereling)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (piereling)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (piereling)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (piereling)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (piereling)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (piereling)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (piereling)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (piereling)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (piereling)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling/0.4 #1: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling/0.4 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling/0.4 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling/0.4 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling/0.4 #5: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/piereling/0.4 #6: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/piereling.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/piereling for piereling: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/piereling.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/piereling.codemeta.json" "https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/piereling" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing piereling (https://github.com/proycon/piereling) [Wed Sep 18 03:15:04 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/piereling.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing pure3d (https://github.com/CLARIAH/pure3d) [Wed Sep 18 03:15:04 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/CLARIAH/pure3d... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'main' From https://github.com/CLARIAH/pure3d * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: main [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/pure3d for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for pure3d, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor Vic Ding will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2022-04-19T12:58:54Z+0200, date modified: 2024-04-11T21:53:43Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/CLARIAH/pure3d) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#wip [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./start.sh) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "pure3d" --codeRepository "https://github.com/CLARIAH/pure3d" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/pure3d.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.pure3d.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.pure3d.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.pure3d.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.pure3d.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.pure3d.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.pure3d.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.pure3d.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.pure3d.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.pure3d.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 9 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.pure3d.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.pure3d.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.pure3d.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.pure3d.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.pure3d.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.pure3d.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.pure3d.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.pure3d.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.pure3d.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d Processing source #1 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.pure3d.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.pure3d.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 9 Processing source #3 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.pure3d.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #4 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.pure3d.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d)] processed 13 new triples, total is now 22 Processing source #5 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.pure3d.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2022-04-19T10:58:53Z -> 2022-04-19T12:58:54Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-04-11T19:54:17Z -> 2024-04-11T21:53:43Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 22 Processing source #6 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.pure3d.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d.contributors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 23 Processing source #7 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.pure3d.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 23 Processing source #8 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.pure3d.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3dtools/0.0.4 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (pure3dtools)] overriding old http://schema.org/codeRepository (https://github.com/CLARIAH/pure3d -> https://github.com/CLARIAH/pure3d/tree/master/src/pure3dtools) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (pure3dtools)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (pure3d project University Maastricht -> Pure3D tools) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (pure3dtools)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> https://www.repostatus.org/#wip) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (pure3dtools)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (pure3d -> pure3dtools) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (pure3dtools)] processed 63 new triples, total is now 80 Processing source #9 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.pure3d.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (pure3dtools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 80 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d -> https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d/0.0.4 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (pure3d)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (pure3d)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#WebApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (pure3d)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (pure3d)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (pure3d)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (pure3d)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (pure3d)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (pure3d)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (pure3d)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (pure3d)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (pure3d)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d/0.0.4 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d/0.0.4 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d/0.0.4 #3: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d/0.0.4 #4: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/pure3d/0.0.4 #5: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/pure3d.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing pure3d (https://github.com/CLARIAH/pure3d) [Wed Sep 18 03:15:20 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/pure3d.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing python-frog (https://github.com/proycon/python-frog) [Wed Sep 18 03:15:21 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/python-frog... [harvester info] Found release v0.6.10 [harvester info] Using 'v0.6.10' From https://github.com/proycon/python-frog * tag v0.6.10 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.6.10 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/python-frog for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for python-frog (md5sum 183f4daae6e1c0854dd236fdca078749); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] found python setup for python-frog, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2014-09-07T22:33:37Z+0200, date modified: 2023-12-05T15:47:42Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/proycon/python-frog) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.rst [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 557 100 557 0 0 5124 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5157 100 4092 100 4092 0 0 7448 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 7448 100 4092 100 4092 0 0 7430 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10262701 [harvester info] Converting README.rst to README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from http://folia.readthedocs.io/ [harvester info] Found documentation at http://folia.readthedocs.io/ : "name": "FoLiA: Format for Linguistic Annotation - Documentation and Reference Guide — FoLiA: Format for Linguistic Annotation v2.0 (rev 9.0) documentation", [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.6.10) if no version number is specified... Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 2 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.rst in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./frog_classes.pxd) [harvester info] Setting group Frog Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 2 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "python-frog" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/python-frog" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/python-frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.python-frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.python-frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.python-frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.python-frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.python-frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.python-frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.python-frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.python-frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.python-frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.python-frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.python-frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.python-frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.python-frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.python-frog.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.python-frog.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 15 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.python-frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.python-frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.python-frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.python-frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.python-frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.python-frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.python-frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.python-frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.python-frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.python-frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.python-frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.python-frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.python-frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.python-frog.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.python-frog.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog Processing source #1 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.python-frog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.python-frog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.python-frog.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.python-frog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog)] processed 4 new triples, total is now 7 Processing source #5 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.python-frog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 9 Processing source #6 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.python-frog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #7 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.python-frog.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog)] processed 21 new triples, total is now 30 Processing source #8 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.python-frog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2014-09-07T20:32:31Z -> 2014-09-07T22:33:37Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-12T14:02:10Z -> 2023-12-05T15:47:42Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 30 Processing source #9 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.python-frog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 30 Processing source #10 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.python-frog.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog/0.6.10 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-frog)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H6c5447a42c1cc076 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-503e5694fb1476ae) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-frog)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Python bindings to the dutch NLP tool Frog (pos tagger, lemmatiser, NER tagger, morphological analysis, shallow parser, dependency parser) -> Python binding to Frog, an NLP suite for Dutch doing part-of-speech tagging, lemmatisation, morphological analysis, named-entity recognition, shallow parsing, and dependency parsing.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-frog)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-frog)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.6.10 -> 0.6.10) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-frog)] processed 50 new triples, total is now 67 Processing source #11 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.python-frog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-frog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 67 Processing source #12 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.python-frog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-frog)] overriding old http://schema.org/applicationCategory (Text Processing > Linguistic -> https://vocabs.dariah.eu/tadirah/annotating) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-frog)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level8Complete -> https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level9Proven) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-frog)] processed 23 new triples, total is now 87 Processing source #13 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.python-frog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-frog)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 87 Processing source #14 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.python-frog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-frog)] overriding old http://schema.org/identifier (python-frog -> ) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-frog)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 91 Processing source #15 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.python-frog.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-7e425b7cb27cf0f0)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 92 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog -> https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog/0.6.10 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (python-frog)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (python-frog)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (python-frog)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog/0.6.10 #1: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/python-frog/0.6.10 #2: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/python-frog.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing python-frog (https://github.com/proycon/python-frog) [Wed Sep 18 03:15:33 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/python-frog.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing python-timbl (https://github.com/proycon/python-timbl) [Wed Sep 18 03:15:33 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/python-timbl... [harvester info] Found release v2020.06.08 [harvester info] Using 'v2020.06.08' From https://github.com/proycon/python-timbl * tag v2020.06.08 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v2020.06.08 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/python-timbl for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for python-timbl, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2013-02-11T12:09:56Z+0100, date modified: 2020-06-08T22:37:07Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/proycon/python-timbl) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.rst [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 567 100 567 0 0 5324 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5349 100 4144 100 4144 0 0 16608 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 16608 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3885776 [harvester info] Converting README.rst to README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v2020.06.08) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.rst in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./timbl.py) [harvester info] Setting group TiMBL Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "python-timbl" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/python-timbl" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/python-timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.python-timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.python-timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.python-timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.python-timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.python-timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.python-timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.python-timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.python-timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.python-timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.python-timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.python-timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.python-timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.python-timbl.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 13 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.python-timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.python-timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.python-timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.python-timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.python-timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.python-timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.python-timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.python-timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.python-timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.python-timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.python-timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.python-timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.python-timbl.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl Processing source #1 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.python-timbl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.python-timbl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.python-timbl.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.python-timbl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.python-timbl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.python-timbl.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl)] processed 26 new triples, total is now 31 Processing source #7 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.python-timbl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2013-02-11T11:07:42Z -> 2013-02-11T12:09:56Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2020-06-08T20:38:01Z -> 2020-06-08T22:37:07Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 31 Processing source #8 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.python-timbl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 31 Processing source #9 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.python-timbl.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python3-timbl/2020.6.8 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python3-timbl)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-3f0ac1c94e3dfa8b -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H43a77c64e6404e25) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python3-timbl)] overriding old http://schema.org/codeRepository (https://github.com/proycon/python-timbl -> http://github.com/proycon/python-timbl) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python3-timbl)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (python-timbl, originally developed by Sander Canisius, is a Python extension module wrapping the full TiMBL C++ programming interface. With this module, all functionality exposed through the C++ interface is also available to Python scripts. Being able to access the API from Python greatly facilitates prototyping TiMBL-based applications. -> Python 3 language binding for the Tilburg Memory-Based Learner) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python3-timbl)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#wip) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python3-timbl)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (python-timbl -> python3-timbl) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python3-timbl)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v2020.06.08 -> 2020.6.8) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python3-timbl)] processed 53 new triples, total is now 71 Processing source #10 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.python-timbl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python3-timbl)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#wip -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python3-timbl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 71 Processing source #11 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.python-timbl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python3-timbl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 71 Processing source #12 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.python-timbl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python3-timbl)] overriding old http://schema.org/identifier (python3-timbl -> ) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python3-timbl)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 75 Processing source #13 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.python-timbl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-37451ef86e62a4f0)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 76 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl -> https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl/2020.6.8 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (python-timbl)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (python-timbl)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (python-timbl)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/sander-canisius as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (python-timbl)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl/2020.6.8 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl/2020.6.8 #2: Warning: The producer of the software source code *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl/2020.6.8 #3: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl/2020.6.8 #4: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl/2020.6.8 #5: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl/2020.6.8 #6: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl/2020.6.8 #7: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/python-timbl/2020.6.8 #8: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/python-timbl.