
Provided tools & services

Ineo - Start using digital humanities resources - Ineo

Ineo lets you search, browse, find and select digital resources for your research in humanities and social sciences. The platform is already fully functional, but is still being filled with resource content. At the end of 2023, it will offer access to many tools, datasets, workflows, standards and educational material.
  • Web Application


You can cite this software using the following citation generated from its metadata:

Logs & Reviews

Automatic software metadata validation report for unnamed software (unknown version)
  • codemetapy validator using software.ttl
2024-09-15 03:09:53
Validation of unnamed software (unknown version) failed (score 0/5) due to one or more requirement violations:

1. Violation: Software source code *MUST* have a name. (This is missing in the metadata)
2. Violation: Software source code *MUST* have one (short) description. (This is missing in the metadata)
3. Violation: The authors of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata)
4. Violation: The maintainer of the software source code *MUST* be expressed. (This is missing in the metadata)
5. Violation: Software source code *MUST* have a code repository URL. (This is missing in the metadata)
6. Violation: Software source code *MUST* have a proper README. (This is missing in the metadata)
7. Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its license (This is missing in the metadata)
8. Violation: Software source code *MUST* state its version (This is missing in the metadata)
9. Info: Software source code *SHOULD* link to a continuous integration service that builds the software and runs the software's tests (This is missing in the metadata)
10. Info: Software source code *MAY* express the programming language(s) used (This is missing in the metadata)
11. Warning: The producer of the software source code *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata)
12. Warning: All contributors *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata)
13. Info: An interface type *SHOULD* be expressed: Software source code should define one or more target products that are the resulting software applications offering specific interfaces (This is missing in the metadata)
14. Warning: Documentation *SHOULD* be expressed (This is missing in the metadata)
15. Info: Reference publications *SHOULD* be expressed, if any (This is missing in the metadata)
16. Info: The funder *SHOULD* be acknowledged (This is missing in the metadata)
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(log file starts at Sun Sep 15 03:09:52 UTC 2024)

[harvester info] --> Processing orphan service ineo [Sun Sep 15 03:09:52 UTC 2024]

[harvester info] Creating dummy codemeta.json for orphan service: codemetapy --identifier "ineo" --validate /etc/software.ttl /dev/null > /tmp/out/ineo.codemeta.json

[harvester info] Harvesting remote service URL for ineo: codemetapy  --baseuri --baseuri --includecontext --addcontext --addcontext --addcontextgraph --trl -O "/tmp/codemeta-harvester.cache//tmp/ineo.codemeta.json" "/tmp/out/ineo.codemeta.json" ""

[harvester info] <-- Finished processing ineo () [Sun Sep 15 03:09:55 UTC 2024]


Metadata Properties

Interface types
  • Web Application
Metadata validation
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