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing python-timbl (https://github.com/proycon/python-timbl) [Wed Sep 18 03:15:46 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/python-timbl.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing python-ucto (https://github.com/proycon/python-ucto) [Wed Sep 18 03:15:46 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/python-ucto... [harvester info] Found release v0.6.8 [harvester info] Using 'v0.6.8' From https://github.com/proycon/python-ucto * tag v0.6.8 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.6.8 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/python-ucto for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for python-ucto, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2014-05-21T19:33:30Z+0200, date modified: 2024-09-12T14:10:03Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/proycon/python-ucto) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.rst [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 555 100 555 0 0 5216 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5235 100 4081 100 4081 0 0 7711 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 7711 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13754037 [harvester info] Converting README.rst to README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from https://folia.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ [harvester info] Found documentation at https://folia.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ : "name": "FoLiA: Format for Linguistic Annotation - Documentation and Reference Guide — FoLiA: Format for Linguistic Annotation v2.0 (rev 9.0) documentation", [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.6.8) if no version number is specified... Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 9 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.rst in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./ucto_wrapper.cpp) [harvester info] Setting group Ucto Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 9 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "python-ucto" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/python-ucto" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/python-ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.python-ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.python-ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.python-ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.python-ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.python-ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.python-ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.python-ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.python-ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.python-ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.python-ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.python-ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.python-ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.python-ucto.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 13 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.python-ucto.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.python-ucto.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.python-ucto.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.python-ucto.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.python-ucto.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.python-ucto.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.python-ucto.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.python-ucto.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.python-ucto.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.python-ucto.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.python-ucto.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.python-ucto.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.python-ucto.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto Processing source #1 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.python-ucto.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.python-ucto.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.python-ucto.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.python-ucto.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto)] processed 4 new triples, total is now 7 Processing source #5 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.python-ucto.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 9 Processing source #6 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.python-ucto.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #7 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.python-ucto.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto)] processed 26 new triples, total is now 35 Processing source #8 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.python-ucto.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2014-05-21T17:28:45Z -> 2014-05-21T19:33:30Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-12T14:01:52Z -> 2024-09-12T14:10:03Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 35 Processing source #9 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.python-ucto.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto/0.6.8 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-ucto)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-10ed4270b7502caf -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H307c73ffaf78b441) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-ucto)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (This is a Python binding to the tokenizer Ucto. Tokenisation is one of the first step in almost any Natural Language Processing task, yet it is not always as trivial a task as it appears to be. This binding makes the power of the ucto tokeniser available to Python. Ucto itself is regular-expression based, extensible, and advanced tokeniser written in C++ (http://ilk.uvt.nl/ucto). -> This is a Python binding to the tokenizer Ucto. Tokenisation is one of the first step in almost any Natural Language Processing task, yet it is not always as trivial a task as it appears to be. This binding makes the power of the ucto tokeniser available to Python. Ucto itself is a regular-expression based, extensible, and advanced tokeniser written in C++ (https://languagemachines.github.io/ucto).) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-ucto)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-ucto)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (python -> tokenizer tokenization tokeniser tokenisation nlp computational_linguistics ucto) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-ucto)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (text-processing -> tokenizer tokenization tokeniser tokenisation nlp computational_linguistics ucto) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-ucto)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (computational-linguistics -> tokenizer tokenization tokeniser tokenisation nlp computational_linguistics ucto) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-ucto)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (folia -> tokenizer tokenization tokeniser tokenisation nlp computational_linguistics ucto) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-ucto)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (nlp-library -> tokenizer tokenization tokeniser tokenisation nlp computational_linguistics ucto) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-ucto)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (nlp -> tokenizer tokenization tokeniser tokenisation nlp computational_linguistics ucto) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-ucto)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (tokenizer -> tokenizer tokenization tokeniser tokenisation nlp computational_linguistics ucto) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-ucto)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.6.8 -> 0.6.8) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-ucto)] processed 50 new triples, total is now 67 Processing source #10 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.python-ucto.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-ucto)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 67 Processing source #11 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.python-ucto.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-ucto)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 67 Processing source #12 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.python-ucto.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-ucto)] overriding old http://schema.org/identifier (python-ucto -> ) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (python-ucto)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 71 Processing source #13 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.python-ucto.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-626d5bcf5e181e99)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 72 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto -> https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto/0.6.8 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (python-ucto)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (python-ucto)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (python-ucto)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (python-ucto)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto/0.6.8 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto/0.6.8 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto/0.6.8 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto/0.6.8 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto/0.6.8 #5: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/python-ucto/0.6.8 #6: Info: A research activity *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the TaDiRaH vocabulary (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/python-ucto.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing python-ucto (https://github.com/proycon/python-ucto) [Wed Sep 18 03:15:59 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/python-ucto.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing ricgraph (https://github.com/UtrechtUniversity/ricgraph) [Wed Sep 18 03:15:59 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/UtrechtUniversity/ricgraph... [harvester info] Found release v2.4 [harvester info] Using 'v2.4' From https://github.com/UtrechtUniversity/ricgraph * tag v2.4 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v2.4 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/ricgraph for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for ricgraph (md5sum f261f0f3173ac3fbe9321bd4903362cb); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] found CITATION.cff for ricgraph, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor Rik D.T. Janssen <@> will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2023-01-10T20:04:11Z+0100, date modified: 2024-09-10T14:00:59Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/UtrechtUniversity/ricgraph) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 565 100 565 0 0 5112 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5136 100 9667 100 9667 0 0 17713 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 17713 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13740878 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Found TRL https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level6LatePrototype [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v2.4) if no version number is specified... Your branch is behind 'origin/main' by 54 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./docs) Your branch is behind 'origin/main' by 54 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "ricgraph" --codeRepository "https://github.com/UtrechtUniversity/ricgraph" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/ricgraph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.ricgraph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ricgraph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.ricgraph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.ricgraph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.ricgraph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.ricgraph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.ricgraph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.ricgraph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.ricgraph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-citationcff.ricgraph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.ricgraph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.ricgraph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.ricgraph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.ricgraph.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.ricgraph.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 15 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.ricgraph.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ricgraph.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.ricgraph.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.ricgraph.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.ricgraph.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.ricgraph.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.ricgraph.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.ricgraph.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.ricgraph.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-citationcff.ricgraph.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.ricgraph.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.ricgraph.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.ricgraph.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.ricgraph.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.ricgraph.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph Processing source #1 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.ricgraph.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ricgraph.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.ricgraph.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph)] processed 7 new triples, total is now 9 Processing source #4 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.ricgraph.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 11 Processing source #5 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.ricgraph.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 12 Processing source #6 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.ricgraph.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph)] processed 31 new triples, total is now 42 Processing source #7 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.ricgraph.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2023-01-10T19:02:05Z -> 2023-01-10T20:04:11Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-16T09:36:54Z -> 2024-09-10T14:00:59Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 42 Processing source #8 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.ricgraph.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph.contributors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph)] processed 7 new triples, total is now 43 Processing source #9 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.ricgraph.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 43 Processing source #10 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/12-citationcff.ricgraph.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-2e805eca38d415a7 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H333615d38d9e721e) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Ricgraph - Research in context graph -> Ricgraph, also known as Research in context graph, enables the exploration of researchers, teams, their results, collaborations, skills, projects, and the relations between these items. Ricgraph can store many types of items into a single graph. These items can be obtained from various systems and from multiple organizations. Ricgraph facilitates reasoning about these items because it infers new relations between items, relations that are not present in any of the separate source systems. It is flexible and extensible, and can be adapted to new application areas. Throughout this text, we illustrate how Ricgraph works by applying it to the application area research information. Motivation Ricgraph, also known as Research in context graph, is software that is about relations between items. These items can be collected from various source systems and from multiple organizations. We explain how Ricgraph works by applying it to the application area research information. We show the insights that can be obtained by combining information from various source systems, insight arising from new relations that are not present in each separate source system. Research information is about anything related to research: research results, the persons in a research team, their collaborations, their skills, projects in which they have participated, as well as the relations between these entities. Examples of research results are publications, data sets, and software. Example use cases from the application area research information are: (1) As a journalist, I want to find researchers with a certain skill and their publications, so that I can interview them for a newspaper article. (2) As a librarian, I want to enrich my local research information system with research results that are in other systems but not in ours, so that we have a more complete view of research at our university. (3) As a researcher, I want to find researchers from other universities that have co-authored publications written by the co-authors of my own publications, so that I can read their publications to find out if we share common research interests. These use cases use different types of information (called items): researchers, skills, publications, etc. Most often, these types of information are not stored in one system, so the use cases may be difficult or time-consuming to answer. However, by using Ricgraph, these use cases (and many others) are easy to answer. Although this text illustrates Ricgraph in the application area research information, the principle "relations between items from various source systems" is general, so Ricgraph can be used in other application areas. Main contributions of Ricgraph (1) Ricgraph can store many types of items in a single graph. (2) Ricgraph harvests multiple source systems into a single graph. (3) Ricgraph Explorer is the exploration tool for Ricgraph. (4) Ricgraph facilitates reasoning about items because it infers new relations between items. (5) Ricgraph can be tailored for an application area. Read more about Ricgraph For a gentle introduction in Ricgraph, read the reference publication: Rik D.T. Janssen (2024). Ricgraph: A flexible and extensible graph to explore research in context from various systems. SoftwareX, 26(101736). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2024.101736 Extensive documentation, publications, videos and source code can be found in the GitHub repository https://github.com/UtrechtUniversity/ricgraph The website for Ricgraph can be found at https://www.ricgraph.eu) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (ricgraph-explorer -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (data-enrichment -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (harvester -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (ricgraph -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (linked-data -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (research-in-context-graph -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (enrichment -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (ricgraph-rest-api -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (knowledge-graph -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (visualization -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (graph -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (metadata -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (harvest-data -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (data-harvesting -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (graph-database -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (harvest -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (utrecht-university -> Ricgraph) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> https://spdx.org/licenses/MIT) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (ricgraph -> Ricgraph - Research in context graph) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] processed 31 new triples, total is now 50 Processing source #11 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.ricgraph.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 51 Processing source #12 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.ricgraph.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 51 Processing source #13 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.ricgraph.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] processed 79 new triples, total is now 127 Processing source #14 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.ricgraph.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 127 Processing source #15 of 15 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.ricgraph.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] overriding old http://schema.org/identifier (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314 -> ) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7524314)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 131 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph -> https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph/v2.4 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ricgraph)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ricgraph)] automatically adding runtimePlatform Python derived from programmingLanguage Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ricgraph)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph/v2.4 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ricgraph/v2.4 #2: Info: A research domain *SHOULD* be expressed as a category using the NWO Research Fields vocabulary, if applicable (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/ricgraph.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing ricgraph (https://github.com/UtrechtUniversity/ricgraph) [Wed Sep 18 03:16:12 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/ricgraph.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing sasta (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/sastadev) [Wed Sep 18 03:16:12 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/sastadev... [harvester info] Found release 0.2.3 [harvester info] Using '0.2.3' From https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/sastadev * tag 0.2.3 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: 0.2.3 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/sasta for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for sasta, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2021-11-18T11:42:49Z+0100, date modified: 2024-06-18T16:31:39Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/sastadev) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 577 100 577 0 0 6245 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 6271 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 462 100 462 0 0 1013 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1840 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (0.2.3) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./tests) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "sasta" --codeRepository "https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/sastadev" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/sasta.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.sasta.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.sasta.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.sasta.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.sasta.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.sasta.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.sasta.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.sasta.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.sasta.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 8 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.sasta.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.sasta.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.sasta.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.sasta.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.sasta.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.sasta.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.sasta.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.sasta.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta Processing source #1 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.sasta.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.sasta.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.sasta.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.sasta.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.sasta.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.sasta.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/sastadev/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 19 Processing source #7 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.sasta.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2021-11-18T10:42:48Z -> 2021-11-18T11:42:49Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-12T07:22:41Z -> 2024-06-18T16:31:39Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 19 Processing source #8 of 8 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.sasta.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/sastadev/0.2.3 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (sastadev)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Method definitions for use in SASTA -> Linguistic functions for SASTA tool) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (sastadev)] processed 47 new triples, total is now 59 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta -> https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta/0.2.3 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (sasta)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (sasta)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (sasta)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/research-software-lab-centre-for-digital-humanities-utrecht-university as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (sasta)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta/0.2.3 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta/0.2.3 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta/0.2.3 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta/0.2.3 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/sasta/0.2.3 #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/sasta.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://sasta.hum.uu.nl for sasta: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/sasta.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/sasta.codemeta.json" "https://sasta.hum.uu.nl" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing sasta (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/sastadev) [Wed Sep 18 03:16:27 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/sasta.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing shebanq (https://github.com/ETCBC/shebanq) [Wed Sep 18 03:16:27 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/ETCBC/shebanq... [harvester info] Found release v4.2z [harvester info] Using 'v4.2z' From https://github.com/ETCBC/shebanq * tag v4.2z -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v4.2z [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/shebanq for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for shebanq (md5sum ebac1ae3903bb958ee22fa006709a479); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2017-10-19T14:54:22Z+0200, date modified: 2022-10-12T10:12:53Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/ETCBC/shebanq) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 541 100 541 0 0 4990 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5009 100 3989 100 3989 0 0 7095 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 7095 100 3989 100 3989 0 0 7085 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7234733 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v4.2z) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./models) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "shebanq" --codeRepository "https://github.com/ETCBC/shebanq" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/shebanq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.shebanq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.shebanq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.shebanq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.shebanq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.shebanq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.shebanq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.shebanq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.shebanq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.shebanq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.shebanq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.shebanq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.shebanq.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 12 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.shebanq.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.shebanq.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.shebanq.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.shebanq.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.shebanq.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.shebanq.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.shebanq.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.shebanq.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.shebanq.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.shebanq.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.shebanq.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.shebanq.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq Processing source #1 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.shebanq.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.shebanq.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.shebanq.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.shebanq.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.shebanq.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.shebanq.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] processed 22 new triples, total is now 27 Processing source #7 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.shebanq.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2013-11-21T09:13:04Z -> 2017-10-19T14:54:22Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-12-21T13:36:31Z -> 2022-10-12T10:12:53Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 27 Processing source #8 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.shebanq.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 27 Processing source #9 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.shebanq.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 27 Processing source #10 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.shebanq.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] overriding old http://schema.org/producer (https://tools.clariah.nl/org/eep-talstra-centre-for-bible-and-computer -> http://www.etcbc.nl) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] processed 106 new triples, total is now 130 Processing source #11 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.shebanq.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 130 Processing source #12 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.shebanq.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 135 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq -> https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq/v4.2z [CODEMETA VALIDATION (shebanq)] author not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (shebanq)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq/v4.2z #1: Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq/v4.2z #2: Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq/v4.2z #3: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq/v4.2z #4: Warning: The producer of the software source code *SHOULD* be expressed (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq/v4.2z #5: Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq/v4.2z #6: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/shebanq/v4.2z #7: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/shebanq.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://shebanq.ancient-data.org for shebanq: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/shebanq.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/shebanq.codemeta.json" "https://shebanq.ancient-data.org" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing shebanq (https://github.com/ETCBC/shebanq) [Wed Sep 18 03:16:40 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/shebanq.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing spaq (https://github.com/knaw-huc/SPAQ) [Wed Sep 18 03:16:41 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/knaw-huc/SPAQ... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'main' From https://github.com/knaw-huc/SPAQ * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: main [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/spaq for harvestable resources... [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2021-01-26T12:19:21Z+0100, date modified: 2024-02-14T17:18:20Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/knaw-huc/SPAQ) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#wip not a stub (./woorden.txt) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "spaq" --codeRepository "https://github.com/knaw-huc/SPAQ" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/spaq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.spaq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.spaq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.spaq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.spaq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.spaq.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.spaq.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 6 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.spaq.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.spaq.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.spaq.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.spaq.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.spaq.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.spaq.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq Processing source #1 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.spaq.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.spaq.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #3 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.spaq.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.spaq.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq)] processed 13 new triples, total is now 15 Processing source #5 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.spaq.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2021-01-26T10:27:44Z -> 2021-01-26T12:19:21Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-02-14T16:18:25Z -> 2024-02-14T17:18:20Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 15 Processing source #6 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.spaq.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 15 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq -> https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq/snapshot [CODEMETA VALIDATION (spaq)] author not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (spaq)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq/snapshot #1: Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq/snapshot #2: Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq/snapshot #3: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its version (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq/snapshot #4: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq/snapshot #5: Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq/snapshot #6: Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq/snapshot #7: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq/snapshot #8: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq/snapshot #9: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq/snapshot #10: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/spaq/snapshot #11: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/spaq.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing spaq (https://github.com/knaw-huc/SPAQ) [Wed Sep 18 03:16:49 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/spaq.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing stam-python (https://github.com/annotation/stam-python) [Wed Sep 18 03:16:49 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/annotation/stam-python... [harvester info] Found release v0.9.0 [harvester info] Using 'v0.9.0' From https://github.com/annotation/stam-python * tag v0.9.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.9.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/stam-python for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for stam-python (md5sum 47f7539dabba7c4fffebf125100d8e7a); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] found python setup for stam-python, converting to codemeta [harvester info] found Cargo.toml (rust) for stam-python, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2023-01-31T14:47:01Z+0100, date modified: 2024-08-29T18:19:39Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/annotation/stam-python) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 561 100 561 0 0 3413 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3420 100 4309 100 4309 0 0 7291 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 7291 100 4309 100 4309 0 0 7251 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13507634 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Found TRL https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level7ReleaseCandidate [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from https://stam-python.readthedocs.io [harvester info] Found documentation at https://stam-python.readthedocs.io : "name": "STAM Library for Python - API Documentation — stam-python version = '0.9.0' documentation", [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.9.0) if no version number is specified... Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 16 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./docs) [harvester info] Setting group STAM Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 16 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "stam-python" --codeRepository "https://github.com/annotation/stam-python" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.stam-python.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.stam-python.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 17 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.stam-python.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python Processing source #1 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.stam-python.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.stam-python.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.stam-python.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.stam-python.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] processed 4 new triples, total is now 7 Processing source #5 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.stam-python.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 9 Processing source #6 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.stam-python.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #7 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.stam-python.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] processed 19 new triples, total is now 28 Processing source #8 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.stam-python.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2023-02-07T13:18:02Z -> 2023-01-31T14:47:01Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-16T12:51:54Z -> 2024-08-29T18:19:39Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 28 Processing source #9 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.stam-python.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 28 Processing source #10 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.stam-python.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cargo.toml/0.9.0 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Python binding to work with STAM, the Standoff Text Annotation Model, from Python. Written in Rust. -> STAM is a library for dealing with standoff annotations on text, this is the python binding.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (python -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (library -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/readme (https://github.com/annotation/stam-python/blob/v0.9.0//README.md -> https://tools.clariah.nl/README.md) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareHelp (https://stam-python.readthedocs.io -> https://stam-python.readthedocs.io/) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.9.0 -> 0.9.0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] processed 38 new triples, total is now 52 Processing source #11 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.stam-python.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (stam)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (stam-python -> stam) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (stam)] processed 4 new triples, total is now 54 Processing source #12 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.stam-python.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (stam)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 55 Processing source #13 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.stam-python.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (stam)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 55 Processing source #14 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.stam-python.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (stam)] overriding old http://schema.org/producer (https://tools.clariah.nl/org/annotation -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H3b6d347858fa0f6d) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (stam)] processed 15 new triples, total is now 69 Processing source #15 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.stam-python.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (stam)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 69 Processing source #16 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.stam-python.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (stam)] overriding old http://schema.org/identifier (stam -> ) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (stam)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 73 Processing source #17 of 17 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.stam-python.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 74 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python/0.9.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (stam-python)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (stam-python)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#SoftwareLibrary based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (stam-python)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (stam-python)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python/0.9.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python/0.9.0 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-python/0.9.0 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/stam-python.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing stam-python (https://github.com/annotation/stam-python) [Wed Sep 18 03:17:04 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/stam-python.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing stam-rust (https://github.com/annotation/stam-rust) [Wed Sep 18 03:17:05 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/annotation/stam-rust... [harvester info] Found release v0.15.0 [harvester info] Using 'v0.15.0' From https://github.com/annotation/stam-rust * tag v0.15.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.15.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/stam-rust for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for stam-rust (md5sum 47f7539dabba7c4fffebf125100d8e7a); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] found Cargo.toml (rust) for stam-rust, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2023-01-03T17:56:32Z+0100, date modified: 2024-08-29T17:38:16Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/annotation/stam-rust) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 559 100 559 0 0 5402 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5427 100 5089 100 5089 0 0 9006 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 9006 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13503355 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Found TRL https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level7ReleaseCandidate [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from https://docs.rs/stam [harvester info] Found documentation at https://docs.rs/stam : "name": "stam - Rust", [harvester info] Scraping title from https://docs.rs/stam/ [harvester info] Found documentation at https://docs.rs/stam/ : "name": "stam - Rust", [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.15.0) if no version number is specified... Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 52 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./tests) [harvester info] Setting group STAM Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 52 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "stam-rust" --codeRepository "https://github.com/annotation/stam-rust" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/stam-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.stam-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.stam-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.stam-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.stam-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.stam-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.stam-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.stam-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.stam-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.stam-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.stam-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.stam-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.stam-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.stam-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.stam-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.stam-rust.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.stam-rust.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 16 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.stam-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.stam-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.stam-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.stam-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.stam-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.stam-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.stam-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.stam-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.stam-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.stam-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.stam-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.stam-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.stam-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.stam-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.stam-rust.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.stam-rust.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust Processing source #1 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.stam-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.stam-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.stam-rust.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.stam-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 11 Processing source #5 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.stam-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 13 Processing source #6 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.stam-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 14 Processing source #7 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.stam-rust.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] processed 20 new triples, total is now 33 Processing source #8 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.stam-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2023-01-03T12:34:52Z -> 2023-01-03T17:56:32Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-17T09:08:39Z -> 2024-08-29T17:38:16Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 33 Processing source #9 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.stam-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 33 Processing source #10 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.stam-rust.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cargo.toml/0.15.0 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Programming library for the Standoff Text Annotation Model (STAM), written in Rust. This is the primary software library for STAM with a focus on performance. -> STAM is a powerful library for dealing with stand-off annotations on text. This is the Rust library.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (text -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (rust -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (library -> annotation) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (stam-rust -> stam) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/readme (https://github.com/annotation/stam-rust/blob/v0.15.0//README.md -> https://tools.clariah.nl/README.md) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareHelp (https://docs.rs/stam/ -> https://docs.rs/stam) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareHelp (https://docs.rs/stam -> https://docs.rs/stam) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/url (https://annotation.github.io/stam -> https://github.com/annotation/stam) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.15.0 -> 0.15.0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] processed 93 new triples, total is now 110 Processing source #11 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.stam-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 111 Processing source #12 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.stam-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 111 Processing source #13 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.stam-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] overriding old http://schema.org/producer (https://tools.clariah.nl/org/annotation -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H6a3da11449bfbb57) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] processed 15 new triples, total is now 125 Processing source #14 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.stam-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 125 Processing source #15 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.stam-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 130 Processing source #16 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.stam-rust.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 131 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust/0.15.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (stam-rust)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (stam-rust)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#SoftwareLibrary based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (stam-rust)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (stam-rust)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust/0.15.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust/0.15.0 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-rust/0.15.0 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/stam-rust.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing stam-rust (https://github.com/annotation/stam-rust) [Wed Sep 18 03:17:17 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/stam-rust.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing stam-tools (https://github.com/annotation/stam-tools) [Wed Sep 18 03:17:18 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/annotation/stam-tools... [harvester info] Found release v0.8.0 [harvester info] Using 'v0.8.0' From https://github.com/annotation/stam-tools * tag v0.8.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.8.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/stam-tools for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for stam-tools (md5sum 2b827fccacf74d2f577ceb5c4ab5afe0); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] found Cargo.toml (rust) for stam-tools, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2023-03-21T15:44:21Z+0100, date modified: 2024-08-29T18:02:54Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/annotation/stam-tools) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 559 100 559 0 0 6607 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 6576 100 4384 100 4384 0 0 8707 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 8707 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13507481 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Found TRL https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level7ReleaseCandidate [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from https://docs.rs/regex/latest/regex/#syntax [harvester info] Found documentation at https://docs.rs/regex/latest/regex/#syntax : "name": "regex - Rust", [harvester info] Scraping title from https://docs.rs/stam-tools/ [harvester info] Found documentation at https://docs.rs/stam-tools/ : "name": "stamtools - Rust", [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.8.0) if no version number is specified... Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 27 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./tests) [harvester info] Setting group STAM Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 27 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "stam-tools" --codeRepository "https://github.com/annotation/stam-tools" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/stam-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.stam-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.stam-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.stam-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.stam-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.stam-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.stam-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.stam-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.stam-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.stam-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.stam-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.stam-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.stam-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.stam-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.stam-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.stam-tools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.stam-tools.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 16 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.stam-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.stam-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.stam-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.stam-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.stam-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.stam-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.stam-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.stam-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.stam-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.stam-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.stam-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.stam-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.stam-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.stam-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.stam-tools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.stam-tools.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools Processing source #1 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.stam-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.stam-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.stam-tools.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.stam-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 11 Processing source #5 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.stam-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 13 Processing source #6 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.stam-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 14 Processing source #7 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.stam-tools.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] processed 15 new triples, total is now 28 Processing source #8 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.stam-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2023-03-21T14:43:17Z -> 2023-03-21T15:44:21Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-16T11:31:35Z -> 2024-08-29T18:02:54Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 28 Processing source #9 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.stam-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 28 Processing source #10 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/23-rust.stam-tools.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/cargo.toml/0.8.0 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Command line tools for working with standoff text annotations (STAM) -> Command-line tools for working with stand-off annotations on text (STAM)) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/readme (https://github.com/annotation/stam-tools/blob/v0.8.0//README.md -> https://tools.clariah.nl/README.md) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareHelp (https://docs.rs/regex/latest/regex/#syntax -> https://github.com/annotation/stam-tools) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareHelp (https://docs.rs/stam-tools/ -> https://github.com/annotation/stam-tools) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.8.0 -> 0.8.0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] processed 63 new triples, total is now 80 Processing source #11 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.stam-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 81 Processing source #12 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.stam-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 81 Processing source #13 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.stam-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] overriding old http://schema.org/producer (https://tools.clariah.nl/org/annotation -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-5e4c8f747bfebf59) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 94 Processing source #14 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.stam-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 94 Processing source #15 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.stam-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 99 Processing source #16 of 16 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.stam-tools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 100 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools/0.8.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (stam-tools)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (stam-tools)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#CommandLineApplication based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (stam-tools)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (stam-tools)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools/0.8.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools/0.8.0 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam-tools/0.8.0 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/stam-tools.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing stam-tools (https://github.com/annotation/stam-tools) [Wed Sep 18 03:17:30 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/stam-tools.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing stam (https://github.com/annotation/stam) [Wed Sep 18 03:17:30 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/annotation/stam... [harvester info] Found release v1.1.0 [harvester info] Using 'v1.1.0' From https://github.com/annotation/stam * tag v1.1.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v1.1.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/stam for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for stam (md5sum e892bb9a9ee183702e914f9033c926e4); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2021-09-09T17:02:05Z+0200, date modified: 2024-08-23T14:08:40Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/annotation/stam) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 547 100 547 0 0 4178 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 4207 100 4754 100 4754 0 0 8495 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 8495 100 4754 100 4754 0 0 8493 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 [harvester info] Found DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13502362 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Found TRL https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level7ReleaseCandidate [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v1.1.0) if no version number is specified... Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 6 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./examples) [harvester info] Setting group STAM Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 6 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "stam" --codeRepository "https://github.com/annotation/stam" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/stam.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.stam.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.stam.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.stam.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.stam.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.stam.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.stam.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.stam.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.stam.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.stam.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.stam.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.stam.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.stam.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.stam.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 13 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.stam.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.stam.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.stam.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.stam.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.stam.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.stam.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.stam.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.stam.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.stam.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.stam.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.stam.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.stam.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.stam.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/stam Processing source #1 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.stam.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.stam.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.stam.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.stam.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.stam.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.stam.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] processed 21 new triples, total is now 26 Processing source #7 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.stam.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2022-09-19T16:27:57Z -> 2021-09-09T17:02:05Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-08-29T15:51:29Z -> 2024-08-23T14:08:40Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 26 Processing source #8 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.stam.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 27 Processing source #9 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.stam.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 27 Processing source #10 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.stam.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] overriding old http://schema.org/producer (https://tools.clariah.nl/org/annotation -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-34794d2431ad6342) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level7ReleaseCandidate -> https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Stage3Experimental) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] overriding old http://schema.org/url (https://annotation.github.io/stam/ -> https://annotation.github.io/stam) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] processed 18 new triples, total is now 41 Processing source #11 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.stam.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 41 Processing source #12 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-doi.stam.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] processed 5 new triples, total is now 46 Processing source #13 of 13 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.stam.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/stam [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/stam)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 47 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/stam -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stam/v1.1.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (stam)] author not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (stam)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam/v1.1.0 #1: Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam/v1.1.0 #2: Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam/v1.1.0 #3: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam/v1.1.0 #4: Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam/v1.1.0 #5: Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam/v1.1.0 #6: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam/v1.1.0 #7: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/stam/v1.1.0 #8: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/stam.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing stam (https://github.com/annotation/stam) [Wed Sep 18 03:17:39 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/stam.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing t2t (https://gitlab.science.ru.nl/ltenbosch/t2t) [Wed Sep 18 03:17:40 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git light cloning https://gitlab.science.ru.nl/ltenbosch/t2t... -- begin log -- Cloning into '/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//t2t'... fatal: could not read Username for 'https://gitlab.science.ru.nl': No such device or address -- end log -- [harvester error] Failed to git clone https://gitlab.science.ru.nl/ltenbosch/t2t [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing textannoviz (https://github.com/knaw-huc/textannoviz) [Wed Sep 18 03:17:40 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/knaw-huc/textannoviz... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'main' From https://github.com/knaw-huc/textannoviz * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Updating ffcd3d5..6b35932 Fast-forward package-lock.json | 4 ++-- package.json | 3 +-- src/projects/republic/EntityMetadata.tsx | 18 ------------------ src/projects/republic/config/index.tsx | 3 +-- src/projects/suriano/config/index.tsx | 2 +- 5 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 src/projects/republic/EntityMetadata.tsx [harvester info] Git reference: main [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/textannoviz for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found package.json (NodeJS) for textannoviz, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2022-03-08T14:16:35Z+0100, date modified: 2024-09-17T16:14:00Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/knaw-huc/textannoviz) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./index.html) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "textannoviz" --codeRepository "https://github.com/knaw-huc/textannoviz" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/textannoviz.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.textannoviz.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.textannoviz.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.textannoviz.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.textannoviz.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.textannoviz.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.textannoviz.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.textannoviz.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 7 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.textannoviz.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.textannoviz.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.textannoviz.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.textannoviz.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.textannoviz.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.textannoviz.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.textannoviz.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz Processing source #1 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.textannoviz.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.textannoviz.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #3 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.textannoviz.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.textannoviz.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz)] processed 12 new triples, total is now 14 Processing source #5 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.textannoviz.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2022-03-08T13:16:34Z -> 2022-03-08T14:16:35Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-17T14:39:39Z -> 2024-09-17T16:14:00Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 14 Processing source #6 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.textannoviz.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 14 Processing source #7 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.textannoviz.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz/0.15.10 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-or-later) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz)] processed 237 new triples, total is now 248 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz -> https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz/0.15.10 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (textannoviz)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (textannoviz)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/sebastiaan-van-daalen as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (textannoviz)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz/0.15.10 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz/0.15.10 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz/0.15.10 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz/0.15.10 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textannoviz/0.15.10 #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/textannoviz.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing textannoviz (https://github.com/knaw-huc/textannoviz) [Wed Sep 18 03:17:51 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/textannoviz.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing textfabric (https://github.com/annotation/text-fabric) [Wed Sep 18 03:17:52 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/annotation/text-fabric... [harvester info] Found release v12.5.4 [harvester info] Using 'v12.5.4' From https://github.com/annotation/text-fabric * tag v12.5.4 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v12.5.4 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/textfabric for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for textfabric (md5sum 01ac8cb475bb6947ec5a67a1d95cec7d); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] found python setup for textfabric, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor alef will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2017-10-19T14:44:47Z+0200, date modified: 2024-09-16T16:34:56Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/annotation/text-fabric) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 563 100 563 0 0 5391 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5413 100 455 100 455 0 0 924 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 924 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Found TRL https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level9Proven [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v12.5.4) if no version number is specified... Saved working directory and index state WIP on (no branch): dd7506416 many changes in data conversion functions Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 18 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./purge.sh) Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 18 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "textfabric" --codeRepository "https://github.com/annotation/text-fabric" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/textfabric.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.textfabric.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.textfabric.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.textfabric.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.textfabric.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.textfabric.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.textfabric.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.textfabric.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.textfabric.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.textfabric.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.textfabric.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.textfabric.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.textfabric.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.textfabric.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.textfabric.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 14 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.textfabric.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.textfabric.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.textfabric.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.textfabric.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.textfabric.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.textfabric.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.textfabric.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.textfabric.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.textfabric.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.textfabric.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.textfabric.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.textfabric.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.textfabric.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.textfabric.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric Processing source #1 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.textfabric.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.textfabric.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.textfabric.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #4 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.textfabric.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 12 Processing source #5 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.textfabric.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 13 Processing source #6 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.textfabric.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/text-fabric/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric)] processed 28 new triples, total is now 40 Processing source #7 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.textfabric.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2016-11-14T20:00:34Z -> 2017-10-19T14:44:47Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-16T14:35:00Z -> 2024-09-16T16:34:56Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 40 Processing source #8 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.textfabric.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric.contributors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 41 Processing source #9 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.textfabric.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 41 Processing source #10 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.textfabric.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/text-fabric/12.5.4 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H7a2e959c2a726f4b -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H2f9ef290a3ab21be) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (File format, model, API, and apps for manipulating text and its annotated features -> Processor and browser for annotated text corpora) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> https://www.repostatus.org/#wip) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (etcbc -> akkadian) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (bhsa -> akkadian) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (etcbc-data -> akkadian) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (search-algorithm -> akkadian) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (text-fabric -> akkadian) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (annotation -> akkadian) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (greek-bible -> akkadian) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (hebrew-bible -> akkadian) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (sumerian -> akkadian) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (sanskrit-language -> akkadian) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/keywords (search-engine -> akkadian) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v12.5.4 -> 12.5.4) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] processed 161 new triples, total is now 179 Processing source #11 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-trl.textfabric.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Stage3Experimental -> https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels#Level9Proven) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 179 Processing source #12 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.textfabric.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#wip -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 179 Processing source #13 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.textfabric.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H2f9ef290a3ab21be -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-1a7bcd1eb665f85e) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/producer (https://tools.clariah.nl/org/annotation -> https://huc.knaw.nl) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/targetProduct (https://tools.clariah.nl/commandlineapplication/tf/12.5.4 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-3d42a8c82ab32dc0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/targetProduct (https://tools.clariah.nl/commandlineapplication/tf-addnlp/12.5.4 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-3d42a8c82ab32dc0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/targetProduct (https://tools.clariah.nl/commandlineapplication/tf-xmlschema/12.5.4 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-3d42a8c82ab32dc0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/targetProduct (https://tools.clariah.nl/commandlineapplication/tf-zipall/12.5.4 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-3d42a8c82ab32dc0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/targetProduct (https://tools.clariah.nl/commandlineapplication/tf-fromxml/12.5.4 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-3d42a8c82ab32dc0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/targetProduct (https://tools.clariah.nl/commandlineapplication/tf-make/12.5.4 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-3d42a8c82ab32dc0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/targetProduct (https://tools.clariah.nl/commandlineapplication/tf-nbconvert/12.5.4 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-3d42a8c82ab32dc0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/targetProduct (https://tools.clariah.nl/commandlineapplication/tf-fromtei/12.5.4 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-3d42a8c82ab32dc0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/targetProduct (https://tools.clariah.nl/commandlineapplication/tf-zip/12.5.4 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-3d42a8c82ab32dc0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/applicationCategory (Text Processing > Linguistic -> https://vocabs.dariah.eu/tadirah/structuralAnalysis) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/applicationCategory (Sociology > History -> https://vocabs.dariah.eu/tadirah/structuralAnalysis) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/applicationCategory (Religion -> https://vocabs.dariah.eu/tadirah/structuralAnalysis) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/applicationCategory (Text Processing > Markup -> https://vocabs.dariah.eu/tadirah/structuralAnalysis) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/applicationCategory (Scientific/Engineering > Information Analysis -> https://vocabs.dariah.eu/tadirah/structuralAnalysis) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] overriding old http://schema.org/applicationCategory (Text Processing > Filters -> https://vocabs.dariah.eu/tadirah/structuralAnalysis) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] processed 288 new triples, total is now 450 Processing source #14 of 14 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.textfabric.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (text-fabric)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 450 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric -> https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric/12.5.4 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (textfabric)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (textfabric)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (textfabric)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (textfabric)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (textfabric)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textfabric/12.5.4 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/textfabric.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing textfabric (https://github.com/annotation/text-fabric) [Wed Sep 18 03:18:11 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/textfabric.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing textrepo-client (https://github.com/knaw-huc/textrepo-client-python) [Wed Sep 18 03:18:11 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/knaw-huc/textrepo-client-python... [harvester info] Found release v0.5.1 [harvester info] Using 'v0.5.1' From https://github.com/knaw-huc/textrepo-client-python * tag v0.5.1 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.5.1 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/textrepo-client for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for textrepo-client, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license MIT [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2021-03-08T14:57:58Z+0100, date modified: 2022-04-08T23:52:20Z+0200 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/knaw-huc/textrepo-client-python) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 579 100 579 0 0 4566 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 4595 100 463 100 463 0 0 926 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 926 100 463 100 463 0 0 925 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.5.1) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./tests) [harvester info] Setting group TextRepo Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "textrepo-client" --codeRepository "https://github.com/knaw-huc/textrepo-client-python" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/textrepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.textrepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.textrepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.textrepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.textrepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.textrepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.textrepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.textrepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.textrepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.textrepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.textrepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.textrepo-client.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.textrepo-client.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 12 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.textrepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.textrepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.textrepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.textrepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.textrepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.textrepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.textrepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.textrepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.textrepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.textrepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.textrepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.textrepo-client.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client Processing source #1 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.textrepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.textrepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.textrepo-client.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.textrepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.textrepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.textrepo-client.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client-python/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client)] processed 13 new triples, total is now 18 Processing source #7 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.textrepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2021-03-08T14:22:17Z -> 2021-03-08T14:57:58Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-09-05T13:23:52Z -> 2022-04-08T23:52:20Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 18 Processing source #8 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.textrepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT -> MIT) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 18 Processing source #9 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.textrepo-client.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client/0.5.1 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (textrepo-client)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Python client for TextRepo -> A Python client to access a textrepo server) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (textrepo-client)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/issueTracker (https://github.com/knaw-huc/textrepo-client-python/issues -> https://github.com/brambg/annorepo-python-client/issues) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (textrepo-client)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (textrepo-client-python -> textrepo-client) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (textrepo-client)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v0.5.1 -> 0.5.1) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (textrepo-client)] processed 62 new triples, total is now 72 Processing source #10 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.textrepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (textrepo-client)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive -> https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (textrepo-client)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 72 Processing source #11 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.textrepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (textrepo-client)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 72 Processing source #12 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.textrepo-client.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (textrepo-client)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 73 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client -> https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client/0.5.1 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (textrepo-client)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (textrepo-client)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (textrepo-client)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/bram-buitendijk as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (textrepo-client)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/hayco-de-jong as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (textrepo-client)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client/0.5.1 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client/0.5.1 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client/0.5.1 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client/0.5.1 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo-client/0.5.1 #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/textrepo-client.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing textrepo-client (https://github.com/knaw-huc/textrepo-client-python) [Wed Sep 18 03:18:23 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/textrepo-client.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing textrepo (https://github.com/knaw-huc/textrepo) [Wed Sep 18 03:18:23 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/knaw-huc/textrepo... [harvester info] Found release v1.19.0 [harvester info] Using 'v1.19.0' From https://github.com/knaw-huc/textrepo * tag v1.19.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v1.19.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/textrepo for harvestable resources... [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license Apache-2.0 [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2019-08-07T17:26:01Z+0200, date modified: 2022-03-15T14:51:17Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/knaw-huc/textrepo) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 553 100 553 0 0 6205 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 6284 100 450 100 450 0 0 1007 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1007 100 450 100 450 0 0 1005 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Scraping title from http://textrepo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ [harvester info] Found documentation at http://textrepo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ : "name": "Text Repository — Text Repository documentation", [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v1.19.0) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./examples) [harvester info] Setting group TextRepo Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "textrepo" --codeRepository "https://github.com/knaw-huc/textrepo" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/textrepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.textrepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.textrepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.textrepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.textrepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.textrepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.textrepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.textrepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.textrepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.textrepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.textrepo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.textrepo.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 11 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.textrepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.textrepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.textrepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.textrepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.textrepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.textrepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.textrepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.textrepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.textrepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.textrepo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.textrepo.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo Processing source #1 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.textrepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.textrepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.textrepo.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.textrepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo)] processed 4 new triples, total is now 7 Processing source #5 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.textrepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 9 Processing source #6 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.textrepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #7 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.textrepo.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo)] processed 13 new triples, total is now 22 Processing source #8 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.textrepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2019-08-07T15:28:33Z -> 2019-08-07T17:26:01Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-08T07:38:53Z -> 2022-03-15T14:51:17Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 22 Processing source #9 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.textrepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 -> Apache-2.0) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 22 Processing source #10 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.textrepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 22 Processing source #11 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.textrepo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 23 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo -> https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo/v1.19.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (textrepo)] author not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (textrepo)] done VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo/v1.19.0 #1: Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo/v1.19.0 #2: Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo/v1.19.0 #3: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo/v1.19.0 #4: Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo/v1.19.0 #5: Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo/v1.19.0 #6: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo/v1.19.0 #7: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo/v1.19.0 #8: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/textrepo/v1.19.0 #9: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/textrepo.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing textrepo (https://github.com/knaw-huc/textrepo) [Wed Sep 18 03:18:32 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/textrepo.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing ticcltools (https://github.com/languagemachines/ticcltools) [Wed Sep 18 03:18:33 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/languagemachines/ticcltools... [harvester info] Found release v0.10 [harvester info] Using 'v0.10' From https://github.com/languagemachines/ticcltools * tag v0.10 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.10 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/ticcltools for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for ticcltools (md5sum b0eb005172ef59f1c9bd6128ce431a01); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 3 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#unsupported [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README in master branch... not a stub (./tests) [harvester info] Setting group TICCL & PICCL Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 3 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "ticcltools" --codeRepository "https://github.com/languagemachines/ticcltools" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/ticcltools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ticcltools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ticcltools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.ticcltools.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.ticcltools.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 4 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ticcltools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ticcltools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.ticcltools.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.ticcltools.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/ticcltools Processing source #1 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ticcltools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ticcltools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ticcltools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ticcltools.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ticcltools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ticcltools)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> unsupported) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (ticcltools)] automatically converting status unsupported to repostatus URI [CODEMETA CORRECTION (ticcltools)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ticcltools)] processed 126 new triples, total is now 126 Processing source #3 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.ticcltools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ticcltools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ticcltools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 126 Processing source #4 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.ticcltools.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ticcltools [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ticcltools)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 127 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/ticcltools -> https://tools.clariah.nl/ticcltools/0.10 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ticcltools)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ticcltools)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#SoftwareLibrary based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ticcltools)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H57c054b863484c53 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ticcltools)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-10150c22657a957d as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ticcltools)] considering first author as maintainer [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ticcltools)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ticcltools/0.10 #1: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ticcltools/0.10 #2: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/ticcltools.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing ticcltools (https://github.com/languagemachines/ticcltools) [Wed Sep 18 03:18:36 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/ticcltools.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing timbl (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/timbl) [Wed Sep 18 03:18:36 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/LanguageMachines/timbl... [harvester info] Found release v6.9 [harvester info] Using 'v6.9' From https://github.com/LanguageMachines/timbl * tag v6.9 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v6.9 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/timbl for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for timbl (md5sum 454cef36cf48c1fbd1da16f8c199c3b0); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 15 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README in master branch... [harvester info] Parsing MAINTAINERS from master branch... not a stub (./demos) [harvester info] Setting group TiMBL Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 15 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "timbl" --codeRepository "https://github.com/LanguageMachines/timbl" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.timbl.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.timbl.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 4 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.timbl.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.timbl.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/timbl Processing source #1 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.timbl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/timbl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.timbl.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbl [CODEMETA CORRECTION (timbl)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (timbl)] processed 131 new triples, total is now 131 Processing source #3 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.timbl.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/maintainers/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (timbl)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 144 Processing source #4 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.timbl.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbl [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (timbl)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 145 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/timbl -> https://tools.clariah.nl/timbl/6.9 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (timbl)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (timbl)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-67f67adbc255eb33 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (timbl)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2493-656X as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (timbl)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-4c1545902da72917 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (timbl)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1046-0006 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (timbl)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-7b2ff1f744d27fa9 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (timbl)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H2465b7013047c0d7 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (timbl)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/timbl/6.9 #1: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/timbl/6.9 #2: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (The metadata does express this currently, but something is wrong in the way it is expressed. Is the type/class valid?) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/timbl/6.9 #3: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/timbl/6.9 #4: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/timbl.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing timbl (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/timbl) [Wed Sep 18 03:18:42 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/timbl.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing timbuctoo (https://github.com/HuygensING/timbuctoo) [Wed Sep 18 03:18:42 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/HuygensING/timbuctoo... [harvester info] Found release v7.15 [harvester info] Using 'v7.15' From https://github.com/HuygensING/timbuctoo * tag v7.15 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v7.15 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/timbuctoo for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found pom.xml (Java/Maven) for timbuctoo, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor kerim1 will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2012-08-15T14:23:19Z+0000, date modified: 2024-03-01T10:25:59Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/HuygensING/timbuctoo) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.adoc [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 555 100 555 0 0 4185 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 4204 100 451 100 451 0 0 2059 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2059 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.adoc... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.adoc... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.adoc... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.adoc... [harvester info] Scraping title from https://github.com/HuygensING/timbuctoo/blob/master/documentation/timbuctoo-graphql-api-guide.adoc[this [harvester info] Found documentation at https://github.com/HuygensING/timbuctoo/blob/master/documentation/timbuctoo-graphql-api-guide.adoc[this : [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v7.15) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.adoc in master branch... not a stub (./docker-compose-local-dev.yml) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "timbuctoo" --codeRepository "https://github.com/HuygensING/timbuctoo" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/timbuctoo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.timbuctoo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.timbuctoo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.timbuctoo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.timbuctoo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.timbuctoo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.timbuctoo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.timbuctoo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.timbuctoo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.timbuctoo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.timbuctoo.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.timbuctoo.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 11 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.timbuctoo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.timbuctoo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.timbuctoo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.timbuctoo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.timbuctoo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.timbuctoo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.timbuctoo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.timbuctoo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.timbuctoo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.timbuctoo.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.timbuctoo.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo Processing source #1 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.timbuctoo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.timbuctoo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.timbuctoo.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 10 Processing source #4 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/50-documentation.timbuctoo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo)] processed 3 new triples, total is now 13 Processing source #5 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.timbuctoo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 15 Processing source #6 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.timbuctoo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 16 Processing source #7 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.timbuctoo.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo)] processed 19 new triples, total is now 34 Processing source #8 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.timbuctoo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2013-12-18T13:37:39Z -> 2012-08-15T14:23:19Z+0000) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-05-01T16:41:57Z -> 2024-03-01T10:25:59Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 34 Processing source #9 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/32-contributors.timbuctoo.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo.contributors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo)] processed 8 new triples, total is now 35 Processing source #10 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.timbuctoo.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 35 Processing source #11 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.timbuctoo.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo/7.15 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H0f5750d8cc69c23c -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H732960632376a6e5) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (an RDF datastore that gives researchers control over the sharing of data between datasets -> An RDF datastore that gives researchers control over the sharing of data between datasets ) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (timbuctoo -> Timbuctoo) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo)] overriding old http://schema.org/producer (https://tools.clariah.nl/org/huygens-instituut-knaw -> https://tools.clariah.nl/org/huygens-ing) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v7.15 -> 7.15) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo)] processed 233 new triples, total is now 261 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo -> https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo/7.15 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (timbuctoo)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (timbuctoo)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo/7.15 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo/7.15 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo/7.15 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo/7.15 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/timbuctoo/7.15 #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/timbuctoo.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing timbuctoo (https://github.com/HuygensING/timbuctoo) [Wed Sep 18 03:18:58 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/timbuctoo.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing toad (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/toad) [Wed Sep 18 03:18:58 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/LanguageMachines/toad... [harvester info] Found release v0.8 [harvester info] Using 'v0.8' From https://github.com/LanguageMachines/toad * tag v0.8 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.8 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/toad for harvestable resources... [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license GPL-3.0-only [harvester info] Parsing AUTHORS... [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2015-12-08T12:33:57Z+0100, date modified: 2023-02-22T17:02:10Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/toad) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found buildInstructions in INSTALL [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 555 100 555 0 0 5147 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5186 100 451 100 451 0 0 2279 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2279 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v0.8) if no version number is specified... Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 2 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README in master branch... not a stub (./docs) [harvester info] Setting group Frog Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 2 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "toad" --codeRepository "https://github.com/LanguageMachines/toad" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/toad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.toad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.toad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.toad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.toad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/42-buildinstructions.toad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.toad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.toad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.toad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/31-authors.toad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.toad.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.toad.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 11 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.toad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.toad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.toad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.toad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/42-buildinstructions.toad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.toad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.toad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.toad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/31-authors.toad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.toad.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.toad.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/toad Processing source #1 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.toad.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/toad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/toad)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.toad.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/toad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/toad)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.toad.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/toad.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/toad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/toad)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.toad.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/toad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/toad)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/42-buildinstructions.toad.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/toad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/toad)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.toad.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/toad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/toad)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 7 Processing source #7 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.toad.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/toad/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/toad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/toad)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 20 Processing source #8 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.toad.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/toad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/toad)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2015-11-23T11:17:56Z -> 2015-12-08T12:33:57Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/toad)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-09-02T15:32:34Z -> 2023-02-22T17:02:10Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/toad)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 20 Processing source #9 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/31-authors.toad.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/authors/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/toad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/toad)] processed 12 new triples, total is now 31 Processing source #10 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.toad.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/toad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/toad)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only -> GPL-3.0-only) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/toad)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/toad)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 31 Processing source #11 of 11 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.toad.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/toad [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/toad)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 32 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/toad -> https://tools.clariah.nl/toad/v0.8 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (toad)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (toad)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/antal-van-de-bosch as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (toad)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/ko-van-der-sloot as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (toad)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/toad/v0.8 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/toad/v0.8 #2: Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/toad/v0.8 #3: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/toad/v0.8 #4: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/toad/v0.8 #5: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/toad/v0.8 #6: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/toad/v0.8 #7: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/toad.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing toad (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/toad) [Wed Sep 18 03:19:10 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/toad.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing tool-discovery (https://github.com/CLARIAH/tool-discovery) [Wed Sep 18 03:19:10 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/CLARIAH/tool-discovery... [harvester info] Found release v1.6.4 [harvester info] Using 'v1.6.4' From https://github.com/CLARIAH/tool-discovery * tag v1.6.4 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v1.6.4 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/tool-discovery for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for tool-discovery (md5sum 0be02e21d345b9926f5249d67fd0c0e5); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 6 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./papers) [harvester info] Setting group CLARIAH Tool Discovery Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 6 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "tool-discovery" --codeRepository "https://github.com/CLARIAH/tool-discovery" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/tool-discovery.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.tool-discovery.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.tool-discovery.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.tool-discovery.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.tool-discovery.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 4 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.tool-discovery.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.tool-discovery.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.tool-discovery.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.tool-discovery.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/tool-discovery Processing source #1 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.tool-discovery.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/tool-discovery [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/tool-discovery)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.tool-discovery.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://github.com/CLARIAH/tool-discovery.git Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/tool-discovery [CODEMETA CORRECTION (tool-discovery)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (tool-discovery)] processed 93 new triples, total is now 93 Processing source #3 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.tool-discovery.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/tool-discovery [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (tool-discovery)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 93 Processing source #4 of 4 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.tool-discovery.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/tool-discovery [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (tool-discovery)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 94 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/tool-discovery -> https://tools.clariah.nl/tool-discovery/1.6.4 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (tool-discovery)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (tool-discovery)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1046-0006 as contributor VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/tool-discovery/1.6.4 #1: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/tool-discovery.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://tools.clariah.nl for tool-discovery: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/tool-discovery.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/tool-discovery.codemeta.json" "https://tools.clariah.nl" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing tool-discovery (https://github.com/CLARIAH/tool-discovery) [Wed Sep 18 03:19:18 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/tool-discovery.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing tscan (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/tscan) [Wed Sep 18 03:19:18 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/tscan... [harvester info] Found release v0.10.0 [harvester info] Using 'v0.10.0' From https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/tscan * tag v0.10.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.10.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/tscan for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for tscan (md5sum 37c890d19da7cf758fe923c505df4e69); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** [harvester info] Your CITATION.cff is ignored because you already have a codemeta.json! Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README in master branch... not a stub (./data) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "tscan" --codeRepository "https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/tscan" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/tscan.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.tscan.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.tscan.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 2 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.tscan.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.tscan.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/tscan Processing source #1 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.tscan.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/tscan [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/tscan)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 2 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.tscan.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/tscan [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (tscan)] overriding old https://codemeta.github.io/terms/developmentStatus (https://www.repostatus.org/#active -> active) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (tscan)] automatically converting status active to repostatus URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (tscan)] processed 158 new triples, total is now 158 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/tscan -> https://tools.clariah.nl/tscan/0.10.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (tscan)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (tscan)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H6db909248d3dda79 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (tscan)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-7fbcc9249ebc227f as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (tscan)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-e436cf37dc94bb0 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (tscan)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-459701204f40fb41 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (tscan)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1046-0006 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (tscan)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/tscan/0.10.0 #1: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/tscan/0.10.0 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/tscan/0.10.0 #3: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/tscan.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://tscan.hum.uu.nl/tscan/ for tscan: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/tscan.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/tscan.codemeta.json" "https://tscan.hum.uu.nl/tscan/" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing tscan (https://github.com/UUDigitalHumanitieslab/tscan) [Wed Sep 18 03:19:35 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/tscan.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing ucto-service (https://github.com/proycon/ucto_webservice) [Wed Sep 18 03:19:35 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/proycon/ucto_webservice... [harvester info] Found release v2.5.2 [harvester info] Using 'v2.5.2' From https://github.com/proycon/ucto_webservice * tag v2.5.2 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v2.5.2 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/ucto-service for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta-harvest.json for ucto-service (md5sum 79f6bad556b55a273416daeae473f350); values in here take precendence over (override) those in later detection stages [harvester info] found python setup for ucto-service, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2022-04-08T14:07:37Z+0200, date modified: 2024-03-14T21:54:52Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/proycon/ucto_webservice) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 563 100 563 0 0 5267 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5311 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 455 100 455 0 0 937 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1723 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Found repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v2.5.2) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active not a stub (./ucto_webservice.nginx.conf) [harvester info] Setting group Ucto Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "ucto-service" --codeRepository "https://github.com/proycon/ucto_webservice" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/ucto-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.ucto-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ucto-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.ucto-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.ucto-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.ucto-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.ucto-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.ucto-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.ucto-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.ucto-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.ucto-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.ucto-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.ucto-service.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 12 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.ucto-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ucto-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.ucto-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.ucto-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.ucto-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.ucto-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.ucto-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.ucto-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.ucto-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.ucto-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.ucto-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.ucto-service.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service Processing source #1 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.ucto-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ucto-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.ucto-service.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.ucto-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.ucto-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.ucto-service.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto_webservice/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service)] processed 19 new triples, total is now 24 Processing source #7 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.ucto-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2022-04-08T11:59:05Z -> 2022-04-08T14:07:37Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2024-03-14T20:59:44Z -> 2024-03-14T21:54:52Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 24 Processing source #8 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.ucto-service.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-webservice/2.5.2 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/author (https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-3669efb9812950a0 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-14d9db03d3f46a16) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Webservice for the ucto, a rule-based tokeniser for multiple languages -> Ucto is a rule-based tokeniser for multiple languages. This is the webservice for it, for both humans and machines.) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (ucto_webservice -> Ucto-Webservice) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v2.5.2 -> 2.5.2) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto-webservice)] processed 59 new triples, total is now 74 Processing source #9 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/11-repostatus.ucto-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto-webservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 74 Processing source #10 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-harvest.ucto-service.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareRequirements (https://tools.clariah.nl/dependency/folia-tools -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H2cff3dfc1cd3f0f6) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/softwareRequirements (https://tools.clariah.nl/dependency/clam-ge-3-2-10 -> https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H2cff3dfc1cd3f0f6) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/applicationCategory (Internet > WWW/HTTP > WSGI > Application -> https://vocabs.dariah.eu/tadirah/annotating) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto-webservice)] overriding old http://schema.org/applicationCategory (Text Processing > Linguistic -> https://vocabs.dariah.eu/tadirah/annotating) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto-webservice)] processed 28 new triples, total is now 96 Processing source #11 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.ucto-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto-webservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 96 Processing source #12 of 12 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.ucto-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto-webservice)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 97 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service -> https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service/2.5.2 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ucto-service)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ucto-service)] Guessing interface type http://schema.org/WebAPI based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ucto-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ucto-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ucto-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ucto-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ucto-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ucto-service)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ucto-service)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/maarten-van-gompel as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ucto-service)] adding affiliation(s) of first author as producer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service/2.5.2 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service/2.5.2 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto-service/2.5.2 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/ucto-service.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/ucto/ for ucto-service: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/ucto-service.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/ucto-service.codemeta.json" "https://webservices.cls.ru.nl/ucto/" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing ucto-service (https://github.com/proycon/ucto_webservice) [Wed Sep 18 03:19:51 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/ucto-service.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing ucto (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/ucto) [Wed Sep 18 03:19:51 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/LanguageMachines/ucto... [harvester info] Found release v0.34 [harvester info] Using 'v0.34' From https://github.com/LanguageMachines/ucto * tag v0.34 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v0.34 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/ucto for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found codemeta.json for ucto (md5sum bf921474f922e7944914f5fc3ad6db2d); **NOTE: this is considered authoritative and most other detection methods will be skipped now!** Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 13 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... [harvester info] Found repostatus (master branch) https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README in master branch... [harvester info] Parsing MAINTAINERS from master branch... not a stub (./tests) [harvester info] Setting group Ucto Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 13 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "ucto" --codeRepository "https://github.com/LanguageMachines/ucto" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.ucto.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.ucto.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 5 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ucto.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ucto.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.ucto.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.ucto.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.ucto.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto Processing source #1 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.ucto.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/10-jsonld.ucto.codemeta.json Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto [CODEMETA CORRECTION (ucto)] automatically converting spdx license URI from https:// to http:/// [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto)] processed 268 new triples, total is now 268 Processing source #3 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-repostatus.ucto.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 268 Processing source #4 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/05-maintainers.ucto.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/maintainers/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 281 Processing source #5 of 5 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/04-applicationSuite.ucto.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (ucto)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 282 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto -> https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto/0.34 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (ucto)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ucto)] adding author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1046-0006 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (ucto)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H-45534f049a4cd5e7 as contributor VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/ucto/0.34 #1: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/ucto.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing ucto (https://github.com/LanguageMachines/ucto) [Wed Sep 18 03:19:57 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/ucto.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing udpipe-frysk-service (https://bitbucket.org/fryske-akademy/udpipe.git) [Wed Sep 18 03:19:57 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://bitbucket.org/fryske-akademy/udpipe.git... [harvester info] Found release udpipe-service-4.10 [harvester info] Using 'udpipe-service-4.10' From https://bitbucket.org/fryske-akademy/udpipe * tag udpipe-service-4.10 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: udpipe-service-4.10 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/udpipe-frysk-service/udpipeService for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found pom.xml (Java/Maven) for udpipe-frysk-service, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2020-11-18T09:54:59Z+0000, date modified: 2023-11-26T09:23:18Z+0100 [harvester info] Not querying API for https://bitbucket.org/fryske-akademy/udpipe (no implementation) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 591 100 591 0 0 6233 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 6287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 469 100 469 0 0 961 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1663 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (udpipe-service-4.10) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#active [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./src) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "udpipe-frysk-service" --codeRepository "https://bitbucket.org/fryske-akademy/udpipe.git" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 7 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service Processing source #1 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 8 Processing source #7 of 7 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/21-java.udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/org.fryske-akademy.udpipe-service/4.10 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.fryske-akademy.udpipe-service)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (udpipe-service-4.10 -> 4.10) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (org.fryske-akademy.udpipe-service)] processed 57 new triples, total is now 63 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service -> https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service/4.10 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (udpipe-frysk-service)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (udpipe-frysk-service)] Guessing interface type http://schema.org/WebAPI based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (udpipe-frysk-service)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/stub/H574086b610d64112 as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (udpipe-frysk-service)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service/4.10 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service/4.10 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service/4.10 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service/4.10 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/udpipe-frysk-service/4.10 #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json [harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL https://frisian.eu/udpipeservice/ for udpipe-frysk-service: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/udpipe-frysk-service.codemeta.json" "https://frisian.eu/udpipeservice/" [harvester info] <-- Finished processing udpipe-frysk-service (https://bitbucket.org/fryske-akademy/udpipe.git) [Wed Sep 18 03:20:09 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/udpipe-frysk-service.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing vocabulary-recommender-search-ui (https://github.com/CLARIAH/search-UI) [Wed Sep 18 03:20:09 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/CLARIAH/search-UI... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'main' From https://github.com/CLARIAH/search-UI * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: main [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found package.json (NodeJS) for vocabulary-recommender-search-ui, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2022-11-15T13:28:46Z+0100, date modified: 2022-12-21T08:48:13Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/CLARIAH/search-UI) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive not a stub (./yarn.lock) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "vocabulary-recommender-search-ui" --codeRepository "https://github.com/CLARIAH/search-UI" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 6 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui Processing source #1 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #3 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/search-ui/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui)] processed 11 new triples, total is now 13 Processing source #5 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2022-11-15T09:39:59Z -> 2022-11-15T13:28:46Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-12-12T12:35:17Z -> 2022-12-21T08:48:13Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 13 Processing source #6 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/search-ui/1.0.0 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (search-UI -> search-ui) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui)] processed 380 new triples, total is now 391 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui -> https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui/1.0.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (vocabulary-recommender-search-ui)] license not set [CODEMETA VALIDATION (vocabulary-recommender-search-ui)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (vocabulary-recommender-search-ui)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/triply as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (vocabulary-recommender-search-ui)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui/1.0.0 #1: Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui/1.0.0 #2: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui/1.0.0 #3: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui/1.0.0 #4: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui/1.0.0 #5: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui/1.0.0 #6: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing vocabulary-recommender-search-ui (https://github.com/CLARIAH/search-UI) [Wed Sep 18 03:20:20 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/vocabulary-recommender-search-ui.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing vocabulary-recommender (https://github.com/CLARIAH/vocabulary-recommender) [Wed Sep 18 03:20:20 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/CLARIAH/vocabulary-recommender... [harvester info] No releases found, falling back to default git branch! [harvester info] Using 'main' From https://github.com/CLARIAH/vocabulary-recommender * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: main [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/vocabulary-recommender for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found package.json (NodeJS) for vocabulary-recommender, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] No license file found [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2022-09-05T09:38:34Z+0200, date modified: 2022-12-23T13:24:13Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/CLARIAH/vocabulary-recommender) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive not a stub (./yarn.lock) [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "vocabulary-recommender" --codeRepository "https://github.com/CLARIAH/vocabulary-recommender" --validate /etc/software.ttl --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 6 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender Processing source #1 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #3 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender)] processed 10 new triples, total is now 12 Processing source #5 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2022-09-09T15:12:06Z -> 2022-09-05T09:38:34Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2022-12-23T12:24:18Z -> 2022-12-23T13:24:13Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 12 Processing source #6 of 6 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/22-npm.vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender/2.0.0 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender)] overriding old http://schema.org/codeRepository (https://github.com/CLARIAH/vocabulary-recommender -> git+https://github.com/CLARIAH/vocabulary-recommender.git) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender)] processed 102 new triples, total is now 110 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender -> https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender/2.0.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (vocabulary-recommender)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (vocabulary-recommender)] Guessing interface type https://w3id.org/software-types#SoftwareLibrary based on clues [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (vocabulary-recommender)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender/2.0.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender/2.0.0 #2: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender/2.0.0 #3: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender/2.0.0 #4: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vocabulary-recommender/2.0.0 #5: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/vocabulary-recommender.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing vocabulary-recommender (https://github.com/CLARIAH/vocabulary-recommender) [Wed Sep 18 03:20:31 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/vocabulary-recommender.harvest.log [harvester info] (any map index 'errors' below should be considered just as notices, they are expected!) Error: could not access map index: property not found: root Error: could not access map index: property not found: scandirs Error: could not access map index: property not found: services Error: could not access map index: property not found: group Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagprefix Error: could not access map index: property not found: tagignore Error: could not access map index: property not found: ref [harvester info] --> Processing vurmpipe (https://github.com/cltl/vu-rm-pip3) [Wed Sep 18 03:20:31 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Git updating cached clone of https://github.com/cltl/vu-rm-pip3... [harvester info] Found release v3.0 [harvester info] Using 'v3.0' From https://github.com/cltl/vu-rm-pip3 * tag v3.0 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. [harvester info] Git reference: v3.0 [harvester info] Scanning directory /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache/vurmpipe for harvestable resources... [harvester info] found python setup for vurmpipe, converting to codemeta [harvester info] Looking for license.... [harvester info] Found license Apache-2.0 [harvester info] Getting contributors from git... [harvester info] No git contributors found [harvester info] Getting top contributor from git... [harvester info] Git top contributor will be assigned as author (and maintainer) if none are found in the metadata [harvester info] Extracting last and first commit date from git log.... [harvester info] Date created: 2018-07-25T11:44:47Z+0200, date modified: 2019-03-24T22:55:06Z+0100 [harvester info] Querying Github/GitLab API (https://github.com/cltl/vu-rm-pip3) [harvester info] Adding URL for found README: README.md [harvester info] Found releaseNotes [harvester info] Querying Zenodo API for DOI (access token provided)... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 543 100 543 0 0 5003 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5027 100 445 100 445 0 0 2013 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2013 Error: index out of range: index not found: 0 [harvester info] Looking for TRL information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for continuous integration information in README.md... [harvester info] Looking for documentation links in README.md... [harvester info] Falling back to git tag (v3.0) if no version number is specified... Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Inferring repostatus information from git activity (used only as a fallback if not explicitly provided)... [harvester info] Inferred repostatus https://www.repostatus.org/#inactive [harvester info] Looking for repostatus information in README.md in master branch... not a stub (./tests) Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. [harvester info] Reconciliating: codemetapy --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --baseuri https://tools.clariah.nl --includecontext --addcontext https://w3id.org/nwo-research-fields --addcontext https://w3id.org/research-technology-readiness-levels --addcontextgraph https://vocabs.dariah.eu/rest/v1/tadirah/data?format=text/turtle --trl --identifier "vurmpipe" --codeRepository "https://github.com/cltl/vu-rm-pip3" --validate /etc/software.ttl --released --enrich --textv "Please consult the CLARIAH Software Metadata Requirements at https://github.com/CLARIAH/clariah-plus/blob/main/requirements/software-metadata-requirements.md for an in-depth explanation of any found problems" -O /tmp/out/vurmpipe.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.vurmpipe.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.vurmpipe.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.vurmpipe.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.vurmpipe.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.vurmpipe.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.vurmpipe.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.vurmpipe.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.vurmpipe.codemeta.json /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.vurmpipe.codemeta.json -- begin log -- Passed 9 files/sources but specified 0 input types! Automatically guessing types... Detected input types: [('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.vurmpipe.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.vurmpipe.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.vurmpipe.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.vurmpipe.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.vurmpipe.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.vurmpipe.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.vurmpipe.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.vurmpipe.codemeta.json', 'json'), ('/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.vurmpipe.codemeta.json', 'json')] Adding to contextgraph: /tmp/turtle Initial URI automatically generated, may be overriden later: https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe Processing source #1 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-version.vurmpipe.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 2 Processing source #2 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/99-repostatus.vurmpipe.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #3 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/90-authors.vurmpipe.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe.topcontributor/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 3 Processing source #4 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/43-releasenotes.vurmpipe.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 5 Processing source #5 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/41-readme.vurmpipe.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 6 Processing source #6 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/40-gitapi.vurmpipe.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vu-rm-pip3/snapshot Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe)] processed 14 new triples, total is now 19 Processing source #7 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/39-gitdate.vurmpipe.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateCreated (2018-07-25T09:45:07Z -> 2018-07-25T11:44:47Z+0200) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe)] overriding old http://schema.org/dateModified (2023-05-22T21:55:12Z -> 2019-03-24T22:55:06Z+0100) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe)] processed 2 new triples, total is now 19 Processing source #8 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/29-license.vurmpipe.codemeta.json NOTE: Not a valid JSON-LD document, @context missing! Attempting to inject automatically... Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe)] overriding old http://schema.org/license (http://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 -> Apache-2.0) [CODEMETA CORRECTION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe)] automatically converting license to spdx URI [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe)] processed 1 new triples, total is now 19 Processing source #9 of 9 Parsing json-ld file from /tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/20-python.vurmpipe.codemeta.json Found main resource with URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe/3.0 Injected (possibly temporary) URI https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (vurmpipe)] overriding old http://schema.org/description (Dutch NewsReader pipeline -> VU Reading Machine Pipeline) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (vurmpipe)] overriding old http://schema.org/name (vu-rm-pip3 -> vurmpipe) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (vurmpipe)] overriding old http://schema.org/version (v3.0 -> 3.0) [CODEMETA COMPOSITION (vurmpipe)] processed 40 new triples, total is now 54 Remapping URI to (possibly) new identifier and version component: https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe -> https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe/3.0 [CODEMETA VALIDATION (vurmpipe)] done [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (vurmpipe)] automatically adding programmingLanguage Python derived from runtimePlatform Python [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (vurmpipe)] adding author https://tools.clariah.nl/person/sophie-arnoult as contributor [CODEMETA ENRICHMENT (vurmpipe)] considering first author as maintainer VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe/3.0 #1: Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe/3.0 #2: Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe/3.0 #3: Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe/3.0 #4: Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe/3.0 #5: Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata) VALIDATION https://tools.clariah.nl/vurmpipe/3.0 #6: Info: The technology readiness level *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata) -- end log -- [harvester info] Output written to /tmp/out/vurmpipe.codemeta.json [harvester info] <-- Finished processing vurmpipe (https://github.com/cltl/vu-rm-pip3) [Wed Sep 18 03:20:43 UTC 2024] [harvester info] Log written to /tmp/out/vurmpipe.harvest.